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(redirected from Heroquest.Augments) Basically, any skill can augment any other skill, if it makes sense for it to do so: for a 'passive' augment, all you have to do is divide the augmenting skill's score by 10 (round appropriately), and add that to your base target number to find out what the augmented total would be. Example: I'm in a sword fight, and I have a 'Strong' attribute of 15. I divide that 15 by 10 to get 1.5, round that up, and add the +2 augment to my Sword fighting skill before I roll.
Don't waste time working out all the augments that could modify each skill beforehand, because the relevant augments are different EVERY time you use a skill, usually, and can include things like magic and your relationships with other people. Example: You're in a diplomatic contest with an ambassador from some foreign country. You're rolling your Diplomacy -- not great, just a 14. However, you can usually augment that with your "Eloquent: 10w" (gets you a +3), "Noble Bearing: 10w" (gets you a +3), and lets say "Arrogant: 15" attribute (gets you a +2), which gets you a total +8 bonus and raises that 14 to a 2W.
HOWEVER, if you're debating in a Court of Law, you can augment some more with your "Public Speaking: 5w" skill (gets you a +3)... and hey, if you're defending the reputation of your liege lord, you can ALSO augment with your Relationship "Loyal to Milord: 17" (for a +2) attribute.
It's also easy to make DnD-Ranger-like "Hate Goblins" attributes that might augment you when you're fighting them in hand to hand, and that might help you in an argument with a goblin emissary, or it could give you a penalty because you get too mad to think clearly. On the other hand, a "Know Goblin Culture" skill *could* help you out...
So, argue with a goblin emissary who's verbally attacking your liege lord? You're up to around a 9W from a starting rating of 14... maybe lowered because you Hate them, but hey, if you get pissed and punch the guy... that Hatred will give you a bonus! (And "Know Goblin Culture might even help, if you can think of just the right insult to shout as you deck him. :)
Relationship attributes are very cool in HQ. See also: What Skill Ratings Mean |