The Holy Family
- Durahs: Viceroy of Arūl, Second Son of the Khurtūm.
- Ku'Pah Vohnekar, The Khurtūm: While Ku'Pah was a strong and imposing warrior in his youth, he has gone soft and complacent in his middle age. Ku'Pah has allowed the bureaucracy to take over day-to-day administration.
- P'har Ahnekar: Previous High Priest of Akalatan, and the Khurtūm's son. He was charismatic, imposing, a talented leader and a capable administrator, but was sacrificed when Durahs fled his sacrifice.
- Sendar: High Priest of Klysus, Son of Akalatan.
- Sendil: High Priestess of Klysus, Daughter of Akalatan.
Sanctified Caste
- Aazol: Guard of the Treasury
- Ankar'na: Viper Guard Police Chief
- Arbinar: Chief Apothecary
- Lu'amfa: Solar Guard Chieftain
- Malesan: Akalatan priest (the "real" kind), former friend of Solani, former heretic, now a follower of a new cult of Solani.
- Maruks: Priest of the Urn, Temple Internal Security, position formerly held by his superiour before Sendar killed him.
- Maral'iri: Head Seer
- Morphus: Deposed High Priest of Klysus, now the Priest of the Sky, in charge of temple organization. Morphus revels in death, and has become enraptured with the Heart of Agoth.
- Rhastahl: Grand Vizier, Astrologer, and assistant to the The Khurtūm
- Shilzek: Viper Guard Head
- Shro'nak: The Yultūm ("Trade-chief" a priest of Akalatan)
- Xhoyoch: General mostly in charge of taking Pochantos. Now Viceroy of Pochantos, and in charge rebuilding the capital city with the new name of Paht^om. Recently sent to lead the army to stop the goblin invasion.
Landowner Caste
- Ashendar: landownder neighboring Silipnas land
- Merula'a'an: currently heads the House of Blue Palms, a sprawling estate south of Kenez'an. She took over the farm when her husband died, concealing the fact of his death for three years while she improved its efficiency. When the truth was revealed and her nephews demanded their inheritance, it is said that Akalatan spoke to the Khurtūm and had him grant the house to her. In effect, it was declared that Merula'a'an had a man's soul. Member of the anti-slavery rebellion.
- Silipnas: Lycipans father, a landowner.
- Urutan: rebel who wants to end the slavery system to overturn the regime.
Craftsman Caste
- Jha'ahni: Spice trading merchant captain.
Peasant Caste
- Quidan: leader of the anti-slavery rebels.
Slave Caste
- Leftas: slave owned by Solani.
- Qvenna of Pochantos: former prince of Pochantos, and technically, currently priest-king of I-chaal.
Motar Voorg: Gold-Red Dragon from the Spine of Emer.