Everyone but Us...

"What is worse is knowing there is no way, even if I were at my best and he were drunk, tired, malnourished and high, that I could ever hope to beat Finndo at anything other than a footrace." --Selena, the diaries

Dramatis Personae

Benedict--Lord Protector
Bleys--Advisor to the king
Cordmarre--Chaosite Sorceror
Despil-King of Chaos
Dworkin--enigmatic oracle
Eren--Chaos warrior
Kethos the Hunter--Son of Finndo
Felicia--daughter of Finndo, madwoman
Finndo--the man who would be King
Fiona--Mistress of Secrets
Flora--Aide to the King
Gérard--Protector and Gaurdian
Julian--Lord of Forest Arden
Osric--partner to Finndo
Random--King of Amber
Vialle--Queen of Amber

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