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March 30, 2006

  • [20:19:43] <Lordsmerf> Okhfels arrives at the dome. It's surprisingly calm despite the camp being a short hike away.
  • [20:21:10] <Okhfels> Okhfels posts a couple of his most trusted men at the entrance.
  • [20:23:21] <Okhfels> Okhfels goes inside the dome, puts on the crown of white metal, and lies down in the human outline on top of the altar there.
  • [20:33:07] <Okhfels> Okhfels relaxes, and makes contact with the dome with practiced ease. His first task is to scan the area, seeking out anything hostile, anything that might be a threat.
  • [20:33:35] <Lordsmerf> A strange feeling of lethargy comes of Okhfels as he lies down, and as his eyes drift closed he suddenly finds himself hovring above the dome, able to see for miles in all directions.
  • [20:34:04] <Lordsmerf> He can see the camp, and the lake, and the approaching goblin host.
  • [20:34:49] <Okhfels> Okhfels makes note of how far away the host is, and then focuses his attention on it, to see it in greater detail.
  • [20:35:37] <Okhfels> He listens, too, seeking after minds that are unusual.
  • [20:38:21] <Lordsmerf> It appears that the host is still at least a week away. The last raid stopped their advance while they tried to regain some semblance of coherency. As he scans the area he finds he can pick up on the whispering minds of the goblins. One stands out as being much more coherent than the others.
  • [20:39:37] <Okhfels> <<Ah, just one,>> thinks Okhfels. <<Good.>> He focuses his attention on that mind.
  • [20:47:59] <Lordsmerf> As Okhfels attention begins to focus in, the goblin's eyes snap up, as if they are looking directly at him. The goblin smiles evilly and Okhfels begins to feel a dull, throbbing headache building.
  • [20:49:13] <Okhfels> Okhfels pulls back. He has learned a lot, without this, and he doesn't need to push it.
  • [20:49:15] <Okhfels> Besides.
  • [20:49:21] <Okhfels> He has other goals...
  • [20:49:55] <Lordsmerf> As Okhfels begins to awake out of his trance, the headache fades like a bad memory.
  • [20:50:25] <Okhfels> "Alshor!" he calls out. "How long have I been out?"
  • [20:50:56] <Okhfels> Okhfels climbs out of the altar, stowing the crown back in its usual place in his sack.
  • [20:51:15] <Okhfels> Okhfels steps outside the dome to relieve himself.
  • [20:53:16] <Lordsmerf> Alshor looks startled, "Out? You just walked in..."
  • [20:53:39] <Okhfels> "Good, good. I never know how time goes when I'm in there."
  • [20:53:58] <Okhfels> After a short rest, Okhfels returns to the altar.
  • [20:55:07] <Okhfels> This time, he extends his senses to the north and northwest, seeking after other Laan, other Tethians, refugees who might be wandering in the land between Teth and Green Lake.
  • [21:07:13] <Lordsmerf> The headache begins to build again, but he shrugs it off. As he peers into the distance he can see isolated bands of straglers heading away from Teth. Some of them are heading toward the lake, but many seem to simply be fleeing in whatever direction they can.
  • [21:09:17] <Okhfels> Okhfels directs his attention to one group at a time. To any of those that seem to be within five days travel of Green Lake, he does his best to make contact, and give instructions on how to reach Green Lake.
  • [21:10:25] <Okhfels> To those further away, he warns them away from the white wood, and the goblin horde, without more specific instructions.
  • [21:19:44] <Okhfels> Okhfels is horrified to find that his voice, coming to them out of nowhere, for the most part, horrifies them. Those few who remember him, remember only a dull-witted bellows-pumper; the rest feel the touch of his mind as an intrusion.
  • [21:21:54] <Okhfels> Okhfels fears that he has done irreparable harm to his reputation by trying to help his people this way.
  • [21:22:18] <Okhfels> After several hours, Okhfels stumbles out of the dome, tired and dejected.
  • [21:38:19] <Lordsmerf> Alshor walks up and offers Okhfels a water skin. "Are you okay sir? You look... less than your best."
  • [21:39:42] <Okhfels> Okhfels shakes his head. "I'll be fine in a bit." He sits on a handy rock which happens to be the headless, toppled shoulder of a massive statue. "I had to try..." he says, half to himself.
  • [21:40:21] <Lordsmerf> Alshor steps up worriedly, "Sir?"
  • [21:42:10] <Okhfels> Okhfels takes a deep breath, steadies himself, and looks up at Alshor. "I said I'll be fine, Alshor."
  • [21:42:58] <Lordsmerf> Alshor looks at Okhfels critically, then draws himself to attention, "Yes sir. What's the plan from here then?"
  • [21:46:15] <Okhfels> "We'll come back in a few days, to check on the progress of the horde. But for now... my first priority is that bridge. I want to have an easy way to get to the island before the horde gets here."
  • [21:46:54] <Lordsmerf> Alshor nods sharply and calls out orders for the men to gather, "We're ready to leave whenever you're ready."
  • [21:47:33] <Okhfels> Okhfels hauls himself to his feet. "Let's go."

  • [20:27:01] <Lordsmerf> Egani manages to find Rhosiar in a small valley near where his house sits. She seems lost in thought and, shockingly, even dirtier and more dishevelled than the last time he saw her.
  • [20:28:17] <Egani> "Hi, am I interrupting anything?" Egani looks around. "I'd like to talk to you about your status with the Rhiani power structure."
  • [20:28:27] <Egani> "What happened?"
  • [20:29:24] <Lordsmerf> She squats by the remains of a small fire quietly for a long minute. "Interrupting? No... But what is there to discuss? I have no status."
  • [20:29:56] <Egani> "What happened?"
  • [20:31:48] <Lordsmerf> Rhosiar slowly turns to face Egani, "Why would you ask? What business of it is yours?"
  • [20:33:47] <Egani> "Well, you have to understand, first, that I'm nosey. I don't keep secrets and I don't respect those of others. Not particularly. Also, I've been accepted by the tribe as a member, but I have this relationship -- whatever it is, with you...and your sons. I need to figure everything out."
  • [20:35:00] <Lordsmerf> She shakes her head angrily, "Then why do you ask me? Why not speak with Dhazari?"
  • [20:38:20] <Egani> "I will. But there are two sides to this story. I expect that I'll get one side from anyone in the tribe that I ask. The _only_ person from whom I can get the antipode, is you."
  • [20:38:52] <Egani> "Look, I understand that it may be painful -- being rejected by your people, your family! But maybe things can get better."
  • [20:39:26] <Lordsmerf> Rhosiar laughs harshly, "You think you can reconcile me with the tribe?"
  • [20:39:56] <Egani> "The tribe is changing. Has already changed!"
  • [20:40:08] <Egani> "Maybe this thing can be done and maybe not."
  • [20:43:33] <Lordsmerf> She snears and turns away, muttering to herself, "Nothing changes, nothing ever really changes."
  • [20:46:30] <Egani> Egani smiles and ignores the crone's display. "Your son said that you 'court demons.' I take that to be the central point of your expulsion from the people. is that right?"
  • [20:50:12] <Lordsmerf> Rhosiar sighs, "You will not leave me in peace, will you?"
  • [20:50:54] <Egani> "Once I have your story." Egani smiles at his...friend.
  • [20:52:44] <Lordsmerf> Rhosiar sighs heavily and mutters, "It was so much easier when no one was interested in me." She waves to a clear spot on the ground, "Very well, have a seat."
  • [20:53:10] * Egani sits, all ears.
  • [21:04:30] <Lordsmerf> Rhosiar settles herself as comfortably as she can on the ground, "I was not always this old, or this wise. Once, long ago, I was young and foolish." She shakes her head in memory, "Oh, how foolish I was."
  • [21:11:33] <Lordsmerf> She shake her head, "In those days I had a husband. It was a happy time. But, as is so often true in life, happiness can't last."
  • [21:16:43] <Lordsmerf> "My husband was killed in a border skirmish, leaving me alone with my son Dhazari. He was young, too young to fend for himself, we weren't going to survive another season, so I did what I thought I had to do."
  • [21:20:13] * Egani nods -- compassion, but not pity, in his eyes.
  • [21:25:01] <Lordsmerf> Rhosiar sits silently for silent minutes, and finally takes a deep breath. "I sought to bring him back. Back from his place with the anscestors. Such tasks are not undertaken lightly. They should not be undertaken at all. The 'allies' I was forced to make for this task, well, the price they took was not the one I thought to pay."
  • [21:26:42] <Egani> "Oh."
  • [21:26:49] <Lordsmerf> "Not only did they not return my husband to me, they took my youngest son from me too..." Her voice trails off, it seems clear that she intends to say no more.
  • [21:28:44] * Egani stands up wordlessly and leaves.
  • [21:30:33] <Lordsmerf> *
  • [21:30:34] <Lordsmerf> *
  • [21:30:34] <Lordsmerf> *
  • [21:38:18] <Egani> Egani finds Fahd busy in ceremony at the Rhiani burial spot and chooses to wait around for Fahd's business to come to a close.
  • [21:40:03] <Lordsmerf> Fahd takes his time, clearly engrossed in his duties. When things finally draw to a close, Fahd turns to Egani, "What can I you wish of the dead?"
  • [21:41:22] * Egani stutters getting started. "Um, actually I'm hoping you can tell me about Dhazari's parents."
  • [21:42:14] <Lordsmerf> Fahd nods, "Yes, the dead and the should-be-dead. What is it you wish to know of them?"
  • [21:43:46] <Egani> Rhosiar told me the story of why she engaged in bad magic. I hope that you can corroborate her details. Can you just explain what she did and what the reaction to her was from the community?
  • [21:44:29] <Lordsmerf> Fahd looks at Egani darkly, "The dead should stay dead, why do you seek to bring this specter to life?"
  • [21:46:48] <Egani> "I need to understand this community that I am becoming a part of. It seems to my foreign attitudes that She made a mistake and both she and Dhazari were punished for it in the extreme. Hopefully you can help me to understand."
  • [22:13:14] <Lordsmerf> Fahd stands unnaturally still as if considering, or perhaps listening to something only he can hear. "It is enough that you understand that to interrupt the spirits of the dead brings with it dire consequences. You do understand this, yes?"
  • [22:15:39] <Egani> "Well, sometimes it makes them uncomfortable."
  • [22:15:51] <Egani> " I've read, I mean."
  • [22:17:29] <Lordsmerf> Fahd glowers at Egani, "It is an abomination! The dead should stay in the realm of the dead. It is proper."
  • [22:17:48] <Egani> "How do you know if someone is dead?"
  • [22:18:47] <Lordsmerf> Fahd blinks, surprised. "The light of life fades from their eyes, their heart stops beating, the breathe no longer. Is it different in your own homeland?"
  • [22:19:57] <Egani> "As a doctor, I have seen people meet those standards, and through no spiritual intervention, revive. Were they dead?"
  • [22:20:50] <Lordsmerf> Fahd shrugs, "That is for the spirits to say."
  • [22:21:34] <Egani> "Anyway, why was Rhosiar cast out for her mistake?"
  • [22:22:31] <Egani> "Specifically, why was she beyond redemption?"
  • [22:37:10] <Egani> After some time, the conversation has wound around the hills and back. "...So you see, that is why I claim it is _our_ (by which, Egani is clearly including himself as a Rhiani person) way to help a person in her position instead of punish her, cut her off."
  • [22:38:02] <Egani> To this Fahd nods, comprehending. Not agreeing, but understanding. "You have raised good points Egani. I will think on this."

  • [20:18:02] <Lordsmerf> Isadora finds Beliria in the Tethian camp. She is walking quietly among the people and some approach her asking her advice.
  • [20:22:57] <Isadora> Still swordless, Isadora has at least washed her hands and changed clothes by now. Striding up to Beliria, she says, "Do you have a moment, my lady?"
  • [20:23:45] <Lordsmerf> Beliria looks Isadora up and down briefly, and then nods, "Of course, Isadora. What can I do for you?"
  • [20:26:37] <Isadora> "I had hoped to talk with you about your people and your intentions for Green Lake. The subject of community is... on my mind, recently."
  • [20:27:46] <Lordsmerf> Beliria nods, "Will you walk with me?"
  • [20:29:32] <Isadora> "Certainly." Isadora takes note of the condition of the Tethian camp as they go, since she's had little chance to visit until now.
  • [20:31:03] <Lordsmerf> Beliria points out people as they walk, talking about their histories and their skills. After a bit she turns to Isadora, "We are, finally, beginnging to settle here. Our people may yet survive. What do you wish to know?"
  • [20:33:45] <Isadora> "Your intentions," Isadora says. "Or to put it less bluntly... we seem to be in the midst of building something out here, the Rhiani and Ikaiti. If your people will be here for a long period, I would rather you be included than disregarded in the process."
  • [20:40:06] <Lordsmerf> Beliria frowns slightly. "The only intentions we have at the moment are to ensure our people's survival. Only time will allow us to make longer termed plans."
  • [20:57:09] * Isadora is disinclined to take such statements at face value, but after a searching look at Beliria concludes that she seems to be serious. Shrugging, she says, "If the modest resources at my disposal can help achieve whatever goals you form, do tell me. I know your people primarily through Okhfels, and he does you credit."
  • [21:07:53] <Lordsmerf> Beliria smiles slightly, "He does tend to leave an impression, doesn't he?"
  • [21:08:20] <Lordsmerf> The tone of her voice is complex, containing many possible meanings.
  • [21:12:19] <Isadora> "Indeed," says Isadora, with her own--possibly entirely different--set of nuances. "Tell me, what's his standing among your people?"
  • [21:13:11] <Lordsmerf> Beliria looks sad, "He left under... well, let's just say they weren't the best of circumstances."
  • [21:16:37] <Isadora> "What does that mean, though?" Isadora smiles at her. "Those same words could describe my posting to Green Lake, but I remain a member of my family."
  • [21:29:26] <Lordsmerf> Beliria looks straight into Isadora's eyes, "Are you sure you want to know? I can see that there is something between you, and I wouldn't want to damage that."
  • [21:33:02] <Isadora> "The matter is of some interest to me. If telling it would not require breaking a confidence, I would like to hear." Isadora's tone is mild, but she meets Beliria's gaze evenly.
  • [21:37:18] <Lordsmerf> Beliria looks away, "I suppose you will find out eventually. When we were still in Teth, Okhfels wanted us to marry, but he decided to seek his fortune first. I was... still awaiting his return when we were forced to flee." Isadora can sense that there is something that Beliria has left unsaid.
  • [21:39:55] <Isadora> "Is there more?" Isadora is the very picture of the attentive listener.
  • [21:41:39] <Lordsmerf> Beliria appears reluctant to continue, then sighs heavily, "Okhfels... well, he killed a man..."
  • [21:43:08] <Isadora> "You've mentioned it in the past. How do they look on such things, in Teth Hold?"
  • [22:22:36] <Lordsmerf> Beliria looks up at Isadora, "If a witness had been willing to step forward, Okhfels would have been crushed; executed."
  • [22:27:10] <Isadora> "So Okhfels killed a man, gave intentions of marriage to you, then departed and made a new life for himself? Truly, my lady, you are a model of self-sacrifice to bear it all so gently." Isadora's tone is positively marveling.
  • [22:28:57] <Lordsmerf> Beliria looks away, a ghost of pain showing briefly in her eyes. "What choice do I have, Isadora? A man like him can do as he wishes. Besides, he claims to have changed, and perhaps it is true." She sighs, "I just wish he had changed before he left me..."
  • [22:31:17] <Okhfels> Okhfels appears on the edge of the ladies' vision. He's moving through the camp, smiling and greeting people as he goes, as usual, but some of the spring is out of his step.
  • [22:33:25] <Isadora> "It must be difficult for you," Isadora murmurs to Beliria as Okhfels approaches. "Please, know that you can unburden yourself to me at any time." She nods and smiles to Okhfels then, finishing just as he comes into earshot.
  • [22:34:06] <Okhfels> Okhfels bows to Beliria, and gives Isadora a polite peck on the cheek. As he does, he whispers, "We need to talk."
  • [22:36:20] * Isadora gives Okhfels a tiny shrug that says, "when don't we?" To Beliria, she inclines her head and says, "If there are no concerns with which I can assist right now, my lady, I'll thank you for your time and speak with you later."
  • [22:36:54] <Lordsmerf> Beliria nods back. "Thank you, Isadora. Perhaps I could speak with you later, when you are not so pressed for time?"
  • [22:37:21] <Okhfels> Okhfels chuckles. "Long wait."
  • [22:38:04] <Lordsmerf> Beliria smiles slightly and nods.
  • [22:38:53] <Isadora> With a final nod to Beliria, Isadora departs with Okhfels. A distance away, she says, "Tell me."
  • [22:40:11] <Okhfels> Okhfels checks the area for who might be listening, then says, "A week. Maybe eight days."
  • [22:41:38] <Isadora> "Goblins?"
  • [22:42:15] <Okhfels> Okhfels grunts affirmatively. "We're going to need your miracle before then."
  • [22:43:10] <Isadora> "That's all right, then. I plan to start at sundown tomorrow. Day after, at the latest."
  • [22:44:22] <Okhfels> Okhfels nods. "There's... there's a lot of refugees out there. Folks like Beliria brought. I tried to contact them, guide them here..." He sighs.
  • [22:45:16] <Isadora> "You don't look like it worked." Isadora squeezes his arm--she's not completely insensitive.
  • [22:47:05] <Okhfels> He shakes his head. "No. They... feared me, mostly."
  • [22:48:50] <Isadora> "If you want to make another attempt, tell me if I can help."
  • [22:49:16] <Okhfels> "No, no... not until after your miracle. If it fails... I won't want them coming here."
  • [22:49:55] <Egani> "Hi guys!" Egani's voice is normal but his countenance belies the chipper tone. Something is obviously troubling him.
  • [22:50:59] <Egani> "I have some bad news about Sebastian..."
  • [22:51:04] <Okhfels> Okhfels cocks an eyebrow in Egani's direction.
  • [22:51:28] <Isadora> "Later, tell me about Beliria," Isadora whispers to Okhfels as Egani arrives. When he mentions Sebastian, her posture stiffens slightly.
  • [22:53:49] <Egani> "That Elf that spread the wildfire has caused some more trouble. Laura is guarding him now -- I hope she's trustworthy. I was working on helping Sebastian pull through this latest trauma and Artanis burst in waving his sword around and..."
  • [22:54:42] <Egani> "Well, he did something to capture Sebastian's soul in his sword. It appears that there are several trapped in there."
  • [22:55:53] <Isadora> "Do tell." Isadora's voice is laden with so many tones that it all washes out into deadpan.
  • [22:56:25] <Egani> "...I struggled to prevent him, but it was so unexpected. I...I failed him." Egani closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths.
  • [22:57:40] <Okhfels> Okhfels doesn't look convinced.
  • [22:59:07] <Isadora> "Allow me, if you will, a certain literal-minded review of facts," Isadora says with careful patience. "Sebastian, when last I saw him, was dying. Are you saying that he did not complete this last achievement?"
  • [23:02:05] <Egani> Recovering his composure and slipping into scholar mode, Egani is able to respond. "Well, death is a concept that becomes much more complex as you examine it more closely. His heart had stopped gross function by the time I reached him. But his metaphysical being was still present, and linked to some degree to his body."
  • [23:03:30] <Egani> "I was able to stop the deterioration of his body and gather up his essential being. Artanis interrupted as I was trying to reinforce the connection between his physical and non-physical self."
  • [23:04:15] <Egani> "It was not yet a sure thing whether his body was too badly damaged to retain as a functional vessel."
  • [23:04:30] <Isadora> "By interrupted, do you mean that Artanis performed the same sort of magic you have used on others to drain their spirits?"
  • [23:04:48] <Egani> "No, it was of some other sort, tied to his sword."
  • [23:05:08] <Egani> "I haven't analyzed the situation in depth yet."
  • [23:06:03] * Isadora passes a hand briefly over her face. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Egani.
  • [23:06:23] <Egani> "But as a technical correction, I don't know how to 'drain spirits' if such a thing exists. I am able, though hesitant, to refine the essence of a person and capture it in another form."
  • [23:06:26] <Okhfels> Okhfels puts his arm around Isadora.
  • [23:07:06] <Egani> "Do you understand, Isadora? He might not have died. Y Ou? might not have killed him."
  • [23:07:19] <Egani> "Oh!"
  • [23:07:45] <Egani> "I'm sorry. . . .Did you send Artanis to do that?"
  • [23:07:52] <Egani> "If..."
  • [23:08:07] * Egani looks like he doesn't know what to think about this new idea.
  • [23:09:28] * Isadora gives Egani an incredulous look. "Why on earth would I do that? I have no idea what the elf was doing." Safely hidden from Egani's view behind the bulk of Okhfels' bank, her hand knots into a fist.
  • [23:10:17] <Okhfels> Okhfels feels Isadora stiffen and scowls at Egani.
  • [23:10:53] <Egani> "OK, it's just that...well, OK. So, what should we do with him? Do you know what his plans here are?"
  • [23:12:21] <Isadora> Isadora's frowns. "I'm not even sure I've met the man. I'll speak with Laura to ask about Sebastian's... proper resting state, and attempt to comply with her wishes."
  • [23:13:38] <Egani> "You should know that she is somewhat distraught. She was assisting me in my ritual when Artanis burst in and fouled everything. She's not favorably disposed toward the elf."
  • [23:15:28] <Isadora> "I'll be surprised if she is favorably disposed towards me. Nevertheless, I will ask." Isadora's tone is a little distant--she seems to be handling the news fairly well. "If there's nothing else, I have several other matters to attend to before the night is through."
  • [23:16:40] <Egani> "Oh, right. Good night then." Egani is obviously concerned about their lack of concern, but turns and leaves.
  • [23:18:00] * Isadora sags against Okhfels briefly, once Egani's back is turned. "I'm tired," she says, so quiet even Okhfels can barely hear it.
  • [23:18:47] <Okhfels> Okhfels is tired too, but he still has some reserves left. He helps Isadora back to her tent.
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Page last modified on April 06, 2006, at 08:19 PM by Thomas

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