“Idea” photos for DitV games. Also… just good photos.
Generic Heroquest
Issaries has already comissioned a “generic” rpg game using the core HeroQuest rules and to be published with several sample
Using PmWiki 1.x as a blogging tool, via a few minor WikiCalendar hacks. Hmm.
Sorcerer, Grimm Therapy, Session 4
When we last left our heroes… Kermit and Nicky decided to go and poke around the old Factory where “Nicky’s
How to play Dogs when you don’t want to play Dogs
Based on the back-cover copy for DitV and incorporating a suggested alternative setting from the GM’s section: Dogs in the
Toys for Dogs
Resources, Tools, and Ephemera for DitV: Worth it for the mocked-up book covers alone.
Dogs in the Vineyard, first group chargen
Justin and I have been messing around with Dogs in the Vineyard a bit. I really like this game. Anyway,
Dogs in the Vineyard, the long intro
K, I don’t know how on earth folks have missed my references to Dogs in the Vineyard up to this
Solo DitV with the Boy: Chargen
Every other Saturday, Jackie attends a game that I’m not involved in, leaving me and Justin to bang around the
Asking questions to set up your game
Chris gives some great tips on how to get together for a new game and really tie your players’ characters
Weekend in gaming
Friday: Played InSpectres, in which our heros (a hooker, an ex-mormon mechanic, a fringe-fringe-FRINGE scientist, and a cold-war MI-5 operative
Change is… eh.
Well, I went back to a slightly tweaked version of the original blog page; not due to negative feedback as
Lick the Good Press
Ken Hite talks about DitV.
Building Dogs
Some folks on the Forge are getting ready to play Dogs in the Vineyard on IRC, and they’re conducting all
The Sorcerer/Amber Connection
So here’s an interesting thing: One of the main bits of preparation that you’re supposed to do (as the GM)
So many good things.
Harlekin-Maus — gaming gold waiting to be mined.
Sorcerer, Grimm Therapy, Session 3
I’m actually combining two sessions into one actual play, since they were each relatively short (poor planning on my part,
Happy derangement
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac : Director’s Cut Mayhem and violence rule in this collection of issues one through seven Johnny
Notes on Sorcerer play (not the game transcript)
Actual Play reports will come this evening when I have more time, but there are a few thoughts I wanted
Coding stuff
I’ve set up a few tweaks, which amount to combining the Random Encounters blog into the RandomWiki front page, using
Things to do in Denver when your PC’s Dead
Doc’s Blog … Confessions of a Game Addict: Game Dream 14: He’s Dead, Jim! Many “traditional” RPGs incorporate the possibility
Via Dave, Downloadable PDFs of different sorts of graph paper. Squares, hexes, points, metric, kilt-plaid patterns… sweet.
Dave and I got linked from… Portugal? Pretty cool, regardless. Registos das Sess?es – Vantagens e Dificuldades – Roleplay, Lda
Getting Focus
While digression and kibbitzing has been a perennial complaint/joke/bugaboo around the gaming table, there was a point about two years
Game Contributions
Some great thoughts from ***Dave on Game logs: why to keep them, why not to, how to encourage them (both
eighteen again
After feedback and lots of questions from some folks, I’ve updated and reposted the write-up for eighteen. I think it
I warned yah I’d do it…
With apologies to various good golfing movies, the sport itself, the hobby of roleplaying, and Ron Edwards, I present an
Nobilis pre-post-mortem
Let’s say you get into a book club. It’s a pretty interesting set up, where you get a tremendous number
Game Dream 12: Onward, Jeeves! In my current DnD campaign, NPC companions make little or no impression on the game
“Dogs” Kudos
DitV is Jonathan Tweet’s ‘Best Game of GenCon for 2004. I almost didn’t pick Dogs because I didn’t want a