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Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes As Alquas enters the inn, he notes Kani coming out of his room, trying to clear tears from her eyes.

Mike Holmes An hour has passed since the last conversation, and everyone has scattered temporarily...

Alquas "Kani! My apologies for leaving this so late.. I have had much to take care of. I trust you and the lady Salya are unharmed?"

Alquas had taken a little time by himself to sober up before returning. Kani has not seen him since the storm began.

Alquas "I think the storm did not do too much damage, and it has now abated, thanks to... oh. Are you crying?"

Tez slinks back into the inn, looking somewhere between annoyed and furtive, with a touch of angry. She passes through the common room without comment, determined to go upstairs to their... well. His room, and get her things.

Kerem lies on his...their...the bed, snoring.

Alquas "Kani... what happened?"

Alquas "Did you miss me?" he says, with a slightly nervous smile.

Tez pauses at the doorway, then mutters things to herself, and goes in anyway. She starts picking up her clothes, random skewers she'd saved for no apparent reason, her pretty dress, and a few odd knick knacks of unknown origin

Mike Holmes "Salya," she says. "I didn't know what to do. She's angry."

Mike Holmes Kani breaks into tears again, a look of fear in her eye as to how Alquas will respond.

Alquas "Angry? Why? I know I left unexpectedly..."

Tez finds a skewer that's still got some meat on it and accidentally drops it on Kerem's head when she walks past him next.

Alquas "Are the two of you not relating well?"

Kerem snorts and blinks sleepily. "What the...Tez? What are you doing?"

Tez "I'm..." she thinks about that for a second, then her eyes light up and she grins. "I'm moving in with Alquas."

Kerem "What? Why? He's an asshole!"

Tez "I fall in love with assholes all the time."

Kerem "I..." he stirs, then shrugs. "Okay, whatever, Tez. If that's the way you want to be, then be that way. It's your life."

Kerem rolls over.

Tez glares at him

Tez "Fine. I will."

Tez ties her stuff up together in a cloth and stomps down the hall.

Kerem rolls his eyes and tries to get back to sleep.

Tez pushes the door open and stares at Alquas and Kani.

Alquas "Kani, if there is a problem between the two of you, tell me and I will sort things out."

Mike Holmes Tez's bundle bounces against her belly... which is when she notes that it is larger than it usually is...

Tez kind of pokes at it uncomfortably.

Mike Holmes Something protruding inside rolls by where she poked.

Mike Holmes Kani, finally replying to Alquas, admits, "I... I disobeyed her. She was angry."

Alquas "I... see."

Alquas Alquas puts an arm over her shoulder, companiobaly, but adopts a serious demeanour.

Alquas "Kani," he says "You know I care for you."

Tez pokes it back

Alquas "But you must understand your position. The lady Salya must be obeyed, as is proper. I know that our relationship is... deeper, but appearances must be maintained."

Mike Holmes "You cannot have it both ways, Alquas!" shouts Kani. "Am I free, or am I not free? I cannot live both ways at once!"

Alquas looks taken aback at the sudden outburst.

Tez is also startled, until she remembers what Kerem did.

Mike Holmes Kani is fierce, but it's a fierceness born in part from abject fear.

Tez shifts her bundle, and chews on an empty skewer idly as she watches the fireworks.

Kerem "...the hell...who is yelling at this time of night?"

Alquas "Kani? I... that is, we will live together one day, but until then... well, the lady Salya is accustomed to.."

Alquas waves his hands vaguely, and glances to one side to see Tez there. He looks away quickly.

Tez grins and waves.

Alquas "I mean.. this is just how these things are done, Kani. You know this."

Mike Holmes "You love her... don't you!" Kani accuses. "I am still only your chattel."

Mike Holmes Her head droops, and she turns away from Alquas.

Alquas "Kani... you mean Salya? No! I..."

Tez "You don't have to be his at all." She notes, leaning against the doorway.

Alquas glares at Tez. "What bsuiness is this of yours, Zhanjiir?"

Tez "Girls gotta stick together." she waves the skewer at him

Tez "Also, I'm gonna live here for a while."

Kerem wrangles himself out of bed and stomps down the hall, ready to yell at somebody, then takes in the situation and smirks despite himself.

Kerem "So how's your plan going?"

Tez "Good." She glances over at him for a moment, then rearranges her bundle.

Alquas "Kani, listen..."

Kerem "Good."

Kerem directs kind of a confused look at Kani.

Alquas "I am not unsympathetic, Kani... but you would do well to remeber I showed you a kindness, keeping you alive. Your old master wished me dead, you remember, and sent you to ensure such. Would you return to him now?"

Mike Holmes "Is that concern or a threat, Alquas?" she asks, her voice trembling.

Tez "Wait, what? You're telling her YOU saved HER by HER not killing YOU?"

Tez starts laying out her skewers and knick knacks on a table

Alquas "A statement, Kani." he says, pointedly ignoring ez.

Kerem "Kani, you don't have to stay here."

Tez "He's full of shit. Want a sword? I have an extra."

Alquas "Zhanjiir Kerem," he growls, "This is no concern of yours. Kindly leave us be."

Tez takes out her old sword and puts that on the table too

Kerem "Excuse me, Alquas, but it is my calling to bring freedom to those in need of it."

Alquas rolls his eyes. "How noble. The rogue fancies himself liberator of hearts and minds as well as purses."

Tez snorts

Alquas "Kani, I do not understand where this is comign from, but it stops now. The lady Salya will not remain with us for long. Until then, be civil to her."

Tez checks out the rest of the room and flops down on the bed.

Alquas "I will not treat you poorly, Kani. You know me better than that. I have shown you mercy, kindness, that enither your brother nor Waharr has ever shown you."

Alquas "Or any of my family."

Mike Holmes "So I owe you my service, because others would treat me more badly than you would?" she asks rhetorically.

Mike Holmes She straightens up.

Alquas "You should be grateful. Few Shadjiir have so priveldged a position as you now enjoy."

Tez flops on her back and tries to find a comfortable position.

Alquas views Tez with mounting irritation.

Mike Holmes "Greatful?" She steels herself for what follows. "Alquas, you may have my love... but only if you will acknowledge me free from these obligations."

Mike Holmes "Choose now," she says.

Mike Holmes "Do you want a free Kani, or no Kani at all?"

Kerem 's key glows, and his eyes darken, as he takes a step forward. "I fancy myself nothing. I do the work of A'taal, who freed all humanity, and I will not see them bound again. Scoff at your peril, mage."

Alquas stares at her incredulously.

Tez is clearly enjoying this.

Alquas whips around to face Kerem.

Alquas "You! You did this."

Tez "He did. I saw him."

Alquas "Must you meddle unceasingly in my affairs? What gives you the right, hmm?"

Alquas galres furiously at him for a few moments, then turns back.

Kerem "I have the Key."

Kerem "It's not my right. It's my responsibility."

Alquas "Kani. If you left, what do you imagine you would you do?"

Alquas "Your whole life you have been part of a household. They have fed you, clothed you, seen that you were kept healthy. You would forge out alone?"

Tez "Women don't need men to live or be happy." She eyes Kerem.

Kerem "Yes."

Kerem nods to Tez.

Mike Holmes "If I am not free, I cannot love myself," Kani replies to Alquas. "And If I cannot love myself, I cannot love you."

Alquas stares at her again.

Alquas "Kani... I care deeply for you.. but surely you undestand that we... well, we cannot ever... that is, that was never going to be.."

Alquas "We were never going to love one another as equals, Kani."

Alquas "I never imagined that for us."

Mike Holmes Kani's eyes go wide. Slowly she turns, and says to Kerem, "I find myself without a place in the world, keyholder. Can you help me?"

Alquas "I am sorry... I had not thought you felt as you say..."

Alquas "I did not mean to mislead you..."

Tez "I wouldn't go with him. He'll just tell you he loves you too."

Kerem sighs, and looks at Tez. "I can try. But I can't live your life for you, or it won't be any different from this."

Alquas gets incredulous again.

Alquas "You turn to this man? The rogue, the theif?"

Alquas "Truly you are innocent of the world, Kani. If you wish to be free, then go, but not into the arms of such a man."

Alquas eyes Kerem contemtuously.

Alquas "And this prattle about a key. What is this trinket, then, oh liberator of purses?"

Kerem looks up at Alquas, one eyebrow cocked. "Can't you envision an interaction between a man and a woman that isn't all about sex, Alquas?"

Mike Holmes Kani turns back to Alquas. "I cannot go with you, but I must go with somebody. Being free doesn't mean I don't need help."

Alquas stares levelly back at Kerem. "Can you?"

Alquas looks at Kani, and sighs.

Alquas "Dear Kani... if this is your will, I will not keep you from it. But there will always be a place for you here. Remember that."

Agnes ~~Tez, Dear. I'm going to need your help. And bring Chimrea at midnight. To the bog at Northtown.~~ The mental voice sounds both more clear and more distracted than usual.

Tez is about to comment on the scene before her, but instead squeaks, startled by the voice, then screws up her face in concentration, wondering fiercely what she is needed for

Mike Holmes Kani, at Alquas' suggestion that he still has a place for her, breaks down, and begins to walk out.

Kerem takes the Key from around his neck and thrusts it before Alquas, where it gives off a divine red-gold flash, as he speaks words that Alquas understands, though they are in a tongue neither of them speak: "Abuser, tyrant, slave-owner, trouble me no more, for I serve A'taal, and he bears no kindness for those who rob others of their freedom."

Agnes ~~...Oh, and I guess Alquas too. Bring him. Can you?~~

Tez laughs

Tez thinks that Alquas is angry

Mike Holmes Alquas frowns at Kerem's display, and simply ignores it.

Alquas "This is supposed to impress me?"

Alquas snorts with laughter. "You're a silly little man, Kherrrem. I have nothing but contempt for you."

Alquas "Your little key is nothing to me. Leave, before I show you what true magic looks like."

Alquas Here, his eyelids flicker, and his pupils burn for a moment with the essence of the gate.

Tez "I want to see what true magic looks like."

Alquas laughs heartily this time.

Kerem glares at this sign of power.

Kerem "Ah, I see. You don't just seek to ape the gods, you seek to become them."

Alquas snaps his fingers and flames erupt from his palms.

Kerem "Have a care, Alquas."

Tez applauds

Alquas "Here then. Does this please you, Tez?"

Tez "Yes, do some more!"

Kerem "Cmon, Kani, I'll lend you some money, and help you look for a job."

Kerem "Have fun, Tez."

Alquas waves away the flames. "Kani! Be careful. You know where to find me."

Alquas "I will miss you."

Mike Holmes Kani follows Kerem out of the room, with a single glance back over her shoulder.

Mike Holmes She turns back away, and slight sobbing can be heard as she exits.

Alquas watches the door close behind them, leaving him alone in the room with Tez, still lying on his bed.

Alquas slumps in a chair, somewhat drained.

Alquas "Tez," he says, wearily, "do you intend to stay there? I could use some rest."

Tez "I can move over."

Tez "Agnes wants to know if you can come to the bog at Northtown tonight though."

Alquas clutches his head.

Alquas "Z'tarr be cursed."

Alquas "I don't suppose you'll deign to tell me why?"

Tez "Ummm..."

Tez thinks at Agnes... why?

Agnes ~~I need you to help Arblak with my blood. I have come to trust you and you have a certain affinity. But you must allow him to lead the procedure.~~

Tez thinks Alquas?

Agnes ~~Oh. I need he and Adrienne to clarify their situation regarding Kani's rescue.~~

Tez "She wants you to clarify stuff."

Agnes ~~If he's not interested in help with Kani, tell him there will be magic.~~

Tez "And there's magic."

Alquas "Isn't there always?"

Tez "Not really."

Tez scoots over, akwardly.

Alquas sighs deeply.

Alquas "Let me check on Salya. Then we will go. Otherwise Chimrea will be upset."

Tez "Yeah. That would be bad huh."

Alquas "I have upset enough women today, I fear."

Alquas walks to the next room, meditatively.

Tez rearranges all the pillows to suit herself

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes Agnes is wandering in Northtown headed for no particular reason towards the temple causeway from the forge, and she comes across a still boggy part of town that seems abandoned. From the center of the bog, however, she feels a very small tingle coming from some of the stones there.

Mike Holmes So small a mental emanation that only somebody as sensitive as herself could possibly note it, she realizes.

Agnes Taking note, she walks some distance along the perimeter of the bog attempting to triangulate the source and then heads into the murk in wonder.

Mike Holmes Agnes checks around for a few minutes. This bog is near where Northtown verges on the White Wood, of course, so it's not all that coincidental that Arblak happens to be passing by just then, as he happens to be heading into the city. He does seem a tad confused to find Agnes here in the bog, however.

Mike Holmes But he seems relieved not to have to go into the city itself.

Mike Holmes Something that Agnes isn't sure he's ever done before.

Agnes From waist-deep in the water, Agnes waves. "Where you headed?"

Mike Holmes Arblak stops, pauses a moment, and then points at Agnes, "I was looking for you."

Mike Holmes He wades into the bog, not at all concerned about the muck.

Agnes "Oh, neat!" Agnes' smile broadens. "Do you know what's in here?"

Mike Holmes Arblak looks about and shakes his head after a bit.

Agnes "Nor do I...yet. So what did you want? I trust that your mother is well?"

Mike Holmes Arblak's eyes narrow ever so slightly at the mention of Rhosiar. But he nods.

Mike Holmes "We must talk."

Agnes "Oh, OK. What's up?" Agnes tries to provide undivided attention but she keeps glancing toward the locus of mental contact.

Mike Holmes "I have figured out two ways of making a cure to save the elves," he says. He blunders on, "One way we can adjust your blood so that it will fix the female elf. But the male will die."

Mike Holmes "The other way we adjust it," he goes on, "And we can save them both."

Mike Holmes "But the female will never have elven children again."

Mike Holmes "But there's a problem with either method," he says.

Agnes "Huh...interesting. Oh?"

Mike Holmes "O

Mike Holmes "I'll need all of your blood to make them work," he says matter-of-factly.

Agnes "I'm pretty sure that presents some problems for me..."

Mike Holmes Arblak's head goes down in disgrace, but he nods in agreement.

Mike Holmes "I have failed your father."

Agnes "OK, when can you be ready?"

Agnes "Huh?"

Mike Holmes Arblak looks up, pronouncing the words carefully through his tusked mouth, "I should be able to do this better."

Agnes "You know the fucked up stuff my dad did? You're doing fine." Agnes pats him tenderly on the shoulder.

Mike Holmes Arblak tries to absorb the compliment, but can't really deal with it.

Agnes "So, I'm not too bothered by donating some blood to the procedure, but only if you're pretty sure it's going to work."

Mike Holmes Arblak says, "I don't think you understand, I need all of your blood. This will kill you, no? Or do you have powers?

Mike Holmes He looks at her, knowing that she does have abilities beyond the ken of most.

Agnes "I think I can get around the dying part."

Mike Holmes Arblak nods hesitantly, not at all understanding.

Mike Holmes "Well, then, you need to come with me to the White Wood."

Mike Holmes "At some point," he adds, not wanting to rush her.

Agnes "OK, cool. Help me check this out?"

Mike Holmes Once again, Arblak's eyes narrow as he tries to figure out what it is that Agnes could be referring to."

Mike Holmes "Ssssure."

Agnes continues her pursuit of the mental tickle.

Mike Holmes Soon Agnes tracks the mind down to a rock that protrudes from the bog only about a foot.

Mike Holmes But, obviously, it is extensive under the water.

Mike Holmes And in a flash, she realizes that it's a dome that she's discovered, sunk beneath the bog.

Mike Holmes And whatever the mind is, it's emanating from the dome.

Agnes "There is a structure here. Under the mud and water."

Mike Holmes Agnes' mind stretches out, and at first the complexity of what she encounters threatens to entrap even her powerful mind. But after a bit she sorts it out. The one mind in the dome is linked to others because the dome itself is right on top of a hub from which all of the minds within miles are linked, if only very subtly. This includes, as it happens, the minds of the forge, which seem to have protection from this one tiny mind.

Mike Holmes But there are more hubs, it seems, with which this one is connected.

Agnes gets lost in it for a while.

Mike Holmes Another hub exists in East Town, and it's only after a moment that its apparent familiarity makes sense... it's Aaron!

Mike Holmes Then another hub, also familiar... this one mobile. After a moment, Agnes realizes that this is Serama, that she is coming back to Green Lake for some reason.

Mike Holmes And there are other hubs and connections to individual minds

Mike Holmes These unfamiliar, and unfathomable at these distances, without more time to investigate.

Mike Holmes The mind of the dome calls to Agnes encouraging her to look more and more

Mike Holmes The potential power here is staggering. Damaged in it's apparatus, and dampened by the power of the twin spirits of the temple isle. But there nonetheless.

Mike Holmes The voice calls to her to forget her old allegiances, and take up this new path to power.

Mike Holmes Why bow to others, when one can do

Mike Holmes what one wants

Mike Holmes by making others do what one wants

Mike Holmes ?

Agnes Shaking herself she pauses in her...research. "Arblak! Come back here with the equipment you need. Be here at midnight. Bring your mother to help. The option that lets Serin live -- that's the one. It is Istlitarialind whom I love, not her children."

Mike Holmes Arblak nods, understanding what she's saying. But he asks, "Here? Not some other place?"

Agnes "Here."

Mike Holmes Arblak says nothing but heads off back toward the woods, with a suspicious glance at either this bog, or perhaps at Northtown not far away.

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes *

Mike Holmes *

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Page last modified on June 26, 2007, at 12:28 AM by stryck

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