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Mike Holmes Parts of Agnes' consciousness take visible form about the assembled group. Abstract shapes or symbols that represent some part of her psyche. They seem to want to attach themselves to the questers.

Agnarok reaches out to touch one of the forms, curiously, and gasps a little as it merges with her hand, flowing over and through her. She laughs throatily as she shimmers, and she takes a step forward, cocking her hips and tossing her hair back over her shoulder. "This should be fun."

Chimrea looks around with wide eyes for several seconds, then licks her lips nervously and steps up to a shifting coil of fur and chitin. "Here's to unfinished business," she says, and places her palms on it.

Agnes Having not known what to expect, Agnes watches wide-eyed as her friends step up and transform.

Kerem runs his--her--hir fingers through hir hair, looking down at hir anatomy speculatively, then back up with a slightly guilty air, eyeing the others as they transform in their turn.

Chimrea turns back to face the others, still a slim figure in a dark dress, but now her face is covered by a stylized mask. Split down the center, half of it resembles a badger, while the other side is cold and insectoid.

Mike Holmes Walking in from a distance, everyone sees Rhakleth approaching. He has a big smile on his face.

Agnes smiles too. "Oh, you're here too?"

Kerem "Who's that guy? You know him?"

Agnes "He's what passes for Green Lake's governor at this point."

Agnes "The senior military figure."

Tez wiggles her fingers at him

Agnes "Name's Rhakleth."

Chimrea "Born of the Scorpion Lands, then lost his way." Her voice is flat, emotionless, a little rasping.

Agnes The Agneses remember intimate nights spent getting close to him, not just because he is likeable, but because he has power and because he met with us and Badger and Scorpion to discuss our peace plan.

Kerem wrinkles hir nose in sudden alarm.

Mike Holmes Rhakleth seems to radiate power, suddenly. He glows.

Agnes blinks and squints at the light.

Tez walks towards Rhakleth, circling around him slowly, the glow reflected in her eyes.

Kerem approaches cautiously, watching Tezgnes's movements, and considering Rhakleth with a shrewd eye.

Kerem "So, I don't know about any of the rest of you, but I'm suddenly feeling a strong urge to manipulate Rhakleth through sex and deliberate relationship games so as to get him to do the things I want him to do."

Kerem "Is that supposed to happen?"

Agnes gasps. "That's it! It's something that I always feel, but need to get away from."

Tez reaches out to trail her fingers through the glow

Agnes "I need to see people as agents of thought."

Kerem "Agents of thought? Really?"

Kerem "What does that even mean?"

Kerem "Tez, if you're going to touch him, try to profit by it, okay?"

Agnes "Like he's a all are...not just my toys."

Kerem "See! I KNEW you perceived us as objects instead of people!"

Kerem pauses, feeling a momentary awkwardness.

Tez licks her lips, considering, "Who cares? So long as it's fun."

Agnes "That's OK, so do you. Maybe we can both learn from this. Anyway, common guys, ignore Rahkleth. We need to walk in the direction he came."

Kerem "I do not! Do I?"

Kerem walks past Rahkleth, though not without a certain qualm.

Agnes leaves it for Kerem to ponder.

Kerem "Tez, do I treat you like an object?"

Tez grins at Kerem, and winks. "Do you want to?"

Chimrea "Ignore? We had business together. How can you forget?" Chimrea watches the play around Rahkleth, glinting badger eye on the side facing him.

Kerem "I think the question is more whether you want me to, right? Something like that." Sie scratches hir head.

Tez "Depends on the day. Mmm yes."

Agnes looks curiously at BadgerScorpionChimrea. "Our business isn't what we must ignore. It is our sexual misuse of him." Agnes wonders. "Do we have unfinished business?"

Kerem "Uh."

Kerem "Well, I mean, you took advantage of him, and used him?"

Kerem "Maybe you should, I dunno. Apologize?"

Kerem "That's what I would do. Theoretically."

Agnes tilts her head to the side at Kerem, considering. "Huh." She then turns to Rahkleth and apologizes. "I'm sorry that my first reaction, especially since we were friends, was to use you. That wasn't very nice of me."

Kerem "Also, it's possible that you should apologize to him in REALITY, as well as in magical dream space. Just a thought."

Tez cocks her head at Kerem as well, to the opposite side. "You see me as something to be saved."

Kerem "You ASKED me to."

Kerem "That's what you wanted from me!"

Tez "Yes, and you needed to be needed."

Tez "Don't we all wish to be needed?"

Kerem opens his mouth, then stops, darting a glance at Chim.

Chimrea tilts her head at Kerem. If she feels anything but mild curiosity, it's hidden behind the mask.

Kerem "I just..."

Kerem "Okay, so, we're both fulfilling possibly unhealthy goals for each other. What does that actually mean for our relationship?"

Agnes Taking advantage of the emotional moment, Agnes forces her aspects to ignore the promise of power that comes with associating with rahkleth. She gently guides her friends forward, leaving the glowing beefcake behind.

Tez brushes up against Agnes as they move forwad, casting one last glance back at Rahkleth. "Are you sure you want our relationship?"

Kerem "Stop talking about what I want. What do YOU want?"

Agnes is confused.

Chimrea follows silently, watching with inhuman eyes.

Agnes Having friends is like herding cats.

Kerem "Man, Chim, you're creeping me out with that mask thing. What psychological problem are you, anyway?"

Mike Holmes Agnes notes that, off in the distance, she can see her pets. But between here and there, there are a maze of caves that must be traversed.

Tez "I want.... to be loved for being me. " She laughs. "Whoever that is. I want to be valued, needed, not pitied."

Agnes "Hmmm...look" Agnes points.

Chimrea "I'm not a problem; I'm a promise." She looks off in the direction Agnes is pointing.

Kerem "So you want me to need you, instead of you needing me?"

Kerem "I've always thought so, Chim."

Agnes starts forward falteringly. "What's the trick here? We just need to get through. Let's stay together and follow my lead. If you have any suggestions, let me know."

Chimrea "What? I..." Chimrea's voice loses some of the flat quality it's had, sounding a little more confused and human though still coming from behind the mask. "Do we have to talk about this now?"

Agnes looks back and wonders if bringing them was wise.

Chimrea Stepping up close behind Agnes, Chimrea rasps in her ear, "You have to hurry. Don't be late."

Kerem "We don't HAVE to talk about this now, but I don't know anything about caves."

Tez "Maybe."

Agnes "It's a trick."

Agnes "We're actually already over there. The distance is part of the physical landscape and not really a barrier...I think."

Kerem "Well, this all just exists in your mind, right? So think it away."

Kerem "I mean, I guess. I'm not sure I understand these roll-your-own heroquests."

Tez "Distance... it's not real. It's just here to break. We dream in the mind of a loved one... one to whom a mind is a link. a pathway." she trails off.

Kerem "Think of it as a bondage, a chain you're putting on yourself. You're restricting yourself because you fear something."

Kerem "So stop holding yourself back, and let your mind be free."

Tez titters at Kerem's words

Mike Holmes The caves loom, twisting and unending.

Tez separates from the group as always, in her own little world, walking up to the walls, she sees them as fragile as spun sugar, and tries to push her hand through

Agnes The landscape folds in on itself as the Agneses realize that what they were saying really is true. This moment crystalizes for Agnes -- something that she now knows is true, not just here, but 'outside' as well. Distance is truly, not an obstacle. Kitten and Rot-rot are now with the party.

Mike Holmes Both Kitten and Rot-Rot look to be malnourished, and needing affection.

Kerem "Oh, neat, we can use the pets as meatshields to protect us from danger."

Kerem "Let's take them along, expending only the bare resources necessary to keep them alive and in fighting condition!"

Kerem "No, wait, I'm doing it again, aren't I."

Tez wanders over to play with them

Agnes "I'm sorry Rot-rot. Maybe I should have left you under the mountain. But Kitten is hungry now."

Kerem "Whoa."

Kerem "That's a lot more vicious than I would be, and I'm the evil aspect of your personality!"

Kerem "Are you sure that that's, like, appropriate and respectful behavior?"

Agnes "He's a troll."

Agnes "And he's starving."

Chimrea "Is this how you meet your obligations? By cutting them loose when they lose convenience?"

Agnes "I freed him from captivity at the court of the High King by killing his master and brought him here. He's had a good life since."

Tez "Why don't you feed kitten to rot rot?"

Kerem "He could continue to have a good life if he didn't suddenly get EATEN."

Agnes "First, how would that be better? Second, Kitten is an aspect of a powerful entity, kind of like Badger and Scorpion, actually, with whom I have a pact."

Kerem "Are you going to feed us to Kitten if WE get hungry?"

Tez stares at Kerem.

Kerem "Because if so, I think we should stop for dinner before going any farther."

Agnes considers it, but doesn't let on.

Agnes "Aren't you guys supposed to be helping me?"

Kerem "I am helping you. To make a better goddamn decision."

Tez shrugs "Do we have to kill him first?"

Agnes "First?"

Tez "...well you can't kill him AFTER right?"

Chimrea shrugs. "By bringing us inside, you invite judgment on what we find here."

Agnes "Guys! No one is getting killed. Rot-rot isn't here. Not really. He is a manifestation of my concerns -- concerns which I must divorce myself from. I'm supposed to do that with regard to Kitten too, but I have an obligation to her mother to take her with me."

Agnes "What we're seeing is me getting my head straight, not....not real stuff...exactly."

Kerem "Divesting yourself of your concerns doesn't remove your responsibilities to them."

Kerem "If you don't want to worry about them, then let them go to fend for themselves. I mean, they're a huge lizard and a troll. I bet they can find some food somewhere."

Agnes "I went to rather extraordinary measures to save Rot-rot. The moral calculus of the situation, even if I cast him, in the flesh, into a pit of molten glass would still be on the pluss side. Come on, he's a goblin war troll!?!"

Kerem shakes hir head. "You don't build up MORAL CREDIT by doing nice things that you can then later expend by doing bad..." sie pauses. "Okay, well, YOU don't."

Agnes stares at Kerem.

Kerem "I mean."

Kerem "Okay, I guess I'm a big hypocrite. What of it?"

Kerem "You don't want to measure yourself by MY standard!"

Tez "I thought the goblins weren't evil"

Kerem "Wait, what? They're not?'

Agnes "Look! See, Rot-rot is eaten now, Kitten is full, things are grand. Except I can't believe it now! I can't get the memory of me explainign how it's not really happening to clear. See, if I know it's not happening then I'm not really overcoming my connection to my charges...thanks a whole wagon-load!"

Agnes "As for that, evil is in the eye of the beholder. They do things differntly than you do, that's all."

Kerem "Well, maybe there's a larger message here, which is, stop being so damn crazy!"


Mike Holmes The elven ambassador and his wife approach as Agnes rants and considers her companions' comments. She does not see them until they are quite close. Turning, Agnes sees Islitarialind removing her veil, her painful beauty oh so close.

Agnes "You know, you're one to..." Agnes' voice catches in her throat as she turns.

Mike Holmes Suddenly there is the memory of Agnes being on the patio at Thrakelust's estate, when Islitarialind arrives. The elf ambassador introduces her. And then the assassination attempt that ends up moving her veil, revealing her beauty...

Tez is drawn closer like a moth to a flame

Agnes As with Rahkleth, the Agneses remember moments of physical love as Agnes' eyes scan across Serin's face. When she reaches Islitarialind, their minds light up with...the only way to describe it is some equivalent to fields of white flowers.

Kerem "Whoa."

Kerem "So what can SHE do for us?"

Chimrea "You can't keep promises with a love like that in your mind. It blots out faith to everything except itself."

Agnes finds her voice through the lump in her throat as she croaks. "Nothing. I feel what I feel, but she is danger. I must get beyond this."

Agnes nods at Chimrea's input. "Yes, exactly."

Chimrea tilts her head. "You must get beyond it, because she's in danger? You can't move on if you're doing it for her." The scorpion chitters; it might be a laugh.

Agnes "No...she _is_ danger."

Tez "You love her. Love is dangerous."

Kerem "Can you maybe make that slightly more intelligible?"

Tez "Especially when it's only lust." She looks over at Agnes, over Istarilind's shoulder. "You do want her."

Chimrea nods, understanding now.

Kerem "I mean, I hate to be the voice of reason. I really do! But what's the problem? You love her, but it will screw up your life. So give it up, and move on."

Agnes "I'm not making this journey for her. I'm doing other things for her -- discharging responsibility. But I'd do this anyway. Moving on is hard -- can't you see her?"

Tez "She doesn't love you."

Kerem "Agnes, you don't love people just because they're pretty. What you want is to take advantage of her, because it'll make you happy."

Agnes "I...I know. Her husband does, but she's merely obligated to me."

Kerem "Well, there you go. She OWES you. You don't even NEED to manipulate her."

Agnes "Kerem, you don't know this time...I have loved her always, not in a use her kind of way. But I do appreciate your siding with me." Agnes smiles but her stare is still kind of vacant.

Kerem "Take what you want, and move on with your life. The world is full of pretty girls."

Kerem "Loved her always? She's not your mother."

Tez "Love someone who will love you back."

Agnes looks at Tez, catching her gaze. "I do. But love is big."

Kerem "Here's a valuable lesson that I learned at great personal cost, Agnes. There's more to love then acting stupid."

Agnes "If you like, when we get out of this, I'll let you peek in my head. It's a cross between a drug and magic, but it's not just pretend or a bad decision. It's like the claws of some great beast snapping at my brain."

Chimrea puts her hands on Agnes' shoulders from behind. "It hurts, but you'll live. I know."

Agnes nods. "Thank you."

Agnes Turning fully toward the elves, Agnes dons a mask of calm indifference. For a few moments she exchanges pleasantries and introductions before disengaging, turning to leave. As she departs, the real calm settles over her mind and it occurs to her that she can actually do this. Oddly, tears flow down her cheeks as she leans on Tez for strength and the elves grow small in the distance.

Mike Holmes All along they've been wandering along a bit between encounters. Now they've finally reached the mentality they saw from afar at the beginning of entering Agnes' mind. Her mind is now close to that of the Dome. Up close it appears to be like a big black gemstone that has a wet looking sheen.

Tez hugs Agnes, and lends support, alternating companionable silence and distracting her with lewd tales.

Agnes "This is what remains of the once-great thing planted here by the Sorceror."

Kerem "So how does it benefit us?"

Agnes walks up and raps on it.

Kerem "No, no, not what process do we use to get it to benefit us. I meant what benefit will it provide."

Agnes "It is occupying our space. Once it moves aside or shares the nexus on the web or whatever, there will be a place for us to connect and synthesize with the web."

Tez "That sounds like fun"

Kerem "Oh."

Kerem "Yeah, that's definitely useful."

Agnes This is a nexus of mental energy. Once we are living on the web, we will have unprecidented access to other nodes. Communication, travel, oversight. A whole world of opportunities will open to us."

Tez "Can we live there with you?"

Agnes "I believe that I will be able to be with you always."

Kerem "Always?'

Kerem "How about...most of the time?"

Agnes "I can't be everywhere at once -- I didn't mean literally all the time. More like any time."

Tez looks unsure.

Agnes questions Tez with a look.

Agnes "Creature! You will now do my bidding. Step aside. I have come to repair this place."

Tez says nothing

Mike Holmes As Agnes settles her mind into this new housing, she looks at the line that connects her back to her body. Already fading as the body is near to death, it should be a simple matter to just cut the line. But as she reaches for it, she notes that her friends have lost their illusory roles as part of her personality, and stand as themselves. And she realizes that she has one more step to take before she is done.

Agnes takes Kerem's hand and shakes it once. "Thank you. I needed help being freed."

Kerem "Yeah. I..." he smiles a little. "No sweat. That's what I do, apparently."

Agnes attempts to give Chimrea a sisterly hug. "I remember my obligations -- they transcend the meat that made them."

Chimrea returns the embrace. "And I'll remember you," she whispers in her ear.

Agnes clutches Tez tightly. "I promise that you will see me again. I'm not leaving you. I wouldn't make this choice if that were the cost. You'll hear from me soon." She kisses her friend before turning her back to those who accompanied her and mounting Kitten.

Tez "Agnes..." She reaches out for a moment, then lets her hand fall to her side. She looks down. "Thank you for coming with me."

Agnes "Thank you, Tez. You're my _real_ friend.

Agnes "Chimrea, my spirit -- use it in good health." Agnes rides forward, leaving her friends to follow their own cords back to their bodies.

Agnes With the flick of her wrist and a tethium blade, Agnes' cord reels backward out of her mental sphere. Her friends fade into the mist and a new world is open to her. It feels strange.

Agnes Having freed herself, Agnes must now attend to Kitten's graduation to this existence, together they head toward the center of the node.

Tez feels her mind slip back through the halls of Agnes' mind, and she finds herself disoriented as she opens her own eyes. The world is blurry, until she sees Agnes' body before her, bloodless. "Agnes!" She cries.

Kerem grimaces.

Chimrea stands for several seconds, blinking the strangeness away from her eyes and glad to have her own face back. Then she moves forward to help with the body--it's what she does, after all.

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Page last modified on July 23, 2007, at 09:18 PM by stryck

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