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A long time ago...

The Prince of Alderaan is a Star Wars campaign set during the Rise of the Empire in the Core worlds. </p>

The characters are heroes in a time that is gradually losing it's taste for them, defender's of a Republic corrupted from within, and the secret hope of those who wish to hold back the darkness.

The heroes are members of the Household of Senator Bail Organa, the Prince of Alderaan, and while they have not yet become privy to the higher machinations of the Senate, they are slowly beginning to understand the motivations behind their Liege.

The Senate

The Galactic Republic is governed
by a body of Senators representing the 
many worlds of the galaxy. Within the cavernous 
Senate rotunda, hundreds of politicians fill the viewing 
platforms that line the curved walls. When a Senator wishes to 
speak, the platform detaches and float to the center of the auditorium 
for all to see.                                                                                             

As the Republic grows, so too does graft and corruption. Like the greatest of trees, able to 
withstand attack from the outside, the Republic begins to rot from within. Interest in the common 
good falls to individual agendas. Senators accumulate wealth and influence by exploiting a bureaucracy 
too bloated and sluggish to stop them...                                                                                                          

Senator Bail Antilles/Organa is, as an Antilles (paternal), the First Chairman of Alderaan and (as an Organa (maternal)) Viceroy of Alderaan.  He is also, regardless of his title, a hero, and the head of the Royal Family of Alderaan. An influential politician, he is a loyal Senator who commands the ear of many within the Senate.

Though he grew to become a beloved leader, the Senator's ascent to that position was not without controversy. For a brief time before inheriting the Viceroy title, there was a dispute regarding the appropriate lineage of ascendancy (due to his Matrilineal claim). After three deadlocked votes, a special dispatch from the Republic government in the form of Jedi Jorus C'baoth was sent to oversee the ascendancy. C'baoth guided the tribunal to the decision that saw the appointment of "Bail Organa" (the name he had to be presented under to claim the title. 

Bail is the scion of both the Antilles and Organa royal houses (via his parents), and depending on which official function he's attending, he might be announced as:

  • Senator Bail Antilles
  • Senator Bail Organa
  • Prince Antilles
  • Viceroy Organa
  • First Chairman (of Alderaan)

The Organa and Antilles names are NEVER hyphenated.  To the heroes, Bail is "the Senator", "the Boss", "m'lord", "Uncle", and the Prince of Alderaan, the not-always-forthcoming, but generally well-meaning head of the household to which they are all, ostensibly, sworn.  Although his nephews and servants may not always enjoy the situation, the Senator's plans are deep and far-reaching, and require their particular talents frequently.

Before his rise to power, Palpatine was an unassuming yet ambitious senator in the Galactic Republic. Palpatine saw the Republic crumbling about him, torn apart by partisan bickering and corruption. All too common were those unscrupulous senators taking advantage of the system, growing fat and wealthy on a bureaucracy too slow to catch them.

Palpatine's moment of opportunity came as a result of a trade embargo. The Trade Federation, in protest of government measures that would tax their outlying trade routes, blockaded and invaded Naboo. 

The latest Supreme Chancellor to hold the office, Valorum is a well-meaning but overwhelmed politician whose family has provided the Republic with over a score of Galactic Senators and a half-dozen Supreme Chancellors during their prestigious history. 

Valorum is noble, but ultimately the product of a political dynasty that stretches back thousands of years -- accustomed to this role, is has struggled and failed to rid himself of a certain patrician aloofness that does not endear him to many.

Mas Amedda is the Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate during Chancellor Valorum's term. Amedda's booming voice often calls for order when the partisan nature of the Republic's government degenerates into pointless bickering. A cadre of politicians, including Senators Tikkes and Palpatine, worked together to ensure Mas Amedda's ascendancy to vice chancellor, a move that further plagues Valorum's office with scandal.  Amedda's office is rife with scandal. He was accused of misusing his parliamentary powers for bribes, though Amedda stood firm to his own code of honor. 

Amedda is a Chagrian male, with well-developed lethorns draped from his shoulders. His pale blue skin screens out the harmful radiation of his native sun.

The obese and indulgent Twi'lek politician Orn Free Taa represents his people in the Galactic Senate. The corpulent senator is never one to hide his opinions, and voices them loudly on the many crucial issues that split the Senate. 

Coming from the poor Outer Rim world of Ryloth, Orn Free Taa uses his position of influence to satisfy his every whim while on Coruscant. The former tax collector is quite decadent, flaunting his wealth with gaudy robes and beautiful Twi'lek consorts, and living in a lavish penthouse. He is a Twi'lek of Rutian descent, with blue-tinted skin and enormous head-tails which store his excess fat.

Taa had been a vocal opponent of Valorum, and has used his position aboard the Financial Appropriations Committee to subtly propagate his agenda against the beleaguered Chancellor. Though he was genuinely concerned with what was best for his homeworld of Ryloth, Orn Free Taa was not above parading his beautiful assistants, the lethan (red) Twi'lek Pampy and Supi, as badges of prestige.*

  • Few things are as graceful as a female Twi'lek in motion. This beautiful image has forever doomed generations of young Twi'leks into servitude, as the wealthy and corrupt have taken to brandishing Twi'leks as badges of prestige. Twi'leks are tall, thin humanoids with skin pigment that spans a rainbow of colors. Their most distinctive feature is a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grow from the base of their skulls. The Twi'leks use their head-tails, or lekku, when they speak their native tongue. The language is a combination of physical and linguistic communication, with spoken word being supplemented by subtle twitches and moves from the lekku. Twi'leks have a sly disposition of patience and adaptability. The planet Ryloth provides the galaxy with ryll, a powerfully addictive recreational substance and mineral. Twi'leks have adapted to the criminal attention brought to their world by selling their own people into slavery. This way, the Twi'leks have something to give the criminals, and still retain control of the ryll mines. Unfortunately many Twi'leks, mostly female, bare the brunt of this despicable trade-off.

Other Senators

Coruscant NPCs

Nayda Ploon is a native of Alderaan, ostensibly on Coruscant to complete her education.  She current works as an intern with the office of Senator Bail Antilles of Alderaan (not to be confused with Bail Organa, also a Senator of Alderaan), as a favor to her (very well-regarded and wealthy) family back home.

Nayda is something of a loose cannon, much to the chagrin of her family.  She has little interest in politics for the sake of power, but does understand diplomacy and negotiation better than many Senators with twice her experience.  She has been known to use her fledgling ties to cover many wild nights spent gallivanting through the city-streets of Coruscant engaging in behavior most unbecoming one of her status.

The Prince Of Alderaan

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Page last modified on August 02, 2005, at 01:25 PM by DoyceTesterman

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