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<Alquas> ***
<Alquas> **
<Alquas> *
<Alquas> *
<Alquas> "We need a place to stay."
<Alquas> "Temporary shelter while we.... work things out."
* Alquas looks over his shoulder at the still trembling form of Kani. The carpet sails on - cruising was not difficult, steering was the skill.
<Alquas> "i have put forces in motion in Green Lake. We will be protected. But... I must also see to the lady Salya."
* Alquas looks over at Green Lake below, and cannnot supress a sneer. The place is a ramshackle hovel that was nothing compared to the majesty of Ajarrya and the other cities of his home nation. They should have been long crushed underfoot, as was proper...
<Alquas> "The thoughts of an older life, now past..." he mumbles.
<Agnes> "Master?" Kani overcomes her fear of the situation enough to speak. "Where will we go?"
<Alquas> "An inn, of some sort. Just for an evening or two, untill I can get soemthing more permanent. For all it's... lesser qualities, Green Lake seems accepting of strangers. I'm sure we can find something."
* Alquas flies on in silence, concentrating as he brings the carpet down, trying to locate a likely looking building. Building! More like mud hut...
<Alquas> "My father will be angry with what I have done. Never have I so brazenly defied his will." His voice is flat, even hollow.
<Alquas> "We shall be hiding from him even as we hide from the Praelector."
* Alquas finally espies something vaguely resembling a place of rest, which is useful as their presence in the skies was starting to attract comment.
<Agnes> Kani nods. "Won't your father look for us such a small city, I fear your grandeur will be tough to hide from common sight." She ducks her head self-conciously, a sign that Alquas knows well enough when a servant thinks she may have over-stepped her place.
* Alquas pauses a moment, focusing on getting the carpet to drop and slightly peeved at the girl's impertinence.
<Alquas> "Yes. He will look. But I do not intend to be easy to find. This is not the first time I have fled my father's keeping."
<Alquas> The carpet comes to rest on the ground before the inn.
<Alquas> "Kani, roll up the carpet and carry it in. Be careful, it is beyond price. I will speak with the proprietor of this... establishment."
* Alquas turns on his heel and walks off with the grace and bearing of aristocracy.
<Agnes> Kani attends to the servants duties of preparing the cushions and rolling the carpet into the special shape that makes it most quick to deploy.
* Alquas looks for the likeliest looking person and adresses him thusly, in clipped Rhiani: "You! Zhanjiir innkeep! I seek lodging. I have coin."
* Tez stares oddly at Kerem, inside the common room of the inn.
<Kerem> Kerem looks up from his table at the common room, noticing Alquas, and grimaces. He leans over to Tez.
<Kerem> "Let's hope he doesn't notice us."
<Agnes> The inkeep takes an instant dislike to Alquas and charges a king's ransom for the local standards. It's so far below the foreigner's budget that the difference goes unnoticed.
* Tez giggles, and ducks her head
* Kerem looks at Tez a little longer, smile fading a bit., then brightening. "So, uh, how did looking for those materials go?"
* Alquas walks over to Kani, satisfied he got the better end of the deal. He hands her the key. "Take the carpet to the room and prepare it, Kani. Then return here. I have... friends I need to talk to. Needless to say, do not interact with anyone you may meet."
<Alquas> And with that, Alquas walks over to Kerem's table, having heard the unmistakable giggle of that Tez woman a moment before.
<Tez> "Oh, materials? I..think they're under the bed."
<Agnes> Kani, takes the key and bows. struggling under the weight of the carpet, she makes her way up the narrow steps to her master's room and retires to her duties.
<Alquas> "Kerrem, what good fortune you should be here. I would speak with you!"
<Kerem> "Uh...yeah, okay."
* Tez looks up at Alquas through her hair, which she has at some point let out of the braid she usually wears it in.
<Alquas> "While the deal we previously discussed is still valid, there has been a change in my circumstances you will need to accomodate. I have left my father's company, and shall me rooming in this inn for the next few days."
<Alquas> "Please redirect your men to this building that I may deploy them more usefully."
<Alquas> "I will also be seekign to bring the lady Salya here, so she will not need her own gaurd. Are these new arrangements understood?"
* Tez giggles again, and sucks on the tip of her finger, which is still red from a recent cut.
* Alquas tries very hard not to stare at Tez.
* Kerem blinks a few times.
<Kerem> "Listen..."
<Tez> "You remind me of Cheroz." she says around her finger.
* Kerem stares at Alquas, then sighs.
<Kerem> "Fine, whatever."
* Alquas raises his eyebrows at the two of them, but then nods. "Good." He smiles in an awkward way.
* Agnes walks up behind Alquas, interrupting the love. "Hey, I hoped I'd find you here...well, not you, but...what's up?"
* Tez waves a little at Agnes
<Kerem> "Hey Agnes."
* Alquas turns, startled.
<Kerem> "Who's Cheroz?"
<Alquas> "Oh, Ag-nez. Hello, again."
<Agnes> "Hi all." Agnes pats Alquas on the shoulder. "Easy there."
* Alquas stands somewhat awkwardly, as if building up to say something.
<Alquas> "So." he says, at length, to the group. "I find myself in need of friends."
* Alquas smiles again, in as friendly a manner as he can manage.
<Tez> "Cheroz, friend of my Father. He was mean."
* Agnes blinks at Alquas. "Friends?"
<Alquas> "Yes."
<Alquas> "Friends."
<Kerem> "Oh yeah?"
<Tez> "Cheroz thought he had friends too."
<Agnes> "Did you bring any?"
<Kerem> "Lucky for you, that's why you gave me a whole bunch of money."
* Alquas looks at them, and laughs slightly, uncertainly. "You are all most amusing! Perhaps I will buy you drinks!"
<Kerem> "Yes. That is a good idea."
<Alquas> "Barkeep! Some drinks for my frinds here!"
* Agnes gives Tez and Kerem a look like "What's his problem?"
* Kerem bounces it back with, if anything, rhetorical expansion.
* Alquas sits on the nearest available seat.
* Tez returns Agnes' look like "what?"
<Tez> "Cheroz had fine brandy." she notes
<Alquas> When Alquas' drink arrives, he gulps it down quickly.
* Agnes shakes her head a little as if saying "You know, he's acting weird even by our lofty standards."
* Tez eyes the common ale askance.
* Kerem shrugs, adopting an apathetic look, and sips at his drink.
* Tez 's look does not particularly change
* Alquas relaxes visibly once he has drunk something.
<Agnes> "So what's your problem, Alquas?"
<Agnes> "I mean, why do you need friends all of a sudden?
* Agnes takes a seat, no more invited than Alquas was.
* Tez takes the ale, and chugs it.
<Alquas> "I, ah, well. My personal circumstances have.. changed somewhat."
<Tez> "More please" she asks hopefully.
* Alquas stares into his mug. "My, if this isn't the commonest of ales." He licks inside his mouth with evident distaste, apparently only just now realising what he drank.
<Alquas> "Perhaps somehting finer for this table of... fine... personages?"
<Tez> "Well, you didn't order the good kind." she says reproachfully
* Alquas click his fingers officiously, attempting to summon someone.
<Agnes> "I'm sure that Kerem will provide exactly the services you need. Has your...adversary arrived, then?"
<Kerem> "Don't snap your fingers at the waitresses. They hate that."
* Alquas stares at Kerem sharply, but lowers his fingers.
<Alquas> "How, indeed, do you attain service here, then?" He studiously avoids Agnes' gaze.
<Agnes> "No, dude, he's right! No servants like to be condescended to. Reserve that for people you're in a position to execute."
* Kerem looks up and casts a dazzling smile at one, raising one eyebrow, and she hurries over with a grin of her own.
* Kerem gives Alquas a look half "See?" and half "Pay up."
* Tez mutters suggestively "brandy"
* Alquas grunts, and then says, without turning around to face the serving girl "Your finest brandy, please. And four glasses."
* Tez looks positively giddy
<Kerem> "If we're going to be drinking that much, we'd probably better get some food too."
<Tez> "Are you buying us food too?" she asks Alquas brightly
* Alquas glares sharply at Kerem again. "Perhaps. Do they... serve... food here?"
* Alquas is nervously aware of how out of place he looks, even in the relatively cosmpolitan environs of Green Lake.
<Agnes> "This town? They serve food everywhere."
* Alquas clutches at his robes, reflexively.
<Alquas> "Then food we shall have!" he says, similing broadly.
* Tez claps gleefully
* Tez thinks...just like Cheroz indeed. Sucker.
<Alquas> Despite himself, and the constant nagging feeling she's about to bite him, Alquas is rather enjoying Tez's evident happiness.
<Alquas> "So, what is good here?" he inquires, of the table at large as the brandy arrives.
* Tez takes two of the glasses.
<Agnes> "Whatever they're cooking."
<Alquas> "Ha, yes? Well, then we'll have it. Perhaps Kerem would like to again aquire us a serving girl?"
* Alquas puts his money purse on the table, where it makes a now somewhat less heavy sounding thunk.
* Alquas purs himself a generous measure of brandy.
* Alquas then takes a large gulp of it.
* Tez pours herself two, and alternates
* Alquas raises his eyebrows at the woman Tez. He gesticulates at the bottle. "Please, my friends, help yourselves."
<Alquas> Taking another large gulp of brandy, Alquas plunges on: "So, yes, I find my personal circumstances somewhat changed. But no matter! I am confident I will come out the better for it."
* Agnes nods, inviting Alquas to continue.
* Tez squints at Alquas. "You come from an important family?"
<Alquas> To Tez: "Ah, yes, so to speak. I am Alquas Ei-Qeddim."
* Alquas waits for this to have the impact he expects.
* Tez giggles.
<Tez> "I like it."
* Alquas coughs.
<Alquas> "Perhaps you are unfamiliar with Vajaari culture."
* Alquas takes another gulp of brandy, and then refills his glass.
* Kerem rolls his eyes and pours himself a large slug of brandy.
<Tez> "It sounds important?"
<Tez> "How come you're here then?" She finishes off one of the glasses in front of her, having gotten distracted from switching
* Alquas takes a deep breath, and launches into an explanation. "The House Qeddim is one of the noblest families in all Vajaar. My father, Jarya ei-Qeddim, is the Seyjii of Ajarrya, the large city closest to our mutual border."
* Tez stares at him as he explains, flipping her empty cup upside down on the table and resting her chin on it
* Agnes leans over and bumps her torso into Alquas' in a patently over-personal gesture. "I bet there's a girl involved." She finishes her glass of brandy.
<Alquas> "We came here on a diplomatic mission. There had been... unpleasantness between our peoples, and the Houses decided collectively it was time to try a... softer approach. Or so I was told."
<Alquas> "In truth it seems that our purpose here was a fiction. The other Houses envy us, our position close to the Walhabbi, the martial glories of my father. And so their aim was to send us here on a fool's errand, and then see us... dispatched, quietly, in foreign lands."
* Alquas pauses at this point to take another gulp of brandy.
<Kerem> "How's that working out for you?"
<Tez> "That sounds complicated." she says, very seriously.
<Alquas> "I averted one attempt on my own life. And now I learn from a dear friend that they have sent the... Praelector."
<Tez> "Pray lickter?"
<Mike_Holmes> Kerem notes that the group of women that he saw in the market earlier are now entering the inn. There are six of them, all wearing what look to be some sort of ceremonial garb.
<Alquas> "Praelector, I think, is the term in Rhiani? Perhaps I have mistranslated... the Vajaari term is Z'tarr-Jihrraj, the chosen warrior of Z'tarr. He weilds the very power of Z'tarr himself."
<Mike_Holmes> Tez sees the women this time as they enter.
* Alquas says this last as portentously as his now slightly slurred speech can convey.
* Agnes bunches Tez and gestures.
* Tez sliiides under the table
* Tez reaches up and grabs her cup
<Agnes> "So the Praelector is coming for you? And you're what, hiding, running or...probably not fighting, right?"
* Kerem blinks.
* Kerem glances under the table. "Tez? Uh? This isn't inn behavior."
<Tez> "Shhhh"
<Alquas> "I... well, I have intended to defend myself and mine. If battle becomes necessary, I am ready."
* Alquas weaves slightly unsteadily, but seems to mean it.
* Tez crouches, clutching her glass, and trying to be inconspicuous.
<Mike_Holmes> The woman leading the group looks about, and announces to the room, "We seek one named Tezicatli. Can anyone tell us where she is?"
<Agnes> "So, Alquas, could the Praelector come under cover of disguise?"
<Alquas> "However, ah, I have become... separated from my father and his retinue. Potentially this shall leave me safer, in the short run at least, but it also levaes me with nowhere to sleep and, ah, few companions. Hence, I am here." He leans back, glass in hand.
* Tez whispers, "I'm not here!"
* Kerem suddenly acquires an understanding look, and gives a thumbs-up sign under the table.
* Alquas blinks and looks round at the new entrants, but says nothing.
* Agnes stands up. "She's fucking Teodric...go ask him."
* Kerem snorts some brandy and starts coughing his lungs out.
* Alquas, having just turned back to Agnes to answer her question, pauses a moment, astounded by this outburst.
<Mike_Holmes> The woman looks at Agnes, a look of momentary bewilderment on her face.
* Tez stares at Agnes' knees, confused. <w> "I am?"
<Agnes> "You know? The big house down the way?" She gestures out the door.
<Agnes> "The Vajaari contingent may be hiding her, go bother them."
<Mike_Holmes> The woman strides over confidently, "You wouldn't be trifling with me."
<Kerem> "That's right. She definitely wouldn't."
* Agnes offers the priestess a brandy. "I've seen the blood moon. You never know what Tez will be doing, why do you doubt me?"
* Tez closes her eyes, and plays 'rock'
<Alquas> Catching up with the situation slowly, Alquas tries to obscure Tez from view by means of small leg movements, without attracting attention.
* Tez feels rather less alone, while hiding amidst a forest of legs, than she had before. Dimly she realizes that everyone at the table is actually protecting her, without even asking why.
<Mike_Holmes> Despite all of this, the priestess is not deterred in her quest, and notes somebody beneath the table. Dipping down, she sees Tez there. "Are you the one we seek?"
<Tez> ""
* Alquas withdraws his legs, and coughs.
<Agnes> "Holy cats! How'd you get down there, Tez?"
* Alquas studiously studies the decor.
* Agnes blinks in astonishment...or something.
<Tez> "I...dropped my cup." she slugs the rest of the brandy. "It rolled across the room...from... Teodric's"
* Kerem casually fingers the brandy bottle, and casts an eye over the other priestesses.
* Alquas is suddenly very interested in his glass, but fingers something beneath his robes reflexively....
<Mike_Holmes> The woman looks up at Agnes, "You claim not to have known that she was below the table?"
* Agnes thinks about gutting the priestess but opts to let Tez lead the way on this one.
<Agnes> "I have made no such claim."
* Tez checks out their robes as she crawls out from under the table sheepishly.
<Mike_Holmes> The woman says, "You just now made an exclamation that you were unaware that she was below the table."
* Alquas looks at Kerem, and back to Tez.
<Mike_Holmes> Her eyes flash and turn red.
<Kerem> "So, uh...what do you want with Tez, anyway?" Kerem smiles heartwarmingly.
<Agnes> "Not true! I asked her how she got down there."
* Kerem leans into the woman. "Agnes is crazy. Best not to dwell on it."
* Tez steps between the woman and Agnes
<Tez> "What do you want?"
<Agnes> "I was watching the crowd of white-robed women during her transition from sitting to hiding."
<Mike_Holmes> "I fear that we want you, and that you are a liar, too," says the woman. "But I'll ask my question more carefully. Is your name Tezicatli? From Ardania?"
<Agnes> "You don't have to answer."
* Tez shrugs, "I've had a few names." she says evasively. "What do you want with Tezicatli?"
<Kerem> "Listen. I don't know...well...anything about what's going on here at all, really. Uh. I mean. Okay, let's not focus on that point."
<Kerem> "What I'm trying to say is, I'm pretty sure that this is just some kind of easy misunderstanding." Kerem beams, nearly claps the woman on the shoulder, then thinks better of it.
<Alquas> "Yes, let us try and settle this amicably!" says Alquas, with his best smile. "I think that seems reasonable. Brandy for all!"
* Kerem 's smile flickers for a moment as Alquas puts his oar in, but he keeps his end up manfully.
* Tez sticks out her arm (with glass) towards the brandy jug, without taking her eyes off of the priestess.
<Agnes> "So, are you the one responsible for the gogur destruction of Sherezek?"
<Mike_Holmes> The woman turns her red eyes upon Agnes once more. "Sherezek! We lost priestesses at Sherezek! How dare you!"
* Tez sighs. "Your fight is not with her. What do you want with Tezicatli?"
<Agnes> "I think I've heard that you guys were at fault. I mean I could have it wrong..." Agnes gestures expansively, trying to indicate history and solidarity with her listeners.
<Mike_Holmes> Kerem and Alquas both can't help noting that the priestesses are all rather good looking, and their leader exceptionally so. Her mannerisms are also very attractive, even when she's angry.
* Tez grabs the bottle, sits down, and starts drinking.
<Mike_Holmes> The woman notes her charming company, and finally breaks down with a smile. She warily frowns while still smiling at Agnes, but sits down, too. "We seek the chosen one, Tezicatli, to aid her in her upcoming trial."
<Agnes> "Oh...oops."
<Kerem> "Oh."
<Kerem> "Well, I pretty much wasn't expecting you to say that at all."
<Tez> "Oh. Why didn't you say so?" she wipes her mouth and belches.
* Alquas, satisfied that things now seem settled, pours out more brandy. He wonders vaguely where Kani has got to.
* Tez eyes them, swaying back and forth a little. "How're you gonna help"
<Agnes> "Tez, they prolly know all the know, the stuff you don't know!"
<Tez> "I know... lossa stuff."
<Mike_Holmes> The priestess nods at Agnes, "I am Shira. And I am well versed in the rites of Akalatan. I can both teach you the way, and aid you on your quest, Tezicatli."
* Kerem looks a little unhappy.
<Kerem> "Oh good. That's...just what we need, really."
<Mike_Holmes> She looks to see if Tez responds to her name. \\ <Tez> "I'm not gonna stab Teo." she raises her finger. "I'm fuckin im"
* Tez giggles
* Agnes smiles, a little embarassed.
<Mike_Holmes> Shira frowns, "I see that our chosen one has imbibed a bit too much of the spirits?"
<Tez> "No, no, you jus haven' had enough."
* Tez offers them a glass.
<Mike_Holmes> Shira nods slowly, "Well, then, I must catch up."
<Kerem> "Being the immortal chosen vessel of an ancient blood god is very stressful."
<Agnes> "We should let her dry out before the ritual quest."
<Kerem> "...uh, or so I've heard."
<Mike_Holmes> Shira nods at the commentary.
<Agnes> "Damn...I sure am glad I didn't knife you." Agnes slumps into her seat.
<Tez> "I love you Agnes"
<Tez> "Even though yer kinda mean"
<Mike_Holmes> Shira concentrates on her glass, and it begins to fill with a red liquid. Very red.
* Agnes smiles warmly at Tez. "You're silly, I'm not mean."
* Tez watches with interest. "I wanna do that."
* Kerem glances at Shira's glass, and takes an extra-big gulp from his own.
* Alquas watches events with growing incomprehension. "Blood, again?" he says, weakly.
<Tez> "Blood's important."
<Mike_Holmes> Shira nods, and drinks. \\ <Mike_Holmes> Her priestesses stand behind her, hands behind their backs, very respectfully silent.
* Alquas pauses at this. "No doubt." he says, darkly. He takes a large swig of brandy, and eyes Kerem.
<Agnes> Just then, Kani startles Alquas with a touch to the shoulder. "Master?"
* Kerem gives Alquas a heartfelt shrug.
* Tez squints at her glass fiercely
<Alquas> "Ah, Kani!" Alquas is grateful for the interruption, and by now quite fuzzy-headed. "Meet my good friends!"
* Alquas indcates each of them in turn with an unsteady hand.
<Agnes> She looks around the table, eyes wide, nodding to any who meet her almost-gaze.
* Tez is disappointed to find that squinting does not make things appear in her glass.
* Tez tries something else
* Kerem smiles warmly at Kani, and offers her a seat with an expansive gesture.
<Alquas> "This is Kerrem, he is arragning for our guard. Teyz, she... is a very interesting woman. And Ag-nez here, she gave aid to the lady Salya when she was in need."
<Mike_Holmes> Shira finshes her drink, daintily cleaning up a drop of red by the corner of her lip.
<Alquas> "And these charming women I don't know much about yet." he says, unsteadily. "I take it our room is prepared?"
<Agnes> In a quiet voice, Kani tries to regain her beloved master's attention, "The room is...quite rustic, but I have done what is possible."
* Tez looks back over at Shira, trying to remember what exactly she did. Clutches her glass in a relatively steady hand, and concentrates, sending a little prayer to Akalatan in her head. it goes something like this 'Please, Akalatan, make this work good'
<Alquas> "Beautiful!" Alquas stands and kisses Kani on the lips.
<Alquas> The kiss lasts a full minute.
* Tez is distracted by Alquas kissing a girl who's not trying to run away
<Agnes> "mph.master.please come" Kani speaks almost inaudibly.
<Mike_Holmes> Shira ignores the other banter, and turns to Tez, "You should not try that, you offend Akalatan by calling on him directly like that and for such a frivolous reason. We have many things to discuss. Should not we retire privately?"
* Tez sulks.
<Tez> "I guess."
<Kerem> "I think...uh...I'd better stay with her."
* Kerem puts his hand lightly on Tez's arm.
* Alquas stops and looks about the table, head weaving slightly. He bows in exaggerated fashion "Excuse me, there are matters that must detain me. Enjoy the brandy!"
* Alquas follows Kani to wherever she's headed.
<Tez> "I don't feel very good" she gingerly sets the glass back down
<Mike_Holmes> Shira looks at Kerem doubtfully, but then relents. She gives him an impressive smile and says, "Fine, if you trust him, Tezicatli?"
<Tez> "I'm fuckin' him too."
<Tez> "well. mostly just him."
* Kerem attempts to say something and stops.
* Tez leans her head on his shoulder.
<Mike_Holmes> Shira smiles and nods looking at the two of them. She turns and sends a glance over her shoulder asking "Which way to the privacy?"
<Tez> "We have a room."
<Mike_Holmes> Shira nods, and heads in the direction indicated.
<Agnes> As Tez heads off, Agnes is still in her seat, building a mental connection with her friend. Hopefully it will be enough to help keep her safe.
* Kerem glances after her with a vaguely concerned expression on his face, then leads Tez after Shira.
<Mike_Holmes> *
<Mike_Holmes> *
<Mike_Holmes> **
<Mike_Holmes> *

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Page last modified on March 20, 2007, at 12:49 AM by Thomas Lawrence

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