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< Achilles | TiLDeR Cluster | Cluster Maps >
Desc: Orpheans have always felt as though their were somewhat on the ‘outside’ of the cluster. With only a few slip connections available and readily available resources and a rich system, it would have been easy for Orpheus to isolate themselves. They have chosen not to do so. The archetypal Orphean is a dreamer and an idealist, working toward a day where the entire cluster stands on even technological footing. Meddlers (like Shylock) who would exploit or (worse) hold down another system are disliked and actively (if obliquely) resisted whenever possible. (Conversely, they have little patience for systems like Dauphine, who seem to have given up.) To that end, Orpheus sells their tech to anyone who can reasonably afford it, with none of the associated ’strings’ that come with a Caliban freetrader. Orpheans should not be seen as high-minded austere philosophers — it’s is far more accurate to think of rugged frontiersman who beleives everyone should get a fair shake, provided they’re willing to work for it. |