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  1. Crossing to the site of the bridge.
  2. Neorut, gets mud to rise by intimidating the mud spirit.
  3. Neorut bakes mud to form causeway.
  4. All bring gems in casings across causeway.
  5. Terian passes Emerald Scorpion guardians.
  6. Terian does a personal purification.
  7. Terian purifies the gems.
  8. Terian takes the gems to the high room.
  9. Terian chants till the spirits arrive.
  10. Terian welcomes the spirits, and befriends them.
  11. Terian puts the gems back down in the sacred hall, carrying them carefully.

Stations not listed, or facts not known about them.

  • 4.5 A mentalist cultmember tries to steal Neorut's mind, to attack Terian (this failed, historically).
  • 6. The purification ritual is tainted.
  • 8.5 Terian must brave seeing the Demons of the White Wood approaching.

Likely Chronology

  1. Isadora's mother, thinking that Egani is some sort of civilized sort, contacts him magically through Archelaus as Astrologer, to ask him to report on Isadora, just as Isadora and Okhfels arrive to ask him to join.
  2. At the crossing ritual preparations, Amestris asks for amnesty for Archelaus, noting that he may be useful in the quest.
  3. Elle says she wants to help out (still infatuated).
  4. The Troll Shaman arrives at the preparations and wants to go along. He's sorta mystically curious, but will be helpful if allowed. He also has his agenda below.
  5. Egani's cat attacks Isadora, being manipulated by the Sorcerer.
  6. Beliria brings sacred metals from the Forge which signals the start of the crossing ritual.
  7. The prophecy from the stone is read - bonus to all stations if the runes are interpereted correctly.
  8. Other crossing ritual elements introduced.
  9. As it goes on, Beliria asks for a position in the New World Order - to be sealed in the quest at the purification stage (6).
  10. When the spirit world opens, but before they cross, Pallos' spirit asks for Narbin's Spirit for revenge. Fahd advises against it as it may taint the quest (Narbin's spirit might get away and wreak havok).
  11. People may note Gennadi being brought across unwillingly.
  12. Crossing to the site of the bridge. 10W3 Crossing Standard.
  13. The Rhiani want to perform a standard ritual of "thanks and punishment". In this case, this involves them casting out Gennadi, who they say is a theif (and he is). They want to cast out Geera as well, since he's adopted her officially.
  14. The Rhiani ask that Archelaus be given up for punishment, too.
  15. Neorut, gets mud to rise by intimidating the mud spirit. Echos from the past suggest that he will do better if he acts very barbarically (does he care how Isadora thinks about him doing this)? 5W2 intimidation.
  16. Seeing that they're capable of passing stations, Okhfels is offered kingship over a restored Teth if he abandons Isadora, by an agent of the White Wood who arrives riding Hilda. She's been corrupted by the Gogur, and is given over to Egani by the agent.
  17. Neorut bakes mud to form causeway. 15W2 heat magic.
  18. In the baking heat, the Troll Shaman (if not allowed along, he'll break in himself), who is a friend of Rhosiar's, wants Egani to make a drum from the giant serpent skin that he has.
  19. Marklaus calls on Okhfels to kill Beliria, having learned of her part in his brother's death, and wanting her position. (Check on what the pact is about).
  20. All bring gems in casings across causeway. 20W2 lifting.
  21. Elahra, having learned from Marvars of the plot to decieve the Ulizzi's appears in the quest at the end of the bridge with the aid of Aysha, and threatens that she has an agent in place (another disgruntled Andaras cultist) who can deliver this secret if she's not set free. Fahd has taken precautions to ensure that the jail is inescapable through the otherworlds.
  22. This is where the cult member attacks trying to take over Neorut's mind to get him to attack Terian.
  23. Aysha arrives (possibly making people wonder if she had anything to do with the attack). She offers to help if she is given her freedom, as she wants to escape the Sorcerer.
  24. Terian passes Emerald Scorpion guardians. 10W Cleverness.
  25. A horse spirit gets in the way and will not move. The Rhiani won't like it if it's harmed.
  26. Drum has problem with Aaron, and wants the Brotherhood members expelled from the quest.
  27. Terian does a personal purification. Bird realizes that this is where he controlled Terian just long enough to mess up the ritual the first time. If Isadora follows this up, that same error will occur causing a -40 to their chances in stage 11. Okhfels will sense Bird's memory of having done this.
  28. Whether or not she is pure here, Isadora's past raises a question of honor that the spirits of the ruined city want answered before they allow her to play the part of their leader going forward.
  29. Discovery that somebody must play the role of Terian's assistant-lover to hold the second gem during purification. Fahd, unassigned, feels it's his duty to step in as Isadora's spirtual protector.
  30. Terian purifies the gems.
  31. Fahd (or Belnif, or Peter's character) figures out that the Goblin demon king wants to co-opt the spirits for himself noting him spying on the purification process. If she gives the spirits over to the Goblin king, he will raise Sebastian from the dead.
  32. Before the next station, Fahd asks Isadora to place her soldiery on the lower temple steps - he says it's better for the quest, but it also means less honor for them if there's a victory.
  33. Terian takes the gems to the high room. As she does this, the Sorcerer, desperate, opens up a rift to the spirit world. The small green essence birds emerge as eagles from the white wood, and seek sanctuary in the temple.
  34. Elle becomes enchanted by the Lady in Black Armor, and attacks Isadora. The head tells Egani that this is their chance to destroy the soul of the Lady inside of her.
  35. Terian begins to chant, supposedly until the spirits arrive. But Isadora must pass a test to remain calm as she sees the demon god coming from the white wood.
  36. Marcia flips out, is damaged, and the Rhiani find out about her just as...
  37. The navigators arrive (two groups), taking advantage of the rift. They want Isadora to give Egani over, or they'll try to thwart the quest. They discover Marcia's nature, however, and decide that they will call things off if everyone hands over Marcia.
  38. If, somehow, Egani is not given over, then the other navigators proceed to tell him that his way home has been paid for, his family having gotten money from Count Phorik to get him back. Egani alone, however, not Marcia. Egani may sense that the A'kesh order helped.
  39. The White Wood rift causes temporal damage. An echo through time and space of another ritual breaking through is Fazeris marrying his sister. The connection occurs because Fazeris is thinking of Isadora and not Leuta. Does this distract her from her task?
  40. Old Man Spider (AKA the Taker), says that he will speak to the Swift Stallion to allow this alliance, but only if he can take Okhfels at the end of the quest.
  41. Terian welcomes the spirits, and befriends them.
  42. The Two Tree spirits want Egani to sacrifice the Blade of the Planes, to open a channel between them and the new spirits.
  43. Desperate, the sorcerer has the Gogur attack.
  44. Terian puts the gems back down in the sacred hall, carrying them carefully. But time is against them...
  45. The Demon God arrives, and the Twin Spirits rise to meet it.
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Page last modified on June 22, 2006, at 03:52 PM by MikeHolmes

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