So my biggest problem with the games I’m running right now are: 1. Most are too big (have too many
Author: doycet
Good on the spot NPC chargen
Via SfAD, the UPC Bar Code Character Generation.
Pulp Goodness
Two-Fisted Tales from Spectre Press, available as a PDF or book.
Diceless con game
Something I’ve mentioned before: someone who took Nobilis and the League of Extradinary Gentlemen comic and came up with Convention
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 56: Friends and Associates Do your characters have friends and associates who play a regular role
Building castles out of my mental blocks
I almost don’t want to teach Justin how to play Dice Castles, since he’d probably do it during our ‘real’
Jackie got an email notice today that her 3.5 PHB is shipping. Me? Nothing. Why? Because I preordered my stuff
Useful bits
For anywhere from $2.50 to $6, The Language of Flowers is a steal and terribly terribly useful for a Nobilis
hypocorisma: a weblog on names :: in other words, pure RPG gold. (Via Perverse Access Memory)
Oh my
Mongoose Publishing: Babylon 5 RPG, due to hit local shops any day now. I’m only surprised it took this long
Poof, you’re a bird
Prompted by watching the Prophecy, Dracula, and seeing similar stunts in the LoEG trailers, I present this bit of fluff
Dave’s Mythical Creatures
Roll the Bones: Role Call 24 Have you ever felt like it was time to take a break, short or
Woulda coulda’s.
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 51: New Genres What are three genres that you?ve had limited exposure to as a gamer
Schticks and Schtones
Perverse Access Memory: WISH 53: Schtick What are three examples of physical or verbal schtick that you?ve used to develop
Role Call 23 What’s your favorite character you’ve made up for a game that you never got to play? Hmm.
Compiled list of stuff that I’ve picked up regarding the d20 v3.5
d20 Star Wars Errata has just been put up at the WotC page. (via Rey)
Blast from the past, now in the future.
Temple of Elemental Evil — the Video Game. Via Dave.
Ran Pulp Adventures at BenCon this weekend and coincidentally, Girls Are Pretty reports that Sunday was 1920’s Day: The 1920’s
Bam! Ka-pow(er)
The Newest Diceless Game: Marvel Supers. Looks interesting. Some of the ‘sliding around resources’ mechanic sounds a lot like Nobilis’
Very Interesting…
Two Fisted Tales a role playing game of pulp action by Matthew Stevens inspired by the pulp fiction of the
The name’s the thing.
One of the NPC’s in my Nobilis game has three names. Why? Because he’s supposed to be a serial rapist,
My weekend
Pulp Adventures all weekend: The Tear of Ra – Saturday Morning, 9am Keith Tatroe, Jennifer Tatroe, Jim Carsten, Chris Sneary
I’m combining two role call questions into one post. Role Call 19: In what pre-fab roleplaying setting have you had
What games would Nobles play? How about this one: the HipBone Games, with many variants. Looks like fun, and definitely
The Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Quiz was reasonably fun, but I like the commentary best: As humans, we’ve evolved so that
I’ve fiddled together a proper blog for the nobilis game here: chrysalis. Those of you who keep track of the
Nobilis Campaign, Session 2, Punishment’s Thought-record
I will very shortly be creating a separate blog for the Nobilis campaign, but until then, such posts get put
Matrix/Nobilis connection
Just seen it. No spoilers. I will, however, say that as much as the first Matrix could ‘map’ to the