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Spirit of the Century
Fate v2
Social - Minor
- Aroused
- Clammy hands
- Deja vu
- Distracted
- Embarrassed
- Flabbergasted
- Hesitant
- Irritable
- Shaken
- Sweaty
- Uncertain
- Upset
- "What a bore."
- Spilt wine/food/baby vomit on shirt
- Running out of time
Social - Major
- Deeply ashamed
- Dissociated
- Flashbacks
- Furious
- Injured ego
- It seemed like a good idea at the time.
- Mild panic (works in personal combat too)
- Out of style
- Overreacting
- Second guessing everything now
- Unappealing
- Uncommunicative
- Vertigo
- Yelling
- Caught in the act
Social - Severe
- Burning, acid rage
- Catatonic
- Completely confused
- Completely under his/her/their spell
- Game over, man. Game over (works in combat, too)
- Grist for the rumor mill.
- Laughing stock
- Paralyzed with fear (works in combat, too)
- Sobbing uncontrollably
- These guys are just too good
- Utter distrust
- Complete loss of faith/confidence/desire/purpose
Personal Combat
Personal - Minor
- Cut
- Bad cough
- Blood-slick grip
- Bruised arm (etc.)
- Dazed
- Dizzy
- Grazed
- Knocked for a loop
- Little fingers aren't that important
- Little blood in my eyes
- Misaligned sights
- My bruises make such a pretty pattern...
- Nauseous
- Off balance
- Only a flesh wound
- Punctured pressure suit
- Second-degree burns
- Stitch in the side
- That's gonna leave a mark
- Twisted ankle
- Weapon jammed
- Wind knocked out of me
- WARNING: This gas has reduced your lifespan by 10 years...
- You'll have them slugs in ya fer years
Personal - Major
- Bleeding badly
- Blurred vision
- Broken arm
- Complete loss of bladder and bowel control
- Concussed
- Coughing up a little blood
- Cracked rib
- Internal bleeding
- One eye "God gave us two of them anyway"
- Puking up your guts, figuratively (upgrade to severe in a space suit or free fall)
- Shattered foot
- Sprained thumb (or sprained anything, really, but thumbs are just mean)
Personal - Severe
- Amputated AND cauterized - mining lasers do it ALL
- A sucking chest wound is Nature's way of telling you to slow down
- Anosmia (can't taste or smell - ridiculous suicide rate)
- Bleeding out
- Blinded
- Brain damage
- Lobotomy
- Losing facial recognition
- Loss of impulse control
- Massive clumsiness
- Memory loss/amnesia
- Seizures
- Unable to form new memories
- Deaf
- Needs food badly.
- Pretty sure that's supposed to face the other way
- Puking up your guts, literally
- Punctured lung
- Shattered knees
- Smashed organs
- Third-degree burns
- Vomiting blood
Ship - Minor
- Comm interference
- Control panels explode, killing redshirts
- Crap flying everywhere
- Data backups lost
- Emergency lighting only
- Every interior hatch is locked (successful EW)
- Fatigue fractures
- Flickering electricals
- Getting hot in here
- Groaning frame
- I hear an ominous hissing
- Klaxons wailing for no good reason (successful EW)
- Leaking atmosphere
- Obnoxious pop-ups (more EW)
- Panicked crewmember
- Plumbing catastrophe (see "crap flying everywhere")
- Rebooting
- System lag
Ship - Major
- Beams (torpedoes, propulsion, navigation, etc.) off-line
- Beams firing on overload
- Blue screen of death
- Breach on deck C
- Burning metal surfaces
- Can't get this spin under control
- Casualties in Engineering
- Coolant leaks
- Fighter crashed in docking bay
- Friend-or-Foe Recognition Disabled* (another EW consequence)
- Internal network severed
- It's like a sauna in here
- Losing cargo from holds
- Mass load asymmetries
- None of these targets can be real
- Positioning motors firing randomly
- Uncontrolled overburn
- Venting r-mass
Ship - Severe
- Airlock Override! (venting atmo into space, crew scrambling for vac suits)
- Bridge crew all dead
- Drives shut down
- Enemy owns my fire control system
- Engineering is radioactive
- Even the backup systems are offline
- Heat radiators destroyed
- Mutinous crew ("The Captain's a madman! He'll get us all killed!")
- Positioning completely unresponsive
- 70% of reaction mass lost
- "She'll crack in half if you give her that much throttle."
- Too hot to breathe
- Total decompression
Wealth - Minor
- Account suspended due to unusual activity
- Draw attention
- Drawn out contract negotiation
- Greedy official
- Higher processing fee
- Illiquid
- Longer than normal processing time
- Minor cash flow problems
- Minor fines
- Minor fraud
- Not worth as much as I thought
- Out of cash
- Overdraft fee
- Permit fees
- Slightly more than estimated
- Small claims court
- Service fee
Wealth - Major
- Account emptied (and not by you)
- Audited
- Bad bookkeeping
- Behind with Loan Sharks
- Confiscation of a valuable item
- Contract renegotiated
- Counterfeit goods
- Draw criminal attention
- Draw major media attention (where applicable)
- Exchange rates increased
- Higher insurance rates
- Higher interest rates
- Higher taxes
- Investigated
- Large fines
- Major cash flow problems
- Major fraud
- Past performance does not indicate future behavior
- Slow payment
- Subpoenaed
- Summary judgment
- Theft/embezzlement
- Unexpected debt
- Very greedy official
- Worthless trade goods
Wealth - Severe
- Accounts frozen
- Arrested
- Bankruptcy
- Confiscation of a very valuable item
- Contract invalidated
- Counterfeit money/credits
- Credit freeze
- Debtor's prison
- Major embezzlement
- Major robbery
- Major unexpected debt
- What do you mean, "money laundering laws"?