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Spring Fountain | Spring Fountain Character Sheets >

In the Barony of magical Spring Fountain, Lord Eustef Keirsted has fallen ill. He sleeps a dreamless sleep from which none can wake him. His two sons (Guilbert and Hugo) and his men prepare for a quest to retrieve his soul, or at least see it safely to the afterworld.

Meanwhile, those loyal to Eustef's sons, the Church, merchant guilds, and the neighboring fiefs are all looking to profit from the situation or shift it in their favor. Should Lord Eustef pass on, many are angling to see that his heir is favorable to them.


The Barony of Spring Fountain, also known as Trymirwal. Your basic Feudal Society with knights, barons, counts, and dukes ruling a large population of bonded peasants, influenced heavily by a strong Church presence that frowns on independent or pagan magical practice.


Your character concept needs to include ties to three of the NP Cs listed below, and it's important that something is at stake in the relationship. Be gutsy, because none of this stuff is so set in stone that it can't be altered a bit.

  • If you want your character to be the third son of the knight in charge of running one of the towns, fine.
  • If you want to BE that knight with the three sons, that's fine too.
  • You want to be the illegitimate son of Father Rance? No problem.
  • You want to be Eustef's only daughter? Cool.
  • If you want to be the supposed third son of the Knight of Biche, who's really the illegitimate son of Father Rance and secretly learning sorcery from Lady Colette, while conducting an affair with Eustef's only daughter? Now we're getting somewhere.

View the Character Sheets for the P Cs.


(I have more detailed information on everyone listed below -- feel free to ask me for more info on anyone listed.)

Lord Eustef Keirsted: the Baronet of Spring Fountain is in a coma.

Alfan: Lord Eustef once saved his life. He is a loyal supporter of the Lord.

Lady Colette: Lord Eustef’s Sister-in-law. They are very close. Probably in a relationship ever since Eustef's wife (Colette's sister) died, but they are handling things discreetely, so there has been no scandal.

Sir Serge Farengil of the Crescent Sword: One of Eustef’s vassal knights (he runs the town of Boyenne). He is a hard liner who handles the rough stuff for Eustef. He is loyal to his lord, respected by his peers, and feared by the peasants.

Guilbert Keirsted: Eustef’s eldest son and heir to Trymirwal. Well liked by most.

Etienne: Guilbert’s closest friend. Etienne knows how to make a good time for everybody.

Deliam: Etienne’s father. A merchant who controls the important dye monopoly.

Raoul de Nesle: A merchant with big city connections. Deliam’s competitor and rival.

Father Rance: has been the spiritual advisor to the Keirsted family line. During the recent periods of high corruption in the Church, Eustef supported him and shielded him from much of the corrupt politics. With the new reforms, Father Rance has found himself being elevated in influence and praised for his steadfastness and morals.

Sister Josette: A young nun, and a major part of reform and improvement in Spring Fountain. She has helped restore churches, feed the homeless, etc. She has a major crush on Guilbert, and he seems to be the only one who has not noticed.

Ecclesiastical Assessor Ratier: Arrived some weeks ago. Works for the bishop. Is here to assess Josette’s work to decide whether she will receive further funding or not.

Hugo Keirsted: Eustef’s younger son. More quiet than his older brother.

Brier: A young girl who was taken in as a servant by Hugo when her mother (Hugo’s nanny) died.

Sir Maslin: An old, old man, who was an advisor to Eustef’s father. He is now retired, living on his own manor, and technically in charge of the town of Mime. He is a friend of Hugo, who is often invited to his home.

Xavier: Swordsmaster and trainer of the militia. He is also Hugo’s personal swordsmanship trainer.

Trencavel: Leader of the garrison of Wells (the largest town in Spring Fountain).

Lady Noella: Widower. Wife of one of Lord Eustef’s old allies, she’s here to decide who gets to marry her daughter, Aimee. This marriage will give political clout to Noella’s rule (until her son, now 5, is old enough to take control), and simultaneously link Trymirwal to her land’s greater resources.

Aimee: Young woman of 17 years of age. Aimee is attractive, and has lived under her mother’s thumb her entire life.


  • Ruler: Lord Eustef of the Fountain, Bannerette and Protector of Spring Fountain
  • Population: 1750 adults, and about as many children.
  • Settlements: Boyenne, Mime, Wells, Stalos, and numerous lesser villages.

Spring Fountain includes four vassal holdings: Biche, Boyenne, Mime, and Stalos. Boyenne is ruled by Serge of the Crescent Sword, Mime is ruled by Old Maslin. The two remaining knights can be created by me, if necessary, but if one of the P Cs is a knight or a petty noble, one of these lesser holdings may belong to them.


The Kingdom of which Spring Fountain is a part is ruled by a king, closely allied to the Ecclesiarch of the "One Church" -- the largest organized monotheistic religion in this part of the continent. It's a big, heirarchical, patriarchal religion with clergy, bishops, archbishops, and the Ecclesiarch over all of it, allied closely-but-cautiously with the King.

The peasants of Spring Fountain have always held on to some of their ancient religious practices ways. To this day, they offer propitiatory worship (i.e.: "here's a sacrifice - please stay away") to Rascarl of the Slippery Dark, who was banished in mythic times, but who is said to still hide in the crevices of reality; brooding and vengeful. Should the peasants ever stop their practice, they believe the realm would again be invaded by fiendish Snake Things. If the church knew about the secret practices of the commoners of Spring Fountain, they would surely do their best to eradicate the heresy.


Lord Eustef has managed to stay remarkably independent from his superiors. His liege lord is technically the Duke that his Barony is a part of, but he is largely autonomous: most matters between Eustef and the duke are handled through an intermediary, a Constable appointed by the Duke.

The Baron owns the fruits and hunting rights of all Spring Fountain as long as he can muster twenty-five foot soldiers, according to ancient custom (it is a small barony). The barony tithes wine, dressed venison, and several dozen bolts of its finest dyed cloth during the year as well.

Obviously, neighboring powers, the Church, and the mercantile community will all have a stake in the outcome of Trymirwal’s rulership. Once the news gets out, expect these groups to act for someone who benefits them, or against someone who is counter to their goals. The neighboring fiefs may make border incursions, appeal to higher political powers for the right to take Spring Fountain under their "protectorship", or annex it completely.


Wells is Lord Eustef’s personal demesne, centered around the town of the same name. It is the focus of the military, spiritual, and economic might of the fief.

  • Army: 3 knights, 7 sergeants, 38 foot soldiers.


  • Adult Population: 180.
  • Army: 1 knight, 4 foot soldiers.


  • Ruler: Serge of the Crescent Sword.
  • Adult Population: 380.
  • Army: 1 knight (Serge), 2 sergeants, 14 foot soldiers.


  • Ruler: Old Maslin.
  • Adult Population: 320.
  • Army: 1 knight (Maslin), 3 sergeants, 10 foot soldiers.


  • Adult Population: 150.
  • Army: 1 knight, 2 foot soldiers.
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Page last modified on August 06, 2012, at 01:58 PM by DoyceTesterman

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