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The titular government of the city itself rests in the hands of the Council of Boroughs, a body of 24 individuals 'elected' from each of the city's six boroughs (thought the election process itself consists not of open ballots, but private convocations among an area's most influential -- and therefore unofficially enfranchised -- residents). This Council selects a Mayor, who is officially responsible for the actual administrative management of the city, and approves the mayor's appointments to the city's various Ministries and public offices. The Council normally convenes one day a month, although it may be more frequently in times of crises or when important matters are afoot that require their direct attention.

In actuality, the real control of the city's power and purse strings lies with the scions of the five families who head the most powerful of the city's Great Guilds -- the Bartano, the Cellinis, the Maggias, the Warrusche, and the Guild of Smiths. These individuals are able to use their influence to virtually dictate the outcome of the council elections in all the boroughs save the Heights. By stocking the Council with their picked men, the five groups are able to direct events to the course of their liking while remaining largely unseen by the general populace.

The city's various ministries are charged with administration of Public roads and Highways; guards, constables, and militia; Ports and Shipping; and the Ministry of Exchequer, among others. Each is managed by one of the Mayor's appointees. The current mayor, Mayor Coronalli, is a relatively competent and honest fellow, but less than a perfect judge of men -- thus his appointees run the gamut from hardworking to appallingly greedy and venal. In day to day activities, the ministries tend to operate relatively autonomously -- if something needs to get done it gets done, unusually leaving the Council little option but to act as a rubber stamp.

The Law

One other set of city officials is also quite influential -- its five High Judges, appointed 'by the people' for 10 year terms These individuals are responsible for the conduct of courts and trials involving the 'common justice ' in Petrana, which covers most civil and criminal cases. All but one of the judges are known as fair and relatively unbiased in their judgments and in meting out punishments seem more inclined to assess monetary fines than lashings or dismemberment. The Judges also have wide-ranging power over the actions of a host of Magistrates and lower courts, and responsibilities for the governance of the city's two prison facilities, the Gray and Black Halls.

Three other courts also handle various aspects of justice in Petrana, depending on the nature of the case: the Ducal Court of the Eagle Standard handles capital crimes of murder, treason, and any case involving members of the nobility; the court of the Exchequer handles and case involving city revenues, and the Circle Council claims jurisdiction over any case involving sorcery or the unlawful use of magic within the city walls.

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Page last modified on February 04, 2007, at 07:43 PM by DoyceTesterman

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