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  • Lana: Egani has requested, and been granted, a meeting with the Rhiani council. As he approaches the circle in which the elders sit he finds it difficult to read their reactions to him.
  • Egani: Behind Egani, towers the construct, Aaron -- equally inscrutable.
  • Egani observes the formal Rhiani ways of deference when before the council. "Wise elders of the tribe, thank you for granting me this time."
  • Egani: The chegain that Dhazari taught Egani to make is tucked in a thigh pouch. "I am a sign of the times. My two groups of affiliates -- the Rhiani and the city-dwellers, are coming together. It is nearly unprecidented. It will be good for both peoples. But there will be difficulties."
  • Lana: One of the elders nods, "What you say has the ring of truth."
  • Egani speaks in somewhat broken Rhiani, seeking help from the more fully bilingual only when truly needed. "I have a tool that can help the peoples understand each other."
  • Egani: As Egani gestures to Aaron, the Guardian steps forward. "This is Aaron. He is the Guardian of the Brotherhood of Knowledge. Those who join the brotherhood have spiritual access to resources of knowledge that those who are unaffiliated do not."
  • Egani: "Were you to join the brotherhood, you would have more access to understanding my native ways. You would be able to keep some degree of track of your fellow brothers. You would more intimately share your ways with the other members."
  • Lana: There's quiet murmering among the elders. One of them speaks up, "Who's spirit resides in this 'Aaron'?"
  • Egani: "He is Aaron. He is named Aaron because that is what the spirit remembered being called. You may speak to him about this or any other topic."
  • Lana: The elders discuss this among themselves in rapid Rhiani. Egani can pick up bits and pieces and is able to discern a general unease among them. This "Aaron" spirit is not known to them like the spirits of their anscestors.
  • Egani: "Hear me, Wise ones! I am not saying that this is your ancient way. Nor is it mine. It is an adaptation to a new circumstance."
  • Egani: "We must each bend with the wind to avoid being broken."
  • Lana: Another elder leans forward, "Yet abandoning the old ways with haste and without careful consideration is foolish."
  • Egani: "I agree. This is not something you should decide this evening, if even you could. It is something I offer for your consideration."
  • Egani: "I am at the council's disposal to provide honest information. Together we can consult your shamen and see if this works for all."
  • Lana: After a hours of discussion involving numerous members of the tribe, the council speaks again to Egani, "We will consider your words, healer. We thank you for bringing your concerns to us." They seem less than enthusiastic, but Egani comforts himself with the fact that they really do look as if they intend to consider his proposal.

  • Lana: Egani arrives home just in time to meet a group of soldiers bearing a stretcher. "Ah, Doctor Egani, we were just on our way to speak with you."
  • Egani: "Oh? What's happened?"
  • Lana: The soldier looks confused, "Well, some sort of fight. Lady Isadora stabbed this woman a couple of times, but then insisted that she get medical treatment." When Egani looks at the stretcher he recognizes Lana.
  • Egani: "Is Laura around? Bring her."
  • Egani begins to look Lana over.
  • Lana: One of the soliders trots off to find Laura as Egani begins his examination.
  • Lana: Lana has been stabbed twice, once in each shoulder. Both the wounds are deep and serious, but relatively clean. No arteries were hit, but she has been bleeding for quite a while now.
  • Egani: Egani looks to the lead soldier. "What weapon did Isadora use this time -- I have her sword in my workshop?" He gestures behind him wiht a shake of his head.
  • Egani: "And where's the navigator that brought this one? Find her, too."
  • Lana: Another soldier scrambles off to find Vella just as the first returns with Laura. "Egani, what's wrong? Why did you send for me?"
  • Egani: "Have you been introduced?" Egani smiles slightly, for just a second as he looks up from his bloody work.
  • Egani: "I know that it's cruel of me, but you were such a good assistant during Sebastian's...departure, and thought you might want to help save this one."
  • Lana: Laura gasps, "Lana! Oh no, not again! I can't lose her too. Quick, what can I do?"
  • Egani: "Here, wash the wound on her left shoulder there, use this chemical..." The routine preparations continue for a time while preparing to seal Lana's wounds up.
  • Egani: "She's going to be OK, I think. But we have work to do."
  • Lana: Laura settles into her task, as before she is an extremely effecient assistant.
  • Egani: "Your sister came, with the aid of a navigator. I've sent a soldier to find her. Among other things, she is responsible for Lana's well-being while under contract."
  • Egani continues to do this and that, waiting for Vella.
  • Lana: The surgery is going well, but still far from complete when Vella strides into the room. "What have you done to my charge?"
  • Egani: "Oh, nice of you to drop by! What, were you face down in the tavern tent -- too drunk to watch her back?"
  • Lana: Vella looks down at Lana, then back at Egani, then to Laura, "How long have you been working on her?"
  • Egani: "When we last spoke, it seemed that you were quite worried about your reputation. You implied that having been bested by me would look bad whom? Who would ever know? But now, you can even bother to keep your charge safe? Do you really care about this?"
  • Egani: "A while. I was away when she was injured and she lost a fair bit of blood."
  • Egani: "She's stablizing now, but there's more to do."
  • Egani stands up straight, stretches, and thrusts the suturing supplies into Vella's hand.
  • Lana: Vella frowns slightly, "Did you... stall on your work here? Just to make an inane social point?"
  • Egani: "But you can do it, right? She's your charge, after all."
  • Egani takes a sip of tea.
  • Lana: Vella glares darkly at Egani, "You disgust me with your petty games." She looks over Lana once more, then closes her eyes in concentration. Egani can see essence glowing around her.
  • Egani prepares to ward off the attack, shocked that she wouldn't just ask for help.
  • Lana: The essence spreads across Lana's body, knitting the flesh back together. As he watches Egani realizes that this is a terrilby ineffecient use. In fact, it is likely to do Vella significant harm if she expends enough energy to heal Lana's wounds completely.
  • Egani: "Stop!"
  • Egani: "You're hurting yourself."
  • Egani: "Your conversion is a one to one...that's no good. Even Arblak would do better with essentially no training!"
  • Lana: Vella's eyes flash open, her teeth grit in pain, "I know that you fool, but if you insist on playing your little games, you leave me no choice."
  • Egani: Egani looks directly at the elf. "You could ask for help. You could admit that I have helped you."
  • Lana: Laura looks on worried, "Egani, do something! Can't you see she's dying?"
  • Egani finishes the sutures on Lana's right shoulder and turns back to his grimoire, ready to begin the incantation."
  • Lana: Vella continues to pour essence into Lana, though at a much slower rate now. She is visibly weaker now.
  • Egani: As Egani lays down the many elements of the healing ritual, he also attempts to reverse the flow of essence from Vella, recharging her to her normal state.
  • Egani: "Curses!"
  • Lana: Egani uncharacterisitcally scrambles to muster his abilities. He had fully expected Vella to admit her error and ask for assistance, not to do something so insane. The few moments of delay are costly, for while he manages to stabalize Lana, Vella is too weak and collapses. Laura looks on in shock, "Egani!"
  • Egani: "It's OK. It was close -- closer than I meant to let it get, but she's fine."
  • Egani: "Laura, I'm sorry. I'm just so glad that your sister is fine. Here, help me with her."
  • Egani picks up one end of her stretcher and leads Laura into his house. "Marcia, we have company...again."
  • Lana: Laura follows on quietly, "Will they both be okay?
  • Lana: "
  • Egani: "I'm afraid I don't know the details of Sebastian's future. It may be true death at this point. Whatever Artanis did with his sword has me a bit mystified. I'm sorry."
  • Lana: Laura's eyes tear up, "And my sister?"
  • Egani: "She'll heal. Bed rest and chicken soup. She'll heal."
  • Lana: "And the navigator?"
  • Egani: "Uh. I don't know."
  • Egani: "She's an elf. She won't just die. They have to be put down if you want them dead, they never seem to just do it on their own."
  • Egani: "See there?" Egani's looking out a second story window from the stairwell. "The soldiers are picking her up."

  • Lana: Isadora's mind is still going over the duel with Lana from earlier even as she seeks out the leaders of the Rhiani warriors. She shakes off the distracting thoughts and prepares herself to beard the lion in its den.
  • Lana: She finds just what she's looking for: a group of warriors sits in a circle in the middle of the Rhiani camp laughing and telling war stories.
  • Isadora has a spring in her step as she approaches, and her mood seems good, if focused. She'll say to the leaders as she approaches, "A good day to you gentlemen. I hear we have business between us."
  • Lana: One of the warriors, Dareh, looks up with a sneer, "Why would we have business with you? Who are you to us?"
  • Isadora had addressed her words in particular to Khaidu and Bayan, who she knew by name to be well-respected, but looks to Dareh and answers him. "I'm the longest thorn in your side since Sherezak, to judge by all the fuss. Dhazari tells me there's some talk of marriage running around."
  • Lana: Khaidu steps in front of Dareh before he can respond, "We have come to accept your right to lead for the elders have recognized you, but this one who courts you, he we do not know."
  • Lana: There is clearly some sort of special emphasis on the word "know", something Isadora is not familiar with.
  • Isadora: "Where I was born, a marriage would be opposed if one family did not know the quality of the other. Is this a similar question, or do I misunderstand?" Isadora seems genuinely interested.
  • Lana: Bayan speaks up, "It is something similar. If you are to be a leader among the people, you must have one of the people standing beside you. How could we be sure that anyone else would have our interests in mind?"
  • Isadora: "I think that I see," Isadora says, nodding and looking thoughtful. "And this issue, it stands between you and support for the spirit quest?"
  • Lana: Bayan seems to think for a moment, "More than that, Isadora. This stands between us and our support of you. For all know that a man influences his woman, just as she influences him."
  • Isadora nods. "I understand your reservations towards Okhfels, who clearly has a will to be not of your people. Which of you, then, believes himself to be up to the task instead?" She sweeps a challenging gaze around the circle.
  • Lana: The warriors all shift uncomfortably under her eye.
  • Lana: Khaidu speaks up again, "It is not required that you be with any man. But if you are with one, he must be of the people."
  • Isadora: "That sounds like an unusually temporizing position for such a normally strong-minded people," Isadora says to Khaidu. There's no malice in her voice, but a certain deliberate gleam in her eye. "Indeed, let such a man add the truth of his actions to his words--come on my quest, and show yourself indispensible to our shared cause."
  • Lana: Dareh surges forward, "Do you question our courage?"
  • Isadora looks him directly in the eye. "The Rhiani are the bravest people I have ever known. Do you question my will?"
  • Lana: Before anyone can restrain him Dareh snaps, "Your will? Who but a fool would choose one who spits on all the traditions of the people?"
  • Isadora: "Is your faith in the traditions so weak, then, that they can bear no challenge from an outsider? And if any outside influence will destroy you, how is it that the elders can tolerate me?" Isadora's eyes flash. "I have risked the ire of my lord to keep my word to your people. I have bowed to your priests. I have laid justice upon my own soldiers who have sinned against yours. If I am a fool, surely the root of my foolishness is the faith I have kept with you."
  • Lana: Dareh seems about to offer a retort, but Khaidu strikes him in the face, "She speaks truth fool! Would you offer insult to one who has proven herself to the elders?"
  • Isadora: "My talent for making enemies is undisputed," Isadora says, and a glimpse of the weariness of the past day sounds in her voice. "I would rather be a friend to the warriors of the Rhiani."
  • Lana: Bayan steps forward again, "Perhaps we can try this again: we do not know this man you have chosen. We do not know that he is worthy of you. Can you understand that?"
  • Isadora nods. "I understand, and I acknowledge that if a leader marries badly, all the land suffers. But I believe that our characters show strongest in times of trial, and so I sincerely wish that the Rhiani warriors would send one to bear witness to the quest."
  • Lana: Bayan nods, "Very well, we will send a witness, but understand that we have not yet passed judgment. This Okhfels is still of grave concern to us."
  • Isadora inclines her head to him. "I will marry no man before seeing the quest through, so it appears we have found a meeting point."
  • Lana: Bayan gives Isadora a salute. "As you say."

  • Okhfels: Beliria arrives to find that Okhfels has set up Isadora's dining-table in the tent, with chairs at either side. In the middle of the table, a pot of aromatic goat stew is steaming. One of Okhfels' men stands nearby.
  • Lana: Beliria enters and looks around. "My, my, what have we here?"
  • Okhfels: Okhfels holds a chair for Beliria. (Isadora's influence is rubbing off.) He smiles his winning smile.
  • Okhfels: "An opportunity to talk."
  • Lana: Beliria slides graciously into the seat and smiles warmly at Okhfels. "Oh, and whatever shall we talk about?"
  • Okhfels: Okhfels seats himself opposite her. His man ladles out two bowls of the stew, places them at their designated places on the table. He salutes Okhfels, and then departs.
  • Okhfels: Okhfels takes a bite of stew, chews, and swallows. "I need to make a marriage-blade for Isadora. You remember."
  • Lana: "I do remember, but we have barely begun to excavate the forge. It will take time to make it usable again, you know."
  • Okhfels: "How long?"
  • Lana: Beliria frowns slightly, "I'm not sure yet. Egani is still helping me decipher some relevant texts, and the people who came with me must focus on housing before we begin working on the forge in earnest..."
  • Okhfels: "If that's all that's in the way, I can help there. I want to be able to marry her within the week."
  • Okhfels: "Can it be done?"
  • Lana: Beliria smiles, "Well, we can certainly try, but I don't want to raise your hopes prematurely." Okhfels isn't really satisfied with this answer, but can tell that this is all he'll get from her tonight.
  • Okhfels: Okhfels frowns, and continues with his bowl. "That's too bad. I guess I'll just have to make a steel blade, then. I'll have to make a better one after we deal with the goblins."
  • Lana: Beliria looks up suddenly, "You would offer Isadora an inferior blade?"
  • Okhfels: Okhfels shrugs. "I see your point. We could just have a Kaitani wedding instead. She says those can be vey simple."
  • Lana: Beliria frowns, "I understand that you care for her, but you would forgo the traditions of our people?"
  • Okhfels: "It's not like I was going to have a traditional Tethian wedding anyways. I just thought it would be a nice thing to do."
  • Lana: Beliria nods, "It would be. I know that Isadora would greatly appreciate it. In fact, I got the feeling that she was looking forward to seeing Tethian customs with great anticipation."
  • Okhfels: "Really?" Okhfels stops eating long enough to give a look of deep confusion.
  • Isadora: At that moment, Isadora comes striding in, coming to a stop as she finds her tent so occupied. "I beg your pardon for the interruption," she says. "Is this a private dinner?" She seems surprised, but not actually upset.
  • Lana: Beliria looks up with a smile, "Not at all. This is, after all, your tent. Okhfels asked me here to discuss some... delicate matters."
  • Okhfels: "Oh! Ahm, no... no, not really. Here." Okhfels stands up, and grabs another bowl from a chest nearby.
  • Isadora waves a hand. "My hospitality would be poor if it could not extend to cover a tent, and I sense that my timing is poor." She quirks an inquiring brow at Okhfels, smiling a bit.
  • Okhfels: Okhfels indicates the seat where he had been. "No, go ahead, sit down. Do you want some?"
  • Lana: Beliria waves at the chair, "Please join us. The stew is quite good."
  • Isadora: "That would be lovely," Isadora says about the stew as she seats herself. "How are you doing, my lady?" she asks Beliria.
  • Okhfels: Okhfels ladles out a healthy serving from the still quite warm pot, and sets it in front of his love.
  • Isadora: His love decides not to mention, for the moment, that she arguably just proposed marriage to the entire leadership of the Rhiani warriors.
  • Okhfels: Okhfels glances around the room like a goat that has suddenly found himself in a wolf's den. He calms himself, though, and pulls a chair over and sits. He lets Beliria and Isadora chat while he collects his thoughts.
  • Okhfels: "How did things go with the Riani?" he asks.
  • Isadora: "About as well as I could have hoped," Isadora admits, though she hadn't intended to discuss it in front of Beliria. "They've backed down, for now, and will send someone along for the quest."
  • Okhfels: "Good, good." Okhfels turns to Beliria and explains, "The Riani have been trying to make me join their tribe."
  • Isadora nods and says wryly, "They seem to have noticed your lack of interest."
  • Okhfels: "Sneaky, in spite of that 'no lying' rule. Did you get any sense of WHY they are so set on this idea?"
  • Isadora shrugs. "They're worried that one foreigner marrying another would not hold their interests dear enough. If there's more to it, I haven't seen it yet."
  • Okhfels: "Hm. I think I see their point... but aren't you pretty much joining up with them? One ought to be enough, no?"
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Page last modified on April 20, 2006, at 11:13 PM by AdrienneTraxler

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