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I'm using the term Voodoo here as a catch-all for a lot of beliefs that aren't even remotely related in the real world. In this game, they're all similar because in these traditions the god takes possession of your body. The Ten Thousand Tribes usually regard this as a great honor, even though the gods often break human taboos.

A sorcerer in this tradition relies on religious offerings, orgies, sacrifices, wild dances, rituals, trances, and drugs to deal with the powerful spirits. Such sorcerers are usually charismatic, athletic, and have close personal relationships with the spirit world.


Sorcerers in this tradition often have scar patterns and elaborate tattoos. They might wear good luck charms and fetish objects, or act in taboo ways--the culture permits this because they are shamans of the tribe. They may also speak in tongues from time to time, or display signs of Tourette's Syndrome.


Sorcerers in this tradition are often a little unhinged. They might anger easily, or have trouble resisting fleshly pleasures. Sometimes they have suffered injuries in their celebratory rites.


There are two kinds of Voodoo sorcerers--a houngan (female version: mambo) who is well liked and serves the community, and a bokor who is a powerful figure but usually a little bit distrusted. In any case, the witch doctor is a respected person in the community.

Voodoo Style Demon Ideas

Most demons in this tradition are Possessors, with some Passing and Object demons.


The classic Voodoo spirit--a powerful spirit who takes control of your body, and combines supernatural abilities with outrageous behavior. With a stretch of the imagination these could include animal totem spirits. These are Possessor demons, and respond to lavish offerings.. They always have a high Stamina--and therefore high scores for Will and Power. A loa is an immensely powerful spirit, and will usually prefer to Pact, rather than Bind. Their Desire is usually to be Worshipped. Powers might include Command, Confuse, Cover, Daze (for a particular type of activity), Hop, Mark, Perception, Spawn, Taint, or Vitality. Loas prefer to deal with hougans or mambos.


A lesser type of loa common in "Left-Handed Voodoo" as practiced by the bokors. A loa is a powerful spirit who makes short term Pacts as part of a big ceremony; a djab is a lesser spirit that Binds to a single sorcerer. They are like loas in most respects but their Power is lower. Djab prefer to deal with bokors.


This is a home-made magical item assembled from natural objects containing great power--an arrow fletched with the feathers of an eagle tied together with the intestines of a she-wolf, or the bone shards of a baby born with two heads, etc. These are Object demons. Powers are pretty wide open.

Totem Animal

A majestic, frightening, or otherwise kewl animal who helps you. This is treated like a Passing demon, although the animal is presumably a native to the Material Plane. These beasts may Pact or Bind. Totem Animal powers might include Big, Cover (doing things related to that animal), Fast, Link, Perception, Special Lethal Damage, Travel, or Transport.

Voodoo Doll

A special type of Object demon. It is specialized to attack a single target, and requires part of that person's body. Powers are always very nasty and cruel.


A reanimated body. It may retain some memory and personality of its earlier life--doesn't have to be a mindless corpse. A zombie is a Passing demon. It usually has Armor and Cover for their past life. Special Non-Lethal damage might represent a rotting touch or leprosy.

Voodoo Poisons and Drugs

Voodoo lore is full of mysterious poisons and special herbs. Boost Stamina or Boost Lore are pretty common; so is Perception (Astral Plane). Poisons are uniformly nasty, often administered by blowguns.

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Page last modified on August 02, 2005, at 08:16 PM by JamesNostack

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