Ander Diary, 16

I survived the Forge and I see the world differently now. Walking the Pattern (I suppose it will need a name now that we know of two 'Patterns', probably at least four, although I cannot shake the suspicion of something else...); well, walking the pattern formerly known as The Pattern seems somehow easy by comparison to what I experienced on The Forge. The Forge has awakened something inside me, and either the knowledge of these 'elemental' forces or having attuned to that of 'fire' in addition to 'earth' somehow makes me see substance differenly. After walking the Forge, I recall the way the stones of Finndo's Keep looked different from the stones in my room here in Amber.

I must explore Shadow anew with these new eyes and endeavor to make sense of this New World.

But as for more mundane matters; Mother needs to know of my discourse with Finndo. I need time with my family; at the moment, the air of dubidity which surrounds Katherine's motives will have to be swept away to the benefit of Daevin and Lora. I must see Victor back to Earth and his family, for it has been too long.

Ander rose and crossed to the door where a tray of covered dishes waited. He dined on lemon glazed chicken, with simple turmeric spiced rice and asparagus steeped in a clear honey mustard sause and drained. After finishing a second glass of table wine, he gulped down a half liter of water and wrote a note to his mother, Dierdre and sent for someone to take the dishes and note to their proper destinations. Sleep came next.

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