
"He is knight, dubbed with unhatched rapier and on carpet consideration; but he is a devil in private brawl: souls and bodies hath he divorced..." --Twelfth Night: Act 3, Scene 4

Height: 6'1" Build: Medium Hair: Light Brown, almost shoulder length Eyes: Violet

Clothing colors/style:
black and violet
Traditional Renaissance Garb (Doublet, Shirt, Belt, Pants, Boots).

Theseus is leaning against a statue of a sphinx, griining widely. He is wearing a black doublet, pants, boots and belt, the doublet is slashed with violet silk and a violet shirt underneath. At his side hangs a silvery rapier. He is balancing a Rubik's Cube on his index finger.

As to his personality...he loves puzzles. Three of the most boggling are tactics & strategy (since it is very competetive, and there are so many variations) and women. Maybe that's why he studies the three so much. He spends most of his time in his own head, just thinking...pondering. He is a real free-spirit, who wanders to experience life. Life is the greatest puzzle of all, and you can't solve it without seeing all the pieces. He will do just about anything at least once.

(Art courtesy of Juli Halbur-Herrera)

Psyche: Ranked
Strength: Ranked
Endurance: Ranked
Warfare: Ranked

Powers, Artifacts, Shadows, and Allies


Diary: 10 points
Virtual Trumps: 5 points


Theseus was created by Rey Herrera.
