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![]() ![]() Bedell just depresses me. It's hard to imagine fighting every day to survive, but if you can't imagine it, come to Bedell -- you can watch it happening. The whole place feels like it could blow away in a strong wind or burn down in an hour. The locals that aren't scared are crazy, and the local constabulary just plain hates everyone. The hills around Bedell isn't patrolled, and you can tell: it's easy to blunder into something that'll get you killed.
BedellEntering BedellEntering the village is no great feat even for those who aren't welcome: the village itself is practically indefensible. A stone wall on the west side of town that blocks access from the Caravan Road (though no one knows why it's called that -- there hasn't been an honest caravan in Bedell in even Gwendolyn's memory), but the wall falls to the ruin as it drifts towards the south side of town. No one worries about this, since not many folks live on the south end of town (its used for grazing sheep and cattle), and '''there are all those trees, after all'''. Destroying the bridge over the Stonemeet could theoretically defend the east road, but no locals would help with that, since it's the one really well constructed edifice in the village. The northern side of town is bounded by an earth-works barricade, which has gone to seed and is used as a play-area for the local children: the Black Hills Road simply goes up and over the barricade. (Climb DC of 5 to enter town). Unless invaders agreed to attack the village only from the west and stay in front of what remains of the wall, not much could be done. Only constant patrols by local town wardens keep the village reasonably safe. ![]() 1. Bertram's Trade EmporiumWhile Bertram's can't claim the most exclusive list of products, it makes up for it with a very long list. Bertram will essentially buy nearly anything from visiting travelers, and is hopelessly gullible: local lore claims ol' Bert paid 100 gold for an old rag that supposedly came from the Palace of the Overlady in the hidden Mori city of Utunmo. Assuming that Bert believes the story behind an item (he can check to make sure alleged magic items are actually magic), he will decide on what he thinks is a fair price and offer it to the seller. Bertram never haggles; if his price isn't high enough, the seller should seek other venues. Somehow, through all this, Bert manages to resell enough of his inventory to make a business of it. (He doesn't buy anything damaged beyond repair, and always deducts for items that aren't in the best of shape.) Aside from the more eclectic items, Bert keeps a good stock of 'regular' inventory in supply: food stuffs, farming supplies, and a small stash of what he thinks of as 'adventurer's gear', including torches, tindertwigs, simple weapons, light armors and shields, and a very small assortment of non-exotic martial weapons of the most common sort (short swords, broadswords, maces, and the like). His prices are fair, and while he is not always happy to see strangers, he'll take nearly anyone's money. Bertram's faces the village square, directly north of the main well. Bertram, male human Exp2: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 2d6; hp 10; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12; Attack +1 melee/+3 ranged; Damage 1d4 (dagger); SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +6; AL CG; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 11.<br> Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnomish, Elven<br> Skills and feats: Alchemy +4, Appraise +9, Disguise +2, Handle animal +1, Heal +4, Hide +3, Listen +3, Move silently +2, Open lock +4, Ride +7, Sense motive +4, Speak language +2, Spellcraft +7, Spot +5, Use magic device +5; Point blank shot, Skill focus (appraise) 2. The Temple of EollanaGarret, an aged and simple member of the priesthood, is the unspoken leader of this small community. He does what he can to keep his flock safe, but his prayers for deliverance for the village have gone unheard thus far; Eollana apparently thinks this village deserves what it gets. Garret is a kind man, and does what little he can for the community. The temple is on the west side of the village square. Garret, male human Clr2: CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 14; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; Attack +2 melee, or +2 ranged; Dmg: 1d4 (light hammer); SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5; AL NG; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13<br> Languages Spoken: Common.<br> Skills and feats: Alchemy +2, Diplomacy +3, Hide +1, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +2, Move silently +1, Pick pocket +1.5, Spot +2; Extra turning, Maximize spell.<br> Cleric Domains: Protection, Earth.<br> Cleric Spells Per Day: 4/3+1 3. Warden's OfficeThe local constable's position is not one to be envied by the sane: Bedell is practically indefensible. Still, the village wardens do what they can, and manage to keep the town reasonably safe: it is simply unsafe to leave the village in any direction -- thus, no villagers willing leave. The Warden Captain's name is Corrian, and older campaigner with no sense of humor that the town is aware of. He is constantly petitioning Brother Garret to institute some sort of tax to pay for rebuilding the town walls and barricades, but blood cannot be had from a stone, so the walls continue to crumble. The warden's office (and the jail, Building #4) is located on the south side of the village square. Corrian, male human Ftr5: CR 5; Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 5d10+5; hp 33; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (Chainmail); Attack +8 melee (longsword), or +4 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +2; AL LN; Str 16, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 11<br> Languages Spoken: Common.<br> Skills and feats: Balance -0.5, Handle animal +8, Hide -1, Jump +11, Listen +1, Move silently -1, Spot +1, Swim +10; Blind-fight, Combat reflexes, Improved initiative, Point blank shot, Quick draw, Weapon focus (longsword). 4. Village LockupThe town warden's will not allow any group numbering more than ten individuals to enter the village without surrendering their weapons, but beyond that, nearly anyone is 'welcome' within the town: wandering ogres have even been known to visit the Dancing Dwarf. While the warden's haven't the manpower to turn away 'undesirables' at the gate (and we use the term 'gate' loosely), they are quick to quiet troublemakers. A stint in the jail is the common and uncontested punishment for everything from assault to 'disorder' (a category which Corrian has used on occasion to incarcerate visitors speaking too loudly in the Dancing Dwarf). 5. Evallyn'sUndisputedly the oldest member of the community, Evallyn is the village expert on potions, philters, concoctions, and unctions. She creates and sells common healing potions (Cure Light, Cure Moderate, Cure Poison, and ''Cure Disease ''only) for fair prices, keeps a supply of common spell components in stock, and can identify potions reliably for a modest fee. Evallyn's cat, Lord Orpheus, hates any and all other animals intruding into his domain and thus, so does Evallyn. She will immediately demand that any potential customer with a pet tailing along remove the creature at once. Failure to do so means the customer will need to find a different potion vendor. Evallyn, female human Adp5: CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 5d6+5; hp 30; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12; Attack +1 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7; AL CG; Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 15.<br> Languages Spoken: Common, Gnome, Elven<br> Skills and feats: Handle animal +8, Hide +4, Listen +3, Move silently +2, Profession +11, Scry +10, Spellcraft +10, Spot +3, Wilderness lore +9; Brew potion, Scribe Scroll, Enlarge Spell<br> Adept Spells Per Day: 3/3/2 6. The Dancing DwarfArno (who is neither dwarvish nor likely to dance) runs this small tavern located at the very west end of town, next to the Caravan Gate. The Dwarf sees its fair share of travelers (it is the only establishment of its kind in town), but its fair share is small. Arno rents out the Dwarf's guest rooms (both of them) for 3 sp a night, but will allow visitors to sleep on the tavern floor after closing time for 1 sp. The tavern serves local brew (decent) for 3 cp a mug, and will provide local, homely fare for 5 cp; this consists of fish, venison, mushrooms, tubers, onions, leeks, and the like. Very rarely, the kitchen might have beef (if one of the village cows passes on and Arno can make a deal with the owner). Arno, male human Exp2: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 2d6+2; hp 11; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; Attack +2 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; AL N; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10<br> Languages Spoken: Common, Gnome<br> Skills and feats: Craft (brewing) +6, Handle animal +5, Heal +3, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge +4, Knowledge (religion) +3, Listen +1, Move silently +4, Profession (Innkeeper) +5.5, Read lips +6, Spot +1, Swim +3; Point blank shot, Skill focus (Profession) 7. The Old BarnThe Dancing Dwarf has a large stable/barn adjacent to the main building, though not connected. This large edifice (building #7) is one of the oldest in the village, and is constructed from the same stones as the western town wall that it is built against. Other Village LocationsThe Old MillPast the barricade at the north end of town, an old mill crouches on the banks of the Stonemeet. Although it seems to be in reasonably good repair, it has not been active for close to ten years, and the locals claim it is haunted by the previous owner, a dark, unpleasant man who rarely ventured into the rest of the town. Local grain crops large enough to warrant a market sale are taken east via wagon to Cairun. Areas Outside BedellAbandoned VillageSo long dead that only a few remember its name, a fishing village lies abandoned north of Bedell along the Stonemeet, near the Black Hills Forest. Its people lived on the fringe of starvation, never having enough to eat except what they took from the river. Then, one day, they were gone. Bedell HillsNorth of Caravan Way lie the rolling hills that overlook the Valley of Bedell. This area is rife with wildlife as well as domesticated creatures (several herds of sheep are grazed in this area). The area is also the home to several intelligent predators and true monsters: an ettin is rumored to make it's home in this region. Lesser threats include wandering brigands and a few half-breed humanoids looking for easy prey. The Black HillsNorth of Bedell and across a fast-moving river lies the region called the Black Hills, thick with wildlife and history. A prime hunting ground for those individuals that are skilled enough to survive in the region, the area is also the home for a number of beasts and monsters that discourage travelers, as well as one or two bands of thieves that profit from them. The main road through the area is currently unused (since a harpy has nested near it), forcing traders to use less-traveled and less-reliable paths that crisscross the wood. One of the main paths leads into the Cairn Mountains to the north and east, while another leads to the northwest, over the Black Hills and into the dry, orc-controlled grasslands beyond. Goblin Bandits of the Bedell HillsWhere skill, cunning, good equipment, and training are lacking, rely instead on brute force and a good hiding spot -- this, the philosophy of the group the goblinoid bandits that hunt the Bedell hills. The caves this group inhabits, well north of Caravan Way, are hidden and guarded by several posted guards and at least one or two hidden sneak-thieves. Though not bright by any stretch of the imagination, these mercenaries do believe in frequent patrols of their area, and are difficult to surprise, in fact often catching their would-be attackers unaware. HobgoblinsMore of a tribe or a vast extended family than a raiding group, this tribe took over an abandoned guard outpost miles to the west of Bedell along Caravan Way long ago. Though not 'raiders' per se, these creatures are more than capable of defending the home they have taken, and boast powerful warriors, as well as magical assistance from their chief's sorceress mate. (These hobgoblins are, in fact, so defense-minded that even the females and the children of the tribe actively protect their homes.) The Old OrchardThis abandoned orchard, once the pride of the Bedell population, has become an example of the desperation-turned-insanity that pervades the town more and more. Rank weeds supplant lush grasses, and evil vines twine about once-proud trees, sucking the life from them in fits and starts. Bedell housewives threatening their children tell tales of a mad old man that still lives near the heart of the orchard, unharmed by it's twisted life, continuing to care for the Orchard in some evil, pathetic way. Silent PinesA clustered stand of pines south of Caravan Way is a home to mystery and danger as old as spoken history in this region. This area, draped with gauze-like webs, houses a large nest of darkly-colored, furred spiders that use wolf pack-like hit and run tactics to take down their prey, making them quite troublesome and dangerous. Old stories claim that an ancient watchtower is concealed within this stand of pine, possessed of horrors and treasures un-guessed at. |