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In this thread: Commanding Demons Ron Edwards said:

One existing mechanic you can use is the fact that Binding strength is labile. Every session, or perhaps even with individual scenes, the GM is perfectly free to alter the Binding strength. Given your inclinations, you could get it to pretty hefty levels through play, and thus it would fulfil your stated interest in seeing more ritual/system at work in the interactions.
Also, you can use role-playing bonuses. Say a Black Wheel sorcerer (to use a book example for clarity) re-applies the Binding contract every week or so. OK, fine, let that "color in" the abstract Binding strength with in-game activity, and you're all set with the effect you desire without any need for more rules. It also gives the group the chance to see what happens when it's not applied for some reason, and ALSO get the player a much-needed bonus if you guys take the time to incorporate this "reinforcement" into the run itself.
Finally, I just realized that I used exactly the concern you stated in designing Stephanie and Kerch, the example sorcerer and demon. Its Need is for reinforcing the original Binding contract, which in play translates to role-playing scenes all about that renegotiation (which may well involve Lore rolls), and in rules terms, into changes in the Binding strength.

And in this one: Binding Rolls he said:

How exactly can binding rolls be re-rolled during play? Um ... you mean, if a sorcerer has bound a demon, and then binds it again? That's not really something that happens; if the demon is currently bound, then that's that. If the sorcerer wants to make the binding stronger (I suppose in his or her favor), then he or she simply needs to favor the demon's Need and/or Desire.

I would like to ask to Ron if he can explain better, or in more detail, when the GM can (or should) change the binding strenght, how he do it mechanically (he just tell the player the new strength? He change it and keep it secret? He give a warning to the player that if he doesn't change his way the binding strenght will change? He rolls some dices with the players?) and when he thinks the GM should do this (and when he shouldn't).


This is one of the features of Sorcerer GMing in which you have a lot of personal choice.

The actual rule is that when you think a sorcerer has not been meeting the Binding requirements with a demon, then change the Binding strength by 1 in the demon's favor.

Numerically, this is really two things rather than one. If the Binding was in the Sorcerer's favor, then this effect weakens the overall Binding (for example, its role in helping to resist being Banished). You should think of this as the relationship getting weakened because the demon is losing its commitment to it. However, if the Binding was in the demon's favor, then this effect strengthens the Binding.

In the one case, the demon is considering breaking up (leaving a relationship), and in the other, it is staying in the relationship out of negative commitment.

Let's go back to the rule - it depends on what you, the GM, think about the situation. This is your judgment and in that sense is a lot like your decisions regarding Humanity rolls. Ultimately, this authority lies with the whole group in that they accept your role, but at the time, in each instance, you really do have that personal authority. There is no specific set of signals or triggers in the rules because this authority is supposed to be founded on your own interpretation and judgment of the situation.

This is one of the main reasons why, in this game, you should play each demon as your own character. Because you need to consider how its relationship to its master might be changing.

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Page last modified on February 22, 2007, at 03:12 PM by DoyceTesterman

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