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  • [20:24:28] Mholmes: "So, back?" says Fahja, sword still glowing in his hand on the span high in the hall of madness.
  • [20:25:54] Mholmes: The eye turns towards Archelaus on it's own. Silently.
  • [20:27:05] * Archelaus pats himself for a moment to check that things are as he left them, then nods to Fahja.
  • [20:28:21] Mholmes: "So, now we go find Alitia," he says conclusively.
  • [20:31:10] * Archelaus turns towards the eye, then realizes he might not be able to pull anymore magical tricks without propitiating Fahja.
  • [20:32:01] Mholmes: Fahja, having turned to leave looks over his shoulder. An odd visage, his eybrow rises over his completely purple glowing eye.
  • [20:32:07] Mholmes: "Coming?"
  • [20:35:12] Archelaus: "Yes, but we must always remain cognisant of how to return to this location, it is our only likely point of egress."
  • [20:35:39] Mholmes: Fahja nods.
  • [20:36:36] Mholmes: A bit later, and Fahja has lead Archelaus far enough off of the main chamber that, given the completely random architecture of the place, that he might have some trouble getting back.
  • [20:37:02] Mholmes: "Your choice," says Fahja. "Talk to the lady, or just get Alitia?"
  • [20:37:18] Mholmes: He indicates to passages, one to go with each choice.
  • [20:38:22] Mholmes: Certainly Fahja must be refering to the singing lady in the ornate black armor who was said to be the daughter of the sorcerer-king of this place.
  • [20:49:31] Mholmes: If Archelaus' memory serves, there is a legend of such a sorcerer-king who trapped himself and his daughter beyond time to avoid it's ravages. Following the beast-who-must-not-be-named, they traveled to his realm to make a place to remain forever. This is certainly that woman, for in the story the woman also sings to lure those in the otherworld to their deaths.
  • [20:50:06] Mholmes: This means that the pair are ancient beyond reckoning, since the legends go back at least to the Aldaron Empire.
  • [20:52:44] Mholmes: Archelaus remembers that to prepare for this sort of long-term life in the pales means that one has to put their soul in a specially prepared container. The sorcerer must have done that for his daughter - though it's likely that for himself that taking the tentacled body was his transition into immortality.
  • [21:07:17] Archelaus: "Fahja." says Archelaus as he catches up with the zombie "I think there might be something here that could help us immensely."
  • [21:08:05] Mholmes: Fahja waits silently, the blank eyes staring.
  • [21:09:24] Archelaus: "A container of some kind, but it would be visible with, say, mystic sight.." His voice tapers off as he thinks, his eyes automatically looking skyward.
  • [21:09:39] Archelaus: Or what would be skyward were he in the world he knew.
  • [21:11:29] Archelaus: "A head, perhaps--maybe encrusted with jewels and almost certainly tatooed and inscribed in fascinating patterns..."
  • [21:12:41] Archelaus: "but a head nonetheless, and one that is clearly still alive." He muses again "Probably without a tongue though, at least that's how I'd do it. No need for it to tell any secrets."
  • [21:14:32] Archelaus: "So have you seen or heard of anything like that?"
  • [21:18:37] Mholmes: Fahja points back the way they came and down yet another corridor, "But why? How does this get me Allitia?"
  • [21:20:04] Archelaus: "Hmmm, we may need to do some agressive bargaining should someone try to stop us. This will strengthen out position."
  • [21:20:34] * Archelaus turns around an heads the direction that Fahja had indicated
  • [21:30:57] Mholmes: Fahja follows. Silently again.
  • [21:42:47] * Archelaus and Fahja enter another chamber. It is octagonal, except that the angles are subtly wrong, and the ceiling is immensely high. Even to Archelaus' magical sigt it is too far away to make out, perhaps infinetly far.
  • [21:43:54] Archelaus: Hanging from the darkness is a single stand of golden hair, and handing from that hair, a head.
  • [21:46:13] Archelaus: It was once the head of a beautiful woman, but it has been currupted, transformed and 'embellished' almost beyond recognition.
  • [21:48:18] Archelaus: As the pair enter, the one remaining eye turns towards them and a low croaking noise escapes the gold-plated lips. A single drop of blood hangs, seemingly frozen in space, a finger's breadth below the severed neck.
  • [21:54:16] Mholmes: "Do you seek death?" asks the voice after a moment in the magical language of Aludos.
  • [22:02:17] Archelaus: "Do not the wise live their lives as preparation for death?"
  • [22:03:45] Archelaus: "IS death what you offer us?"
  • [22:04:24] Mholmes: "The wise apparently prepare to avoid death by damning others. You may have death, if that is what you seek?" it asks.
  • [22:06:38] Archelaus: "I seek..." There is a long pause. "The ultimate enlightenment."
  • [22:06:50] Archelaus: "But not yet."
  • [22:10:02] Mholmes: "Then end my eternity of suffering!" it commands.
  • [22:14:35] * Archelaus raises his staff and prepares to smash apart the hanging abomination.
  • [22:27:43] Mholmes: Bringing it down, there is a shockwave that lashes out from the head, propelling the staff right back into Archelaus. Getting up from the floor, he realizes that he'll have bruises on his chest and face from the impact.
  • [22:32:04] Archelaus: "Err, I possibly ought to have asked first but, how exactly should one end your suffering?"
  • [22:32:43] Mholmes: "If I knew, would I not have ended it?" the head laughs in a less than sane manner.
  • [22:35:48] Archelaus: "Well, at least we needn't leave you hanging there."
  • [22:36:35] Archelaus: "Fahja, would you please cut her down, then give her to me so that I might examine her furthar."
  • [22:37:36] Mholmes: Fahja steps forward emotionlessly and cuts the strand of hair. The head falls to the ground with a sick sound.
  • [22:37:59] * Archelaus steps forward and picks it up
  • [22:49:49] Archelaus: He holds the head with both hands, just inches from his own face. For a moment it looks like he's about to kiss the the distorted metalic lips, but then he stops and tucks it gently under his arm.

  • [20:29:25] Mholmes: As the boat lands, disgorging Egani and Tamul, Isadora is on the shore of the Lake, Jilliams having informed her of the expedition to the island.
  • [20:30:03] Egani: "Hi Isadora! Have you seen that place?"
  • [20:30:33] Tamul: "I'd highly recommend it, as long as you take snake repellent along."
  • [20:30:48] Egani: "There's giant power gems and ancient spirits and Archelaus is trying to steal them!"
  • [20:31:09] Isadora: "I saw it on the way up," Isadora says. "Tell me more about the giant power gems and... Archelaus? Didn't you people lose him in the wood?"
  • [20:31:26] Tamul: Umm, he was there in cognito
  • [20:31:29] * Isadora glances at Tamul. "I don't think I know you. I'm Isadora."
  • [20:31:47] Egani: "You were told how he swapped souls with a troll, right? He did that with Aaron."
  • [20:33:02] Isadora: "Aaron, your walking doll thing? He has a soul?"
  • [20:33:06] Tamul: Recalled to himself, Tamul bows. "Madam, I am Tamul of Kaitaine."
  • [20:33:16] Egani: "And Okhfells was in his mind and warned me to stop him -- that he was stealing the was kind of weird. But we failed and he switched the souls back."
  • [20:34:07] Egani: "Of course he does. I had to put it in there because I needed something complicated to direct all the little spirits that run the various cogs, etc. Honestly, by any reasonable measure, he's as alive as you or I."
  • [20:35:05] * Isadora stares at Tamul's hat for a moment, then drags her eyes away as Egani keeps talking. "Okhfels switched the souls back?"
  • [20:35:50] Egani: "Anyway, we need to get Haikain and any spirit-related artifacts we can find to make proper contact. I think we barely avoided getting squished."
  • [20:36:23] Egani: "No...not Okhfels. Archelaus chose to switch back."
  • [20:37:30] Isadora: "I know how to make contact," Isadora says without thinking. "Where is Archelaus now, then? Is he a threat to us?"
  • [20:38:05] * Egani blinks a couple times. "You? Do?"
  • [20:39:03] Isadora: "Um," says Isadora, looking momentarily at a loss for words. "I, ah, yes. I think I, ah, woke them up."
  • [20:39:11] Isadora: "Anyway. Archelaus?"
  • [20:39:27] * Isadora looks slightly uncomfortable about the whole thing.
  • [20:40:04] Egani: "You...Um...Really? But you ordered Okhfels to prevent us from talking to them some weeks ago. Weird...Archelaus is probably back on the plane of crazy...and is he a threat? It depends on if those gems are 'ours' and how he plans to steal them."
  • [20:42:30] Isadora: "I did that because I was worried you were insane," Isadora replies matter-of-factly. "But, I think we might need help from the Rhiani for this thing."
  • [20:43:22] Egani: "Oooh! Good idea...that's why you're the admin..."
  • [20:45:42] Isadora: "I'm awash in good ideas," Isadora says. "If either or both of you would care to join me in my tent, we can discuss them over a drink." She gives Tamul a meaningful look.
  • [20:46:28] Egani: "Uh...OK. Should we pick up Haikain and that Rhiani priest along the way...or is this something else?"
  • [20:47:24] * Tamul bows again
  • [20:47:38] Tamul: "At your service, madam."
  • [20:49:55] Isadora: "If we can find them, that would be best. I need to have a little council with the magic locals. As a matter of fact... would you do me the favor, Egani, of getting that Rhiani priest and bringing him to the tent? I want to talk with Tamul, here, to introduce him to the camp."
  • [20:50:39] * Egani trots off toward the Rhiani camp before Aaron can follow.
  • [20:51:01] * Tamul waits for the lady to begin walking
  • [20:52:12] * Isadora starts walking, long legs setting a brisk pace--she's always in a hurry, these days.
  • [20:52:36] Isadora: "What I want to know," she says, "is whether you're here on business."
  • [20:53:23] Tamul: "Excuse me, are you referring to trade?"
  • [20:53:41] Tamul: "I'm actually more touring."
  • [20:54:51] Isadora: "No, I'm referring to *your* business. Unless you picked that hat because you like the color."
  • [20:55:16] * Tamul removes his hat with his left hand and looks at it.
  • [20:56:17] Tamul: "Hmm, it is a fetching shade of blue, isn't it? But no, I'm not here to defend anyone's honor, if that's what you mean."
  • [20:56:41] Tamul: "Or to right any wrongs, or press any claims."
  • [20:57:08] Tamul: "Are you looking for someone to help you, madam?"
  • [20:58:33] * Isadora laughs. "I don't settle my debts by proxy. No, what I'm after is the reason you're out here in a forsaken hole like Green Lake."
  • [21:00:19] Tamul: "Hmm. I am mostly here because this is not Kaitaine. Does that make sense?"
  • [21:03:19] Isadora: Part of Isadora wants to say that it makes more sense every day, and part wants to say that she doesn't believe a word he's saying. She settles for a noncommittal grunt, as she waves him into her tent.
  • [21:04:47] * Tamul stops walking.
  • [21:05:09] Tamul: "If I may ask, why are you here?"
  • [21:14:55] Isadora: "Hadn't you heard? I'm in charge." Isadora grins at him and ducks inside.
  • [21:15:43] * Tamul enters tent.
  • [21:16:54] Mholmes: Inside the tent, Sebastian is just feeling a bit better, the Sel-kai trained physician having done him some good. The doctor is leaving saying ironically, "Don't be running around for a while til that heals, now."
  • [21:17:24] Mholmes: Captain Kaltrain says, "Lady Isadora, I think we'll be attempting a take off soon."
  • [21:18:00] Tamul: "Whoa, that's a lot of blood."
  • [21:18:15] Isadora: "Don't leave without my mother," Isadora says to the captain. She stares at Sebastian for a few seconds, jaw clenched.
  • [21:18:16] Sebastian: Sebastian calls out to Kaltrain, "I'll need to have a package delievered home if you don't mind..." His voice is a bit weaker than normal.
  • [21:18:43] Sebastian: Sebastian looks back at Isadora, takes a deep breath, and then winces.
  • [21:18:45] Tamul: "Captain may I speak with you when you've a moment?
  • [21:19:25] Mholmes: Kaltrain nods to Sebastian, and says, "Yes, your mother, right" to Isadora. Then turns to Tamul.
  • [21:19:30] * Egani arrives at the tent, forgetting to look for the knocking post, and enters with Haikain and Fahd in tow.
  • [21:20:06] Mholmes: Kaltrain says to Tamul, "If it's soon. We'll be leaving, or repairing a damaged ship very soon."
  • [21:20:17] Mholmes: He then exits the tent.
  • [21:20:23] * Isadora looks away from Sebastian as Egani comes in. "Good. I need you two to tell me what you know, or can guess, about how much trouble that ship will have taking off."
  • [21:20:43] Tamul: "Ahhh, sir, I have a chest I'd like delivered to the sixth house from the gate on Threadneedle, well I could tell you the address later, but are still taking packages?"
  • [21:21:04] Mholmes: Haikain looks like he just got up from a nap. Very Muzzy. "Spirits have been talking" he says offhandedly.
  • [21:21:23] Egani: "I haven't the foggiest."
  • [21:21:28] * Tamul notices I was talking to thin air, and look around hoping no one else noticed.
  • [21:21:41] Mholmes: Kaltrain, just outside the tent, says, "Get it to the ship!"
  • [21:24:23] * Isadora gets drinks for those who want them, then slouches down in her usual chair with a glass of wine. "You're a smart man, Egani. No ideas at all?"
  • [21:25:23] Egani: "My newest hope is to get these spirit-guys over to the island and see if we can work something out with the guardians. They have something to do with the struggle between our world and the other that's causing the mist."
  • [21:27:25] Isadora: "I..." Isadora clears her throat, having difficulty with this subject, then continues. "I might be able to contribute a little to that effort. What will happen if the fog lifts?"
  • [21:28:14] Sebastian: Sebastian speaks in an almost-whisper, "Then the real fun begins..."
  • [21:28:25] Egani: "The ship will be able to react with the wind essence as usual. But what will happen between the two worlds? Who can say?"
  • [21:29:53] * Isadora doesn't look at Sebastian. "I was hoping you could say," she says tartly to Egani. "You are a magical expert of some sort, aren't you?"
  • [21:30:44] Tamul: me whispers "My brother is a magical expert!"
  • [21:33:01] Sebastian: Sebastian looks at Isadora, clearly trying to catch her eye.
  • [21:33:48] Egani: "Only compared to you, my lady. There are specialists who know more about this kind of phenominon. It would be dangerous, and I hesitate to mention it, but we could re-enact when the hero Rakul gathered the seven essential forms to craft a lock that he used to close a similar gateway between planes. The texts seem to suggest that it was even a Voidal gateway of some kind..."
  • [21:35:50] Isadora: "I hope you won't be offended if I get the Rhiani opinion before jumping on board with that plan," she replies to Egani. She looks down into her wine glass, polishes off the liquid in a long drink, then glares at Sebastian as if daring him to say something.
  • [21:36:39] Egani: "Not at all. Frankly, I'm not sure it's worth the risk. It might be safer to carve rollers and haul the ship overland with oxen until we get clear of the mist."
  • [21:37:02] Sebastian: Sebastian starts to speak, then pauses. He stares intently at Isadora. After a long moment he asks, "How much do they know?" and nods briefly at Tamul and Egani.
  • [21:37:22] * Tamul wonders aloud, "How long do think that would take, brother?"
  • [21:39:48] Egani: "Um...I dunno, I could draft some plans if we were serious. Do we have the animal power?"
  • [21:40:33] * Isadora shrugs and gestures at Sebastian--she's not sure how much they know, but let them keep talking for a minute.
  • [21:40:56] Tamul: Addressing Isadore, "My lady, would the indigenous people have beasts of burden or strong backs?"
  • [21:41:43] Sebastian: "In that case, my Lady" his inflection on the phrase is different than it has been in the past, "How much are you willing to let them know?" His voice is quiet, partially from intention, partially from pain.
  • [21:42:46] Egani: "We could beseech teleporters for help..."
  • [21:43:15] Isadora: To Tamul, Isadora says, "The Rhiani have horses, but you'd have to negotiate that with them." She looks at Sebastian for a long second, then says with an edge in her voice, "If you have something that needs saying, say it. We can't keep dancing around until the whole camp starves."
  • [21:44:47] Sebastian: Sebastian sighs and winces at the same time, "My Lady, have you considered the consequences of the ship returning? Once we have reestablished communication with the outside world... Well, I don't think that we can keep our financial backers from realizing that something is going on..."
  • [21:46:13] * Isadora echoes his wince. "But to make the situation here more tenable, we'll need the mobility offered by the ship. I have some stalling arranged for things on the Kaitaine end, at least."
  • [21:47:19] Sebastian: Sebastian nods carefully, "Quite true, but the situation is only tenable if you have some plan of maintaining order... And security from outside... influences."
  • [21:49:24] * Isadora smiles crookedly. "What my delicate associate is saying," she says to Egani and Tamul, "is that there might be some grief from Sel-kai and Kaitaine once the ship leaves. It's slightly possible there would be armed trouble."
  • [21:50:28] * Egani cocks his head to one side. "Really? This place must be worth more than I'd guessed. Why is it so poorly supported if that's so?"
  • [21:50:50] Sebastian: Sebastian begins to chuckle, then stops abruptly with a hiss. "Slight possibility? My Lady, the only hope we have of avoiding such a thing is deflecting the blame to Marvars."
  • [21:53:25] Isadora: "Tamul, you seem to speak well with Egani. Could you explain to him how the worth of a place is insignificant once it becomes an article of contention or offense?"
  • [21:53:50] Egani: "I'd really like to get a shipment of mail back to Sel-kai."
  • [21:53:51] * Tamul nods and grimaces.
  • [21:54:56] Isadora: To Sebastian: "I spoke with Fazeris. There is... some possibility for delay, in Kaitaine."
  • [21:55:11] Tamul: "It's true what she says. I've seen men throw the whole fortunes of their house, and their lives, and their family's lives, away on trivial slights."
  • [21:56:10] Egani: "These aren't business people?"
  • [21:57:15] Sebastian: Sebastian gestures for Egani to pull up a chair. "Have a seat, I think I can elucidate the problem."
  • [21:57:40] * Egani sits down.
  • [21:58:02] * Egani eyes Sebastian's bandages with interest.
  • [21:58:43] Sebastian: Sebastian shrugs off Egani's look, "Had to stop the blood somehow, didn't I?"
  • [21:58:44] * Tamul stands too close to Sebastien for him to comfortable look up.
  • [22:00:43] Sebastian: "Moving along, how familiar are you with the funding situation for the camp, Egani?"
  • [22:01:47] Egani: "Not at all. I assume someone 'back home' pays money for y'all to collect and process flowers. Beyond that, nothing."
  • [22:02:40] Sebastian: Sebastian looks up briefly at Isadora with a, "Is it okay to spill this?" look.
  • [22:03:09] Mholmes: "Where's the damn post? What am I supposed to knock on? Anybody in there?" comes a voice from outside the tent. Pallos' voice. He sounds winded.
  • [22:03:19] * Isadora waves a hand for Sebastian to continue, spinning her empty glass between her fingers.
  • [22:03:49] Sebastian: Sebastian looks as if he's about to sigh deeply, but he catches himself.
  • [22:04:45] Mholmes: "Hello?"
  • [22:05:00] Sebastian: "A noble from Kaitain proped the expedition, but the majority of his funding came from Sel-kai. It turns out that..." Sebastian pauses, waiting for someone to do something about Pallos.
  • [22:05:11] * Isadora pushes herself up out of her chair, strides to the tent entrance, and leans out. "What?" she asks Pallos quietly.
  • [22:06:57] Mholmes: "There's been an...arrival. On a hill. East of camp. I belive it's a navigator, and an elf teleported to the hill by him," says Pallos briefly.
  • [22:07:47] Isadora: "Lovely. Are they burning anything down yet, or can it wait for a few minutes?"
  • [22:07:56] Sebastian: Sebastian stands up reflexively, "Damn--!" then his knees buckle and he barely catches himself on the edge of the chair.
  • [22:08:33] Mholmes: "They're walking here at a stately pace," he replies. "Taking their time."
  • [22:09:09] Isadora: "Can I send out Alexander to stall visitors?" Isadora asks Sebastian.
  • [22:09:40] Sebastian: Sebastian shakes his head to clear the pain, "That elf is here for Egani..."
  • [22:09:50] Sebastian: "I was hoping I'd have more warning..."
  • [22:10:19] Sebastian: Sebastian's eyes snap forward, "Yes, Alexander. Good idea."
  • [22:10:23] Egani: "Oh! Did you bring him? I don't mean to be offensive, but I sort of thought you were blowing me off."
  • [22:10:55] Sebastian: Sebastian looks back at Egani, "I haven't had a chance to speak to him yet as it turns out, so I'm not entirely sure why he's here."
  • [22:12:09] * Egani gets and excited look in his eyes. "Assuming it's one of the Loari of A'Kesh, he could help us with the mist!"
  • [22:12:17] * Isadora nods to Pallos. "Get Alexander and tell him to greet them."
  • [22:14:22] Mholmes: Pallos nods and runs off to Speckler's where Alexander is likely hanging out at this time of day.
  • [22:14:53] Isadora: "Now then," she says, turning back inside.
  • [22:15:42] Sebastian: "Quick version then," Sebastian speaks rapidly, "The camp doesn't make money, it's all a scam, when Marvars' Sel-kai backers find out they'll be a bit upset. Possibly killing upset...."
  • [22:16:42] Egani: "Oh."
  • [22:16:49] * Egani looks troubled.
  • [22:17:14] Egani: "So...why are you here? I mean, why would you participate?"
  • [22:17:15] Isadora: "Plus, Marvars is likely to be cross with me for mostly unrelated reasons. It's a touchy situation."
  • [22:18:07] Tamul: "Um, what is everyone doing here then, anyway? I mean, if you're going to have a money scam, why have a camp at all?"
  • [22:18:24] Sebastian: "Egani, Marvars didn't tell anyone. None of us knew until quite recently..."
  • [22:18:33] Egani: "So the ship from Sel-kai has somewhere to visit and report back from."
  • [22:18:42] Sebastian: "The problem is convincing the people with the money that we didn't know...
  • [22:19:00] Egani: "The flowers are worthless?"
  • [22:20:00] Sebastian: "Not precisely, they're just not worth the cost of extraction. They do fetch a decent price, but not nearly enoughto pay for the camp."
  • [22:20:26] Isadora: To Tamul, Isadora says, "Marvars was looking for something. You're quite certain you know nothing about it?" She gives him a hard look.
  • [22:21:19] Tamul: "Is that Marvars the kingpin on the south end in Kaitaine? Never heard of him"
  • [22:21:45] Tamul: "I mean, I've never had any connection with him myself."
  • [22:22:46] Isadora: "Good. It would be deeply unfortunate if your business were tied up with his--say, checking in on his investments."
  • [22:22:56] Mholmes: Fahd seems to be taking this all in quietly, while Haikain can't seem to keep his head in the discussion.
  • [22:23:00] * Egani shakes his head to get back on track. "Anyway, what does any of this have to do with the spirits on the island?"
  • [22:24:21] Sebastian: "Did you ever meet Salast? He was Marvars' point man here. The spirits are what Marvars was trying to get all along, and he wasn't planning on sharing with his investors."
  • [22:24:28] Isadora: "Marvars was after the spirits," Isadora says shortly. "And he can't have them."
  • [22:25:00] Egani: "The spirits themselves, or just the gems and other trinkets?"
  • [22:25:23] Tamul: "Well, there're extraordinarily powerful. I'm not sure anyone could "have" those spirits."
  • [22:28:21] Isadora: "As best I can tell, he wanted them anyway. He may be upset, but the fact remains that the fog must go, or we'll all starve."
  • [22:29:59] Egani: OK, so let's go talk to the spirits...or the visitor...or something.
  • [22:30:30] Sebastian: "Alexander's young, he's probably not doing a ver good job," Sebastian says tiredly.

  • [22:36:42] Mholmes: Sebastian manages to walk east out of the camp with the others alongside. In the distance Alexander actually is managing to do a decent job of delaying the elf. Which is fortunate, because some Rhiani are riding over to talk to Sebastian and the rest, and they have a rather apprehensive look on their faces. Sebastian notes that they are from the refugee camp - none from the local tribe.
  • [22:37:48] Sebastian: Sebastian stops and thinks for a moment. He's a bit winded from the walking so he might as well take a break. He sits down on the ground and waits for the Rhiani to arrive.
  • [22:39:02] Mholmes: From atop his mount, one of the Rhiani says to Sebastian, "Must we flee? Are we doomed?"
  • [22:39:23] Sebastian: Sebastian looks up quizzically. "Flee from what? Doomed by what?"
  • [22:42:03] Mholmes: "Mayirsa says that the Nameless One who appeared in Sherezak, he was an elf. With dark hair! He has come to pronounce our doom, once again, no?" says the haggard Rhiani.
  • [22:42:56] Sebastian: Sebastian blinks. "I don't know yet. Shall we find out together?" Sebastian strugtles to stand back up so that he can continue toward the elf.
  • [22:44:33] * Egani offers Sebastian an arm.
  • [22:45:11] Sebastian: Sebastian takes it and mutters, "Thank you, Egani."
  • [22:46:10] Mholmes: The Rhiani seem more inclined to flee than anything else at this point. But two of the more intrepid ones follow, still not getting off their horses. Even these once city-bred Rhiani feel safer on horseback.
  • [22:47:47] Egani: As the party approaches the place where the new arrivals are talking to Alexander, Egani is trying to get a look at the elf before becoming visible himself.
  • [22:48:19] Sebastian: Sebastian does what he can to shield Egani from sight. Unfortunately it turns out Sebastian isn't very good at that sort of thing.
  • [22:48:49] Mholmes: By his broach, Egani can tell he's from the A'kesh academy. But this is not an elf he's ever seen before.
  • [22:49:47] Mholmes: As they arrive, the elf looks over at Sebastian, noting his injury.
  • [22:50:33] * Egani strides up, greeting the elf in Kritieri, offering a hand and watching him carefully.
  • [22:52:26] Mholmes: The elf replies in his language, "I am Altynaruk, and I believe you are Egani? Or are there many here who speak Kriteri?"
  • [22:53:15] Egani: "I am. And I doubt it. Welcome Altynaruk, what brings you to this far end of the world?"
  • [22:53:30] * Egani introduces everyone.
  • [22:57:54] Sebastian: Sebastian looks on expectantly.
  • [22:59:30] Mholmes: Shifting to Erlin so that more might understand, the elf says, "Well met all, I have come to speak to your Egani here on an important matter. Once that's concluded, I'll speak to any who have a need of it. Egani, can we go somewhere private?"
  • [23:01:28] Egani: "I suppose." Egani looks at Sebastian with raised eyebrows. "My house is this way, perhaps you could use some refreshment after such a long journey?"
  • [23:02:12] Sebastian: "Before you go, have you ever travelled to Sherezak?"
  • [23:04:16] Mholmes: The elf looks down on Sebastian and shakes his head with disdain. "Please, as I've said, no questions until later."
  • [23:05:23] Sebastian: Sebastian smiles, "Yes, but this one is a bit important to some of the locals... I do hate to intrude on you, but they are a bit worried, and having an answer would set their minds at ease."
  • [23:06:41] Mholmes: "Now I know this is probably an exciting moment for you, but I must insist. Egani, lead the way!" he says, turning from Sebastian.
  • [23:07:07] Sebastian: Sebastian follows silently, clearly waiting for an answer.
  • [23:07:17] Egani: Egani stands his ground. "Altynaruk, some of the local natives have decided that you are a harbinger of doom. Were you involved in the destruction of Sherezak?"
  • [23:08:45] Mholmes: Getting indignant now the elf says, "You're being impertinent, Egani, I told you to lead the way!"
  • [23:10:05] * Egani blinks at him expectantly. Having lived with these creatures for so long without going mad, he's learned a thing or two about passive accomplishment.
  • [23:10:55] Mholmes: Sebastian notes the Rhiani are getting more and more apprehensive as the elf fails to answer.
  • [23:11:38] Egani: "Look, I don't care if you were, it's just that I owe Sebastian the courtesy of getting you to answer."
  • [23:12:33] Sebastian: Sebastian looks a bit shocked at hearing this.
  • [23:14:19] * Egani switches to Kritieri and notes "and he'll be a pain in the ass until you do...just tell him one way or the other and we can move along."
  • [23:14:42] * Egani looks at Sebastian for a sign of understanding.
  • [23:14:55] Sebastian: Sebastian looks back blankly.
  • [23:15:03] Mholmes: Exasperated at this point, the elf looks back at the Navigator standing behind him, seemingly for support. She is a blonde in a very tidy uniform and seems to have some elven characteristics herself. She does not respond, however.
  • [23:16:39] Mholmes: "I don't know what you're blathering on about, Egani. I'm not some harbinger or whatever. Isn't that obvious?!" he spits out in Erlini, looking at Sebastian. "Now no more delay."
  • [23:17:07] Egani: "Right, but were you in Sherezak?"
  • [23:18:07] *** Archelaus has signed off IRC (Quit: ).
  • [23:18:52] Mholmes: Nearing anger, he replies, "I've already answered that question. I'm starting to think that you're not paying attention to me. Lead this way this instance, or I shall be quite offended."
  • [23:19:41] Egani: "Sebastian?"
  • [23:19:50] Mholmes: Egani notes that his hand is on a wand that looks to be made of Iron.
  • [23:19:59] Egani: Switching to the Rhiani language, Egani explains to the troubled refugees that there are many, many Loari and it would be quite a coincidence if it were this one."
  • [23:20:15] Sebastian: Sebastian nods, "Thank you, and again, sorry for the bother."
  • [23:20:44] Mholmes: The Rhiani look less than convinced, but ride back to their compatriots to discuss the matter.
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Page last modified on October 07, 2005, at 01:09 PM by Thomas

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