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  • Holmes: Teodric stands across the room from Tez, Agnes forming a narrow triangle with the other two, between them. The bird on the sill tweets intrepidly.
  • Agnes repeats the order she issued to the guard. "If these two can't be reasonable, take them both back to their cell!"
  • Teodric: Teodric's back goes ramrod straight "I beg to differ. Those two need to be taken away."
  • Agnes rolls her eyes and makes a flappy, shooing gesture toward Teo and Tez.
  • Tez: "I have been more than reasonable, after being abducted and held against my will! It is you - especially my so-called-friend, Teodric - who have been unreasonable!" she growls, her eyes gleaming with anger barely held in check. "I have chosen to restrain myself but I will not continue to do so if you treat me poorly!"
  • Tez clenches her fists, and assumes the fighting stance that comes natural to her after years of training, but somehow...something's not right about her. She seems to loom ominously, filling up the hallway, which takes on a shifting red cast that drains the other colors from the room they are in. She seems to hover off the floor - floating within a glowing image of herself reborn in the images of each of her Gods and Goddesses in t
  • Tez: Gods and Goddesses in turn. "Do Not Try To Stop Me."
  • Agnes: Eyes widening, Agnes can't help but be impressed -- as much by the fact that her new friend didn't use her power to escape before now as by the power itself. "Wow."
  • Agnes: "Guard, wait...she doesn't need to go."
  • Teodric: Teodric raises an eyebrow "Impressive display. I've seen better. Guards, take them away."
  • Tez: "How Dare You!" she growls, furiously
  • Holmes: The guards start forward, obeying Teodric at first. But then they turn their heads to Agnes... and hesitate...
  • Agnes offers her wrists to the guards with a genuine smile of affection.
  • Tez turns and, followed by the glowing afterimages of herself, walks off with a pace that looks liesurely but covers an awful lot of ground - she'd practiced it for years on the streets. Sometimes running away is more effective when you don't look like you're running.
  • Holmes: The guards stay in this pose for an unnaturally long time, during which time Tez makes her way out of the room. Then they seem to recall his command, and wake up, and proceed to apprehend Agnes. They look around confused as to where Tez has gone.
  • Teodric: Teodric drops into a chair. There will be time later to find Tez, but for now pursuing her would be pointless. Clearly he had underestimated the 'lessons' she had learned.
  • Agnes: "So, gentlemen, by what laws shall I be held?" She's speaking to Teodric as much as to the guards.
  • Teodric: Teodric waves a hand idly "Just escort her off the premises." He looks at Agnes "You are not welcome in this estate."
  • Agnes: "Before I go, may I ask what your plans are? Trouble that you can't handle is brewing. I can. Maybe."
  • Holmes: The guards begin to obey trying to prompt her towards the door.
  • Teodric: Teodric sighs "Right now I'm taking one day at a time. If you want to help, then next time approach me as an equal. You might find that I'm more willing to listening."
  • Agnes nods and departs, attending to the guard on the right with a dismissive smile as she goes.
  • Tez grins to herself as she sashays out the front door, and processes down the street, scaring the crap out of random passers-by for entertainment... er to teach them that her Gods are mighty.
  • Holmes: *
  • Holmes: *
  • Holmes: Outside, Tez finds herself alone in the night. Or mostly. The city stretches out, far less dense than Ardania, sprawling about the lake. Small fires light the night only very dimly. In the tree nearby, a small bird chirps at her insistently.
  • Tez looks up at the bird through the red haze that surrounds her, "You again?"
  • Holmes: "Tweedleep," chirps the bird in response.
  • Tez: "Oh yeah?" she returns. "Well. Tweeedeep to you."
  • Holmes: The bird flies off to another branch and chirps at her again. Then to another, stopping once more to chirp.
  • Tez sighs, "Is this another one of those sign things?" and follows after it.
  • Holmes: No coincidence, the bird keeps leading her on, uphill along the lake, towards where there are less houses. In the distance Tez can see two mighty trees silhouetted against the light of the moons.
  • Holmes: Before they reach them, however, they approach a dense bramble. The bird seems to want them to enter it.
  • Holmes: "Tweedleep," the bird beckons to her.
  • Tez raises a brow. "Next time send the Imp.. at least he can TALK." she mutters, and prods at the brambles
  • Holmes: There seems to be a well-hidden path between some of the prickly shrubs.
  • Holmes: A strange smell emanates from inside.
  • Tez inhales the scent, and ducks into the path.
  • Holmes: She pushes through the bramble, blind for a moment, and then comes out into a clearing. Even in the dark night, she can tell that there's something about this place that speaks of blood in the night. Some of the branches seem to be moving...
  • Holmes: But she soon discerns that the movement is serpents in the branches. Some quite large.
  • Holmes: As she hits the middle of the clearing, suddenly Tez is struck by a red beam of light from Charun, the red moon that hangs low in the sky.
  • Tez looks around herself, pleased until she is struck by the light - then it changes to something like awe.
  • Holmes: Tez senses that this is a communication from beyond... support in her time of need. A being on the other end is there to answer a question. Only one... and then the beam will break. But she senses that she can ask almost anything.
  • Tez raises her hands, palm up, in prayer, "Charun, you have favored me with your presence and power. I thank you and send you praise and glory! I wish to do your will and serve you faithfully," she speaks the greeting as she has been taught. "Tell me, Great Charun, how can I gain power over this village so that I can show them your true glories?"
  • Holmes: As she looks up into the light, she sees the face of Akalatan who tells her the story of a founding of a nation, including the bringing back of a holy aura leading to a dynasty.
  • Holmes: It is a test, one she can take to prove herself worthy.
  • Tez nods once, accepting the task.
  • Holmes: The light fades. In her mind, Tez is sure of one thing, the ritual will require many sacrifices, and the assistance of as many as possible. A few at the very least.
  • Holmes: The bird chirps it's support for the quest.
  • Tez faintly wonders if Agnes would help her - she seemed impressed and all.
  • Holmes: *
  • Holmes: *
  • Holmes: Charun's light must be leading her fate. As Tez emerges from the thicket, she sees Agnes headed in that direction.
  • Tez smiles, "Agnes, I see Teodric has stayed inside with his guards."
  • Agnes looks happily startled to see Tez. "Uh, yeah, after all that he didn't even want me locked up." She shrugs. "That thing you did was pretty out there!"
  • Agnes: "So uh, whatcha doing here in the bushes?"
  • Tez smiles, "Communing with my God. I think He sent you to help me. Want to come?"
  • Agnes: "Actually I was just walking by because the forge is thataway." Agnes points down the hill.
  • Agnes: "But come where?" She smiles, intrigued.
  • Tez: "Well, inside the thicket, first. You can meet Charun, the Blood Moon if he wills it."
  • Agnes glances up at the sky, looking for the moon. Noting that if it's up, the trees are blocking it, she ducks into the passage and starts to follow the path.
  • Holmes: They reach the center of the thicket, and the small clearing within. As they enter it, Agnes can sense the serpents in the brambles about her.
  • Tez: "Don't worry, they won't hurt you. You're with me." she says confidently. Then glares official-like at the serpents.
  • Agnes: People don't grow up in the court of the High King without being led into death traps. Agnes is staying on her toes.
  • Agnes: " what?"
  • Tez: "Just wait. Look up, you can see Him." The capitalization is evident in her tone, and she sincerely hopes that er.. He'll do something. Something tasky.
  • Agnes looks up...?
  • Holmes: There is, indeed, a very lurid looking red moon glowing down into the clearing. The light seems to reach for her, however, quite unlike anything she's ever seen of this moon before.
  • Agnes gasps.
  • Tez affects the attitude of reverent prayer again, hoping she's doing this right.
  • Holmes: Agnes can feel the light reaching for her. Asking her to reach back.
  • Agnes: Considering the sensation for a moment, Agnes attempts to reach out to the red moon in the only way she knows how -- psychically.
  • Holmes: Suddenly she is bathed in the red light, and she can see a vision of twelve white robed figures looming in a circle. It feels almost as if she is surrounded by them. They seem to all speak to her at once, "Do you wish to join? Do you wish to know Akalatan? Do you wish the ecstasy of birth and death?"
  • Agnes: Her eyes narrow a bit. She doesn't know if she is speaking with her voice or with her mind but it doesn't really matter. "What would this entail?"
  • Holmes: The robed figures show her visions of the twelve steps to true life in Akalatan. Each a test of devotion to the white serpent god.
  • Agnes: "Um...This is kind of awkward and I'm sorry to have wasted your time -- I didn't really know what this was about. But I'm not seeing the percentage in this and I'm kind of over-extended. But, if you'd be so kind, give my regards to Kesh'ta'kai, m'kay?"
  • Holmes: Agnes can sense the white robed figures growing larger. They take down their hoods, and each has the head of a snake. But as they press forward, the trance ends, and Agnes is back in the clearing.
  • Tez looks over at Agnes hopefully
  • Agnes: "Why'd you put me in that position?!?" Agnes punches Tez on the shoulder but her frown is already turning back to her characteristic grin.
  • Agnes: "These twelve old snake dudes wanted me to do this that what you were intending?"
  • Agnes glances around at the snakes to make sure that they're remaining passive.
  • Tez: "Well I wasn't sure if they would ask or not. I thought they would just er.. look impressive." she blushes a little. "But I do need help. Like I said when I saw you." she smiles.
  • Agnes: "Well, maybe I can help you...with what? Let's get out of here." Agnes heads down the part in the foliage.
  • Tez: "I have to pass the Test. The Bird said it would help, and I thought of you, how you helped me back there," she waves in the general direction of the manor, "and then you came."
  • Agnes: "Sure, I'll help. I know you'd help me if I needed it..."
  • Tez: "I would, and I will."
  • Agnes: "Of course. That's what friends do."
  • Holmes: The Red Moon's baleful glare seems to somehow approve of the two friends, met in this serpent's clearing.

  • Holmes: There's something quintessentially Itaiti about Kerem that Chimrea sees in him as he tries to aclimatize himself to this relatively rustic environment. They sit together eating some lunch at "The Market" which is really less a market, and more a square with food vendors and such.
  • Kerem: "So. What did you want to know about that spirit?"
  • Holmes: The food onboard the skyships is usually pretty good for travel fare. But this time out, given the emergency circumstances, things had been pretty spare. The food the Rhiani cook had put on the skewer - strange vegetables and meat - is spicy and relatively good.
  • Chimrea: "What is it?" Chimrea asks promptly. "Most people coming from Kaitaine don't talk to spirits." She adds thoughtfully, "I wonder if they get lonely in cities like that."
  • Chimrea: "That one's really hot," she adds helpfully, mumbling around a mouthful of food and pointing at a small pepper on Kerem's skewer.
  • Kerem: "I don't talk to it. I just can't get rid of it."
  • Kerem: "it's a luck spirit. Kind of."
  • Chimrea: "Where did it come from?" Chimrea looks even more interested as the mystery deepens.
  • Kerem: "I found it. When I was a little younger I used to be involved in some...shady business." Kerem smiles.
  • Kerem: "Anyway, I ended up owing a friend of mine some money. I was running around downtown trying to scrape up what I owed him, and I just...found this coin, lying on the street."
  • Kerem produces the coin, flipping it across the table to Chimrea.
  • Kerem: "Course, I gave it to him, to pay the debt...and then it came back to me later that night. That wasn't so good. But everything worked out all right."
  • Chimrea catches the coin in her non-sticky hand, peering down at it curiously. "Does it bring you good luck or bad?"
  • Kerem: "Good question."
  • Holmes: As she examines it, the spirit seems to leap forth for some reason from the coin, bringing it into her view quite clearly.
  • Holmes: The spirit seems to fold in on itself, over and over. One moment it appears to be a man dressed in regal robes, a laurel on his head. The next the spirit appears like a huge version of one of the wolves from the mountain vales.
  • Holmes: She perceives that what he says is true.. it is alternately good luck, and bad.. but always relentless...
  • Kerem: "Most of the time, it brings me good long as I don't do much of anything."
  • Chimrea: "It's got a nobleman and a wolf--tension in duality. No wonder you came here; it was fated." Chimrea speaks with decisiveness beyond her years, then her fingers close over the coin and she's back to whimsical smiles as she hands it back to Kerem. "I'm glad I met you. You're going to be one to watch."
  • Kerem gives Chimrea an unsettled look as he slips the coin back into his pocket. "Thanks, I guess."
  • Kerem: "You know a lot about spirits?"
  • Chimrea: "Um, some." She looks a little wary for some reason. "You pick up things if you hang out with the Rhiani kids, and of course everyone here hears the stories about the two lake spirits--a badger and a scorpion, forever struggling but not really enemies. So you see, Green Lake is a good place for what you're carrying."
  • Kerem: "Huh."
  • Chimrea licks the last trace of sauce from her skewer, then points it at the ziggurat that's visible over the market top.
  • Chimrea: "Am I talking too much? Osalder says I do that sometimes."
  • Kerem: "No, not at all."
  • Kerem: "I don't know much about Green Lake. I just came out here because of the meteor."
  • Kerem: "Kaitaine's not a great place to be right now. I just thought I'd let things cool down a little."
  • Chimrea: "Funny, mother used to say the same thing. She was from there." Her face goes blank, like she's surpressing some emotion, then she adds, "Do people there know where the meteor landed?"
  • Kerem: "Sure. On the Golden Lion Inn."
  • Kerem: "Plus everything within a few miles. But the Golden Lion's probably about the center."
  • Kerem waves a finger at the nearest vendor and snags another couple of skewers. He hands one over to Chimrea and starts devouring the other.
  • Chimrea: Chimrea's mouth forms an "o," but her surprise doesn't stop her from accepting the skewer and murmuring an automatic "thank you." She thinks a minute, then says, "Did that man you wanted to talk to"--meaning Kloto--"leave for the same reason?"
  • Holmes: In the distance, some large Ikaiti woman is ranting about the food service, "This would never happen in Kaitaine! Where is my daughter! She runs this hole in the ground, you know! When she hears about this treatment, somebody is going to pay!"
  • Kerem: "Pretty much. When people are stabbing each other over water, you either have to get out of town, or buy a well. And neither of us are really into property management." Kerem glances curiously over his shoulder at the yelling lady.
  • Chimrea: "Yes, I--" Chimrea is starting to reply, then she peeks over his shoulder at the same woman and instantly hunches down. "Oh, no!" she hisses. "We need to leave."
  • Kerem: "Huh? Why? Man, I swear I've seen that woman before." Kerem rubs his chin.
  • Chimrea: "It's my grandmother, Lady Aspasia, and no one's told her yet that mother's dead. Don't you want to go talk to that guy?" Chimrea looks a little desperate.
  • Kerem: "Lady Aspasia? Really? I think I helped some guy steal her jewelry once." Kerem turns back, absently eating the rest of his skewer. "Yeah, I guess I'd better let him know I'm in town."
  • Kerem: "Hey, wait. Your mother's dead? And she doesn't know?"
  • Kerem: "And you don't want to TALK to her?"
  • Chimrea winces. "It just happened, and I'm not sure she's really dead, and anyway listen to her--would YOU want to give her bad news?" Guilt and apprehension war on her face. Hopefully, she says, "I'm supposed to be showing you around, and I'm sure you don't want to stop for something like that."
  • Holmes: "Reginald," says the fat old woman to her manservant, "I have to get in from this heat. It's killing me. And the bugs... I had forgotten the bugs!"
  • Holmes: She gets up, and starts heading in Chimrea's direction, followed by her retinue.
  • Kerem: "All right, all right, if you want to go, let's go." Kerem flicks the empty skewer into the street and stands up, stretching.
  • Chimrea: "Osalder will take care of it," Chimrea whispers, but she looks a little ashamed as she flees ahead of Kerem.
  • Kerem: "So, uh, I'm getting the impression that this town does not have a thriving and vibrant underworld."
  • Kerem: "Are there any inns or taverns around here that you're not supposed to go to?"
  • Chimrea: "I don't... think so," Chimrea frowns. At his second question, her face clears and she nods. "There's the Proud Stallion, which father would get in trouble for even mentioning, and then there's this place down in the Muddles that I don't remember the name of, but the people who hang out there are creepy."
  • Kerem: "Huh." Kerem has another in a day of realizations. "If your grandmother is Lady Aspasia...and her daughter used to run this town...then your dad does it now?"
  • Chimrea: "No." Chimrea looks down. "He disappeared with her. And the governor. So I guess it's Teodric now." She says that like she knows him.
  • Kerem: "...oh."
  • Kerem looks awfully uncomfortable.
  • Kerem: "Well, uh. Let's go ahead and hit this place down in the Muddles. If you don't even know its name, that's probably where I ought to be headed."
  • Chimrea: "This way," Chimrea says. "It's in where the old military camp used to be." She strikes off in the indicated direction, apparently determined to ignore the question of family for now.
  • Kerem follows along, thinking.
  • Holmes: As they retreat, they hear the voice of Chimrea's grandmother berating all those in her way.
  • Holmes: *
  • Holmes: *
  • Holmes: The Supply Hut seems to be a log affair that's been somewhat beefed up over time. There are a couple of additions off the back of the building, and even a loft that seems like it's added on. The people there look to Kerem to be ex-soldiers and the like. Tough. But also disgruntled sorts.
  • Holmes: There are some small stuffed beasts that hang from ropes from the rafters. They look like they're supposed to be for ambiance, but they're a poor choice.
  • Kerem walks in, smiling at the familiar atmosphere, and heads over to the bar. "Gimme one of the local. And, uh..." he glances at Chimrea, "whatever she wants."
  • Chimrea ponders pushing her luck, but a pang of conscience from earlier makes her shake her head. "Nothing for me, thanks," she says politely.
  • Holmes: The barkeep, a scrawny figure with a scowl takes his time bringing to Kerem a mug full of some frothy white substance. It has a pungent aroma.
  • Kerem: "Thanks."
  • Kerem: "Just got in from Kaitaine. Boy, that was a trip."
  • Kerem: "I used to be in the business down there. You know. Finding things. helping people out with little problems. You know what I mean." Kerem smiles yet another in a series of disarming smiles.
  • Kerem brings the mug to his lips slowly and puts it down quickly.
  • Chimrea actually fades into the background pretty well when she quiets down. She listens to Kerem and looks around, trying to take everything in.
  • Holmes: The barkeep, hearing Kerem's description of himself, says, "Oh, marvellous, a Narbin."
  • Kerem: "Uh...sure, if you like."
  • Holmes: The barkeep casts a malevolent grin his way, "I'll put out the word. Might be something in me for it."
  • Holmes: He scratches his mostly bald pate.
  • Kerem: "Of course. The usual finder's fee.'
  • Holmes: The barkeep nods. He checks Kerem's mug to see if he needs a refil.
  • Kerem doesn't.
  • Kerem turns, glancing at the occupants of the bar, looking for somebody who might need a few favors.
  • Holmes: One of the scruffier looking men, a large Tethian by the looks of him, scuffles forward and says, "You... you're Chimrea, right? I knew your father. Served with im. Can I buy you a drink, lil lady?"
  • Chimrea: "I'd love that, but my older brother would kill me." Not that he's ever going to hear about this expedition, if Chimrea can help it. "Say, what are the Oaks saying about him?" She wants to know if everyone believes her parents are gone.
  • Holmes: "Okie? He's still with us in his way," says the man, for a moment almost lucid.
  • Holmes: Then he gets a leer on his face, "I could make you feel better, little girl. If you wants."
  • Kerem glances over, a frown on his face.
  • Chimrea: "I feel fine," Chimrea says cooly, but she edges a little closer to Kerem.
  • Kerem: "I think I'd better find a place to bed down before it gets much later." Kerem lightly touches Chimrea on the arm. "Let's go."
  • Kerem reaches into his pocket and pulls out an old coin with the picture of an emperor on one side, and flips it to the sot. "Here. Get yourself something to drink."
  • Chimrea suppresses a grin at the sight of the coin, slipping off her stool to follow Kerem.
  • Holmes: The man goes from being on the verge of being ugly with Chimrea, to admiring his new coin.
  • Kerem takes the opportunity to head out, abandoning his half-full mug.
  • Chimrea: Outside, Chimrea looks sideways at Kerem. "Sorry, I didn't mean to mess up your business."
  • Kerem: "No, that's okay. I'm sorry to get you into a situation like that."
  • Kerem: "I, uh..."
  • Kerem: "You know, I don't always move in the nicest circles. I mean, that coin doesn't help, but even before that, I never had the most pleasant friends."
  • Chimrea: "Yeah, I get it. You don't need a kid in the way." She sounds a little bitter, but trying to be polite about it.
  • Kerem: "Well, I mean. You seem like a good kid, is all. I just don't want you to get hurt, or in trouble. Maybe you ought to make some friends you can take home to mother."
  • Kerem 's eyes widen the moment he mentions her mother, but it's too late.
  • Chimrea just stares at him for a second, then grins crookedly. "None of my old friends will talk to me soon, anyway. I'm going to follow Rozgar as far as I can, and no one around here wants to walk under the death-crow's wings."
  • Kerem is once again nonplussed -- they didn't have girls like this back in Kaitaine.
  • Kerem: "Uh, listen. It's not that I don't like you. Really. I mean, I don't care what you're into."
  • Kerem: "I just...might put you in danger, and I can't promise to keep you safe. And if I did I'd probably have to stab somebody to even things out."
  • Chimrea: "I have to do something dangerous soon, and I could use the help of someone like you," Chimrea says, looking serious. "I can talk to spirits, and I might be able to help you figure out your luck. If you don't want to work together, that's all right, but I'm not afraid."
  • Kerem: "How old are you again?"
  • Chimrea: Narrowly resisting the urge to say 'almost seventeen,' Chimrea truthfully answers "Sixteen."
  • Kerem shakes his head. "They must grow up faster in the country or something."
  • Kerem: "What would you have done in there if I hadn't been there?"
  • Kerem: "I mean, ignoring for the moment that you would never have been in there if it weren't for me."
  • Chimrea: "I'd probably have told him that I knew the spirit paths to walk to find my father, and that he'd be broken into splinters if he gave me any trouble. It's close enough to true that I might have been able to convince him." She considers. "Failing that, I run pretty fast."
  • Kerem: "Well...all right. Stick around. I mean, I'd like to have you."
  • Kerem: "Just be careful, okay?"
  • Kerem: "Do you carry a knife? You might want to start."
  • Chimrea: "I'll get one of my parents'," Chimrea says. "It's fitting."
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Page last modified on February 06, 2007, at 12:23 AM by AdrienneTraxler

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