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< Ability List | Game Rules | Secrets List >

All core keys are as written. In addition, the following keys from elsewhere in the book should be considerd core and available to anyone:

  • Key of the House - Ammeni.
  • Key of Love - Human
  • Key of the Manipulator - Maldor
  • Key of the Overlord - Ammeni
  • Key of the Pacifist - Zaru
  • Key of the Precious - Goblin
  • Key of the Revolutionary - Maldor
  • Key of Unrequited Love - Human

Scholarly Keys

Key of the Hippocratic Oath
You have taken the famous physician’s oath, vowing to “first, do no harm.”

  • 1xp: each time the character forgoes violence as a solution. (3x per session)
  • 2xp: when the character puts something of value at risk by forgoing the violent solution.
  • 5xp: when the character refuses violence at great cost to himself.
Buyoff: Purposefully harm another sentient creature.

Gain 1 XP for every adventure in which your character does not purposefully harm another sentient being. Gain 2 XP every time your character fulfills this even though it causes him minor harm or inconvenience. Gain 5 XP every time that doing so causes your character great harm. Buyoff: Purposefully harm another sentient creature.

Key of Knowledge
You are forever in pursuit of new information and knowledge, and risk all to achieve it. Gain 1xp every time you discover a minor new piece of information or trivia that is important to your character. Gain 2xp if discovering the knowledge involved some degree of risk to yourself. Gain 5xp if you risked death or severe humiliation to achieve the information. Buyoff: Deliberately pass up a chance to gain new knowledge.

Key of Rationality
You are firmly devoted to acting in a logical and coherent manner.

  • 1xp: Make the rational choice or insist that another do so.
  • 3xp: Choose the rational course of action over feelings.
Buyoff: Give reign to your feelings.

Key of the Wise Guy
You are smarter than everyone else around you, and feel the need to continually show it. Gain 1xp every time you demonstrate your superior intellect. Gain 2xp if by doing so you humiliate or cut down another character, and/or risk harm to yourself in doing so. Gain 5xp if you show your superior intellect in any manner that involves severe danger or harm (physical or mental) to yourself.

Clockpunk Keys

Key of the Craftsman
Building is what you love to do the most; having some concrete representation of your efforts in life is something you strive for. Gain 1 XP every time your character successfully completes a Crafting project. Gain 3 XP every time your character completes a Crafting project that is met with great appreciation from many. Buyoff: Destroy one of your creations.

Key of Perfection
You can never really seem to finish a project. It always needs just one more little touch….Gain 1xp every time you deliberately delay completing a craft or repair project by telling another character what you still have to do. Gain 2xp when the craft or repair project in question is one that is needed urgently. Gain 5xp when putting off the completion of the project puts yourself or others in severe danger. Buyoff: Finish a project with absolutely no delays that results in “sloppy” work.

Key of the Artist
You live for the passion of the art that burns in your breast, be it painting, writing, or what-have-you. Your life is often filled with chaos as you seek novel experiences, models, or substances with which to perform your craft. Gain 1 XP whenever you pursue your art to the detriment of your luxury (going without food for days, not working and so not having the money for rent, what-have-you). Gain 2 XP whenever the pursuit of your art causes you notable risk or harm; painting a Khale chieftain's daughter in the nude. Gain 5 XP whenever you risk great sacrifice or danger to pursue your art. Buyoff: Give up an element of your art you were pursuing, in favor of something/someone else. (miedvied)

Key of the Brokenhearted
Your character cannot let go of some tragic event in his or her past. It wounded the character so deeply that she refuses (consciously or unconsciously) to form new bonds of love or attachment. Gain 1 XP every time your character chooses to keep new bonds from forming in favor of ‘honoring’ their past love (or, in other words, every time the character chooses nostalgia instead of the now). Gain 3 XP every time the character rebuffs an open confession of love or camaraderie. Buyoff: Admit that you have formed a new love. (Halcyon)

Key of Commander
Designate the troops for whom you are the commander. Gain 1 xp every time a significant number of your troops are in a scene (max of 3 xp per sesssion); gain 2 xp when their presence influences your decision; gain 5 xp when you are put at great risk or harmed while acting to protect the troops. Buyoff: Abandon or betray your command. (Doyce Testerman)

Key of the Competitor
You live for challenges, and never back down against a rival. Gain 1 XP whenever you enter a competition. Gain 3 XP whenever you prevail against the odds. Buyoff: Decline a challenge. (Profiles/James_Nostack)

Key of the Craftsman
Building is what you love to do the most; having some concrete representation of your efforts in life is something you strive for. Gain 1 XP every time your character successfully completes a Crafting project. Gain 3 XP every time your character completes a Crafting project that is met with great appreciation from many. Buyoff: Destroy one of your creations. (Halcyon)

Key of the Curious
Curiosity killed the cat. Gain 1 XP every time your character follows a need to dig into something. Gain 3 XP if there is a real possibility of harm coming to your character because you digged too deep. Buyoff: Ignore an opportunity to dig further. (JMendes et al)

Key of the Cursed
You have been condemned to a terrible fate and now your doom dogs your heels, affecting everything you do. It may be a hex, the evil eye, a disease, lingering poison, a wound that just won't heal, but whatever it is, it's a constant problem for you. You gain 1XP when you have to overcome your curse to do something. Gain 2XP when your affliction prevents you from doing something important to you. 5XP when being cursed puts you into a life-threatening situation. Buyoff: Find a way to have the curse removed. Alternately, succumb to your fate. (Matthew Glover)

Key of Doom
Your character is doomed to a terrible fate. Gain 1 XP every time your character acts without regard to his safety. Gain 3 XP every time your character enters battle against superior enemies (1 or more opponents with higher combat skill or several -- 3 or more -- opponents with equal skill). Buyoff: Retreat from an overwhelming battle or fight, or fight to survive so that you may be with a loved one. (Matt Snyder?)

Key of the Explorer
Your character seeks novelty and discovery at every opportunity. Gain 1 XP everytime she goes somewhere or encounters something new to her. Gain 3 XP whenever she experiences something unknown to her society. Buyoff: Settle down to a quiet life. (Colin Roald?)

Key of Extravagance
Your character seeks every opportunity to impress those around you with his means and generosity. Gain 1 XP every time he gives a gift or spends money on an unnecessary luxury. Gain 3 XP every time he blows a significant fraction of his net worth. Buyoff: Refuse a luxury you could have had. (Colin Roald?)

Key of the Ideal
Your character has always held some belief or ideal to be absolutely true, such as "The power of friendship", "The Knights of the realm are true, just and incorruptible", etc.

  • 1 XP every time your character emphasizes or shows off their Ideal
  • 2 XP every time your character keeps faith in the Ideal despite good reason to doubt it
  • 5 XP every time your character holds faith in spite of contrary evidence that threatens his or her life. ("I know there's still good in you! Fight it! You don't have to do this, you're still a hero!")

Buyoff: Give up the ideal or belief. Face reality. (by Bankuei)

Key of (Metaphorical) Impotence
You ought to be able to do something just fine, but for some reason you can't. This difficulty could be sexual, social, or physical; the source of the problem may be self-doubt, overconfidence, or an evil curse. In any event the player should select a single skill when choosing this key, and may apply a penalty die to that skill at any time to reflect these mysterious difficilities. When the penalty die applies to a routine situation, gain 1 XP. When the penalty die applies to an important situation, gain 2 XP. When the penalty die applies to an urgent, life-or-death, out-of-control-story-madness situation, gain 5 XP. Buyoff: Overcome the source of this anxiety. (Profiles/James_Nostack)

Key of Integrity
You have an unusually strong determination to do what is right. Gain 1 XP whenever you are tempted by corruption. Gain 2 XP whenever you act to oppose corruption. Gain 5 XP whenever you risk great sacrifice or danger to preserve your integrity. Buyoff: Accept a bribe. (Colin Roald?)

Key of the Paragon
You are certain of something in life; that the ways you were raised to are the best ways, and that you exemplify them. The greatness of your home culture guides you, and you try to find a way to apply it to every situation. Gain 1 XP every time you use a cultural ability to your advantage. Gain 2 XP every time you use a cultural ability in a way that benefits the party. Gain 5 XP every time you convince someone to hold your culture in higher esteem than others. Buyoff: Disown yourself from your home culture. (Halcyon?)

The Key of the Pedagogue
Your character often acts as a mentor to others. Gain 1 XP every time your character opens the eyes of another. Gain 2 XP every time your character teaches something significant to another. Gain 5 XP everytime your character's teachings dramatically change the life of another. Buyoff: Ignore an opportunity for education. (broin?)

Key of the Rake
Your character thrives on romantic conquests. Gain 1 XP every time they attempt to seduce someone (2 XP if this action is successful.) Gain 5 XP if they seduce someone of reknown and import, and word gets out. Buyoff: Abandon these rakish ways and settle down with someone. (Doyce Testerman)

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Page last modified on April 18, 2007, at 05:29 PM by DoyceTesterman

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