Re-reading, I found some excellent stuff on working Possessors-inside-the-Sorcerer (and also parasite demons) in Sorcerer’s Soul. Like most everything in
Author: doycet
Proving ourselves right
It was an interesting thing, when I wrote about the game session that Jackie and Randy did with the Sorcerer
Rolling drunks for xp.
These ideas on how to ‘stir up’ a classic D&D game (following the regretable encounter the original poster had with
I recently picked up a copy of Prince Valiant, the Storytelling Game from Wizard’s Attic, based entirely on two things
As mentioned a few days ago…
Pokemon and…. Sorcerer. But then I thought, aha! Why not sorcerer? Because well, when you look at Pokemon from an
You can get a pretty cool player-driven narrative out of 3e play. See here.
Sorcerer, part 2 — The things on the Doorstep
Our second session of Sorcerer. The Premise as defined by the group is, roughly, “What would you give up for
Random bits
I wanna do Evangelion/Sorcerer.
Chicken, Egg, Amberites
A conversation on the Forge regarding how or when the idea of Player Authorship crept into your style of play.
Narrative d20?
I’ve heard a lot of interesting stuff about the new Conan RPG from Mongoose publishing — that it gives players
Great quote from an old Forge post on Non-linear play in which the GM started the game with the last
Same site: Lumpley’s Gun Rules.
lumpley games: Roleplaying Theory, Hardcore There’s… nothing I can quote here. There’s too much. Just go read the whole fucking
…make the worst actors.
“Hello, my name is Doyce Testerman, and I’m a Bad Player.” A painful revelation I’ve come to in the last
Well, a sourcebook’s a sourcebook, I guess
Girl Genius RPG, using the upcoming 4th edition Gurps. I’m not much of a Foglio fan… which is to say
The Amber news
Snarky Comment 1: News regarding Amber Roleplaying is so goddamn rare that any sort of news at all will be
Sorcerer and the Dark Side :)
So in sketching out the Shannon character for this post, I became aware of a really cool ‘dark-side/light-side’ thing going
Failure in Trollbabe
Ron Edwards is working on a final, hard-copy version of Trollbabe, trying to get it done in time for GenCon.
Sorcerer, part 1 — the Action
(See also my previous post detailing the PCs.) With the Sorcerer characters completed no later than 8pm (!), I wanted
Sorcerer, part 1
So, with the Consortium out of town for the second weekend in a row, I found myself starting to suffering
Kate Monk’s Onomastikon
“I don’t want training, I want to know about the Death Star.”
Hitherby Dragons: Applied Theology She’s my lady. The first one in my heart. Oh, sure. She’s a wretched hive of
“… he will rig three gods to explode…”
Oblique Sian-reference (kinda) in Hitherby Dragons: Tantalus (I/IV) Nemesis looks to Zeus. “How many of these insults must I bear?”
“How could they cut the power?!?”
Via BoingBoing, Doom board game in the works. The game itself is set to be largely modeled after id’s upcoming
I’m not really a forum guy, but that just seems to be where the thinking’s at these days.
The Masters’ Council :: Gamemaster Workshop Forum.
Drawings of Robots
‘Scuse me while I gush
In the history of Nobilis, the first 20th century was different. So were the 400 wondrous years after that, but
And something else that would work for the under-10 set.
Shadows – A Roleplaying Game for all Ages
d20 skill-check hack
As noted here: Where d20 breaks down is when it shifts to non-combat rolls where the entire task (skill) is
Trollbabe, 2
Played a little Trollbabe tonight, because I feel like I understand the conflict system better than I did during the