
"I saved your life, Chance, you had to know how hard that was for me."--Selena, Session 9

"I thought I was supposed to have Good Stuff, so my ideas weren't all fucked up."--Selena, Session 17

Height: 5'7"
Build: Muscular & Trim
Hair: Blonde, mid-back
Eyes: Blue

Clothing colors/style: Long pleated brown duster-type overcoat with broad shoulders, concealing plain clothing in earth tones of tough cotton. Ornate rapier hip-slung in leather harness.

Description: Looks to be in early 20's, quite young and pleasant looking, older eyes, tanned skin and weathered slightly. Thin, well-defined lips.

Psyche: Ranked 2.5
Strength: Ranked 3rd
Endurance: Ranked 1.5
Warfare: 3.5

Good Stuff
Diary: 10 points

Selena's Trump

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