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Start of #indie_nar buffer: Mon Jun 06 22:47:22 2005

  • Now talking in #indie_nar
  • James is now known as Zolobachai

<04Zolobachai> "Where are you taking us, urchin? It feels as if we are making no

  progress at all!"

<04Zolobachai> "Zolobachai of the Nine Visions, and his patron the Baroness of

  Ashvale, will brook no delay!"
  • Kapoor is now known as Kapoor_3
  • D`ombreux is now known as D`ombreux_3

<04Zolobachai> To D'ombreaux - "These beasts infest the ruins of our civilization,

  and vex all who live nearby.  Are they common in Ammeni?"
  • Zolobachai is now known as Zolo_3

<04Kapoor_3> "You asked me to lead you to Ruki, and I will take you to him. I just

  do not wish to use the front door."
  • Zolo_3 nods

<04Zolo_3> "Very wise. A wizard of his caliber may have taken precautions. My

  estimation of you has increased.  You are shrewd creature indeed."
  • Kapoor_3 scampers through the stone and brickwork as though it were level ground, sniffing out crosswinds at intersections and peering down each sluice and hole

<04Kapoor_3> "I would not call him a Wizard, although he does have a fine collection

  of books on jommetry and such.  Never let me near them!"
  • Kapoor_3 leads the group down to a side doorway into a room that abuts his workshop.

<04Vaxalon> As you're coming up on a deep vertical shaft, you see a beam of light

  coming up the shaft... it seems bright, in the gloom, and it is of an unnatural 
  blue color.

<04Vaxalon> (hold off on that last line a moment) <04Kapoor_3> (acknowledged)

  • Vaxalon is now known as Vax_DM_3

<04Vax_DM_3> When you get to the shaft, however, it is gone.

  • D`ombreux_3 stares down into the darkness of the shaft.
  • Kapoor_3 sneaks up and sniffs the air before the shaft, peering up and down the length of it

<04D`ombreux_3> "What is down there?" <04Zolo_3> "A mystery confounds us, but nothing may hide from the All-Seeing Eye of

  the Sun-King."

<04Kapoor_3> "Ratkin braver than I may have ventured into those depths. But if they

  had, none ever bothered to explain what they saw.  I hear rumors, but this is the 
  first time anything from those depths has roused before my eyes!"

<04D`ombreux_3> "How deep I wonder?"

  • D`ombreux_3 is in deep thought.

<04Kapoor_3> "If you drop a stone, you might find out."

  • Kapoor_3 hunches back on the safe side of the shaft's ledge

<04D`ombreux_3> "Karko, if you would be so kind." <04Vax_DM_3> Karko looks quizzically at D'

  • D`ombreux_3 points out some rubble on the floor to karko, then points at the hole.

<04Zolo_3> "Hold a moment."

  • D`ombreux_3 raises an eyebrow.

<04Vax_DM_3> Karko shrugs, and picks out a tiny pebble. He peers over the edge, and

  drops it.  Darkness envelops it.  Then... a chorus of faint little clicks.
  • Zolo_3 winces.

<04Zolo_3> Zolobachai chants in his spooky voice: "The Watcher in the Deep, Thunder

  Bound and Lightning Chained, That Which Waits."
  • Kapoor_3 scowls at Zolobachai
  • D`ombreux_3 smiles.

<04Zolo_3> Shaking his head to clear it of the visions, Arnold is grateful that he

  did not swallow his tongue during the trance.

<04Kapoor_3> "Very dramatic, Mister Nine Visions. I suppose that now you're down to

  eight then?"

<04D`ombreux_3> "Kapoor, do you perhaps know of a way to get down there, besides this

  shaft that is."
  • Kapoor_3 frowns at D`ombreux

<04Zolo_3> "Thunder and Lighting may be a signal of spiritual transformation through

  dire challenge and crisis."

<04Kapoor_3> "There are many routes through these tunnels. Often where one shaft

  drops straight, another switches to and fro, or around in a great arc of gentler 

<04D`ombreux_3> "Well, I can't think of any better way to describe the magical

  secrets you search for, Master Wizard."

<04Zolo_3> "The mockery of the philistines of this sewer only enhances the dignity of

  the Three-Corner Academy, ratling."

<04Kapoor_3> It is possible that I could bring us to within a certain distance of

  that spot, but what could you possibly hope to find there?"

<04D`ombreux_3> "Everything."

  • D`ombreux_3 smiles.
  • D`ombreux_3 puts his finger aside his nose.
  • Kapoor_3 blinks at D`ombreux, and silently moves back to sniff the tunnels while planning their descent

<04Zolo_3> "The vision indicates that a great power is chained here, awaiting

  release.  If unleashed by a fool, great harm could come to pass... but if 
  subborned to one of the Wise---" Zolobachai trails off into silent speculation.
  • Kapoor_3 turns back to the musing Zolobachai. "Down, up, or all the way to Ruki... It's all the same to me, frankly. I don't like any of them. But kindly make your decision quickly. We mustn't stay here too much longer."
  • D`ombreux_3 paces back and forth.

<04Zolo_3> "Voshpar's Igneous Flow could conjure an inclined plane of molten magma,

  hardening to stone as we pass... but over such a long distance I fear it would 
  not bear our weight.  I advise seeking Ruki, and interrogating him as to this 
  subterranean power."
  • D`ombreux_3 nods.
  • Kapoor_3 turns to D`ombreux.

<04Kapoor_3> "very well. Onward we go."

  • Kapoor_3 leads the party further through the tunnels, to a doorway into a room that abuts Ruki's workshop
  • Zolo_3 confers with Karl to find out if those in Ashvale know of any terrible powers or beasts that reside in the ruins of Mologn.

<04Kapoor_3> "If it's three corners you seek, then Ruki will at least intrigue you.

  Three Corners and Three Sides is about all he talks about these days.

<04Kapoor_3> Him and his precious Jommetry!" <04Zolo_3> Zolobachai claps his hands. "Then waste no more time in speech, take us

  to him at once!  But first-- you no longer trust Ruki.  It may follow he no 
  longer trusts you.

<04Zolo_3> "By your leave, I shall enchant you with the Spell of Duplicitous Design,

  to render you glib of tongue and convincing of speech.
  • Kapoor_3 frowns
  • D`ombreux_3 smiles at Karko.

<04Kapoor_3> "I would just as soon stay out here. I have no further truck with Ruki." <04Kapoor_3> "Per the bond, I will not desert, but I would stay hidden from his


<04Zolo_3> Quietly, to Dombreox - "It was a bad contract you signed. I begin to

  doubt your literacy."
  • Kapoor_3 spits to Zolo, "I have led you as requested. Am I now your protector as well?"

<04D`ombreux_3> "You may wish to keep your doubts to yourself, good wizard. Such

  things have a habit of coming back to haunt one."
  • D`ombreux_3 smiles.

<04Zolo_3> "You were to be our guide. True guidance is not only material, but social

  as well, for you have no doubt spent all of your sheltered life in these fetid 
  environs.  But lead as you may; I and the Baroness's Borderer shall follow."

<04D`ombreux_3> "Let the ratlings await here and we shall discuss our business with

  Ruki ourselves. Or if you'd rather, I will visit this eccentric Ruki on my own."

<04Zolo_3> "Your over-fond gazes to the young Karko have not escaped my attention,

  northerner.  Nor has your culture's reputation for depraved conjugal relations.  
  But as a representative of the Three-Corner School such calumny is beneath my 

<04Zolo_3> "I shall accompany you. Ehrein, make certain these two do not get up to

  any mischief."

<04Vax_DM_3> Karl nods, but not without a sneer. <04D`ombreux_3> "Let us not fool ourselves, enchanter. Your dignity is a long-dead

  and altogether anemic presence. You have the stench of a complete mountebank 
  about you. Now, will you be so kind as to have your hulking shadow open the 
  • Zolo_3 reminds himself that perhaps the people of Ashvale should suffer a bit longer, as their current hardships have not mended their pride

<04Zolo_3> "I laugh at your aspersions and sneer at your trepidation. I shall open

  the door."  (He does so.)

<04Vax_DM_3> The rooms beyond are completely trashed. Delicate instruments and tools

  are broken and scattered.  Books have been shredded, and their pages thrown to 
  the winds.  Bloodstains can be seen in several places.  Corpses of several albino 
  ratkin, torn limb from limb, are scattered around the room.

<04Vax_DM_3> As you take in the destruction, you see that one of the bloodstains has

  a trail of streaks, as if something bloody had been dragged along, leading 
  towards a set of stairs leading up.

<04Zolo_3> "He is a much cleaner librarian than the Headmaster of Gallin." <04D`ombreux_3> "My my, someone has been up to mischief here."

  • Kapoor_3 smells the blood and shudders
  • Kapoor_3 peers around the doorway, hearing no sounds of battle

<04Vax_DM_3> There are several footprints in the blood, footprints that only the huge

  ratkin of Speartooth's brood could have made.

<04Zolo_3> "I trust your forensic abilities will serve us well here, D'ombreaux."

  • D`ombreux_3 raises an eyebrow.

<04D`ombreux_3> "They were torn apart. Or did that detail escape your notice?"

  • D`ombreux_3 begins to look around the chamber.
  • Kapoor_3 watches D`ombreux and Zolobachai stalk through the gore

<04Zolo_3> "I had heard that those in the medical field possessed special knowledge;

  how pleasing to learn that is not the case!"
  • Kapoor_3 tentatively walks into the room

<04Zolo_3> "Kapoor, which of these was your teacher? Strip the body, if you can find

  it.  I shall examine the books."

<04D`ombreux_3> "Indeed. And always be wary of your physician. He might perhaps covet

  something you are not willing to part with."

<04Vax_DM_3> Kapoor would have to examine the bodies rather closely to identify

  them... it's quite hard to manage in this state.
  • Kapoor_3 sniffs the air for scent of a live enemy, and then peruses the room looking for Ruki's body
  • Kapoor_3 decides to begin searching the bodies of all present, just in case any one might be R Uki? or... have anything of monetary value...
  • D`ombreux_3 looks for any item with even a vague attachment to his quest.

<04Vax_DM_3> There aren't enough body parts to account for all of the members of

  Ruki's little workshop... Ruki doesn't seem to be there.  There isn't a great 
  deal of value around, but Kapoor manages to get some beads and trinkets that the 
  marauders didn't get.

<04Vax_DM_3> A Nything? vaguely weaponlike appears to have been taken. Just about

  everything else seems to have been ruined.

<04Kapoor_3> "Mast-- er, Ruki made many weapons... Weapons of great power for my

  kind.  Weapons of the old Empire.  They and all their makings are gone!"

<04Kapoor_3> "The thieves wanted his engines of war..." <04Zolo_3> "Hmmpf. Material weapons are no match for the supernatural powers of the

  Sun-King, but even they may cause havoc in the wrong hands."
  • Zolo_3 examines the library and tries to determine the provenance of the books. Are they from before the Sky-Fire? who wrote them? What are they about?
  • Kapoor_3 watches the bloody stairs, tense, ready to flee
  • D`ombreux_3 looks for a passage that leads down.

<04Zolo_3> "Hold your ground, little one. A true scholar does not flinch when there

  is knowledge to be gained."

<04Vax_DM_3> Zolobachai examines scattered book covers. All of them are from before

  the sky-fire.  Authors range from names he has never heard of, to great classic 
  authors.  Topics are mainly on geometry, mechanics, and engineering, but there's 
  one labeled "Catalog" which is about half intact.
  • Zolo_3 skims the Catalog. He is already conversant in axiomatic geometry.

<04Vax_DM_3> The catalog appears to be a list of the books in the library, with a

  summary of the contents of each one, and a description of where it is to be 
  shelved.  Quite a useful thing!

<04Vax_DM_3> Sections L-Z are intact... the rest appears to have been ripped out and

  scattered, like the rest.
  • Zolo_3 pockets it, unobserved. It might be helpful later.
  • Kapoor_3 keeps his eye on the stairs, the bloody trails worrying him
  • Zolo_3 checks out "Three-Corner Academy" first though.

<04Vax_DM_3> No books are listed on that topic. <04Vax_DM_3> It says, instead, "See the main collection." <04Zolo_3> Arnold curses quietly, and hides the catalog in his robes. "Perhaps we

  should... quite cautiously... follow the trail and return the weapons before 
  those louts misuse them."

<04D`ombreux_3> "Do what you wish. What I seek is below us."

  • D`ombreux_3 looks for anything to use as rope.

<04Zolo_3> "Your monomania is what has ruined our civilization. These ratkin, filthy

  as they are, do not deserve to be oppressed by every gang of thugs who wander by. 
   Such brutality is all too common above."

<04Vax_DM_3> D'ombreux finds some startlingly sturdy cord wound up in the remains of

  a clockwork device.  It seems strong enough to hold his weight, but it's a bit 
  thin to climb on.
  • D`ombreux_3 puts the cord in his bag.

<04Zolo_3> "If you truly intend to climb on such a cord, I will enchant it to bear

  your weight... and Karko's, should you endanger him further."

<04D`ombreux_3> "Keep your magic to yourself, wizard. Go, stay, but leave me be."

  • Zolo_3 rolls his eyes.

<04Zolo_3> "Very well. I go in search of Ruki and to restore tranquility to these

  warrens.  I advise against tampering with powers you cannot possibly comprehend."
  • Zolo_3 gestures for Karl to accompany him.
  • D`ombreux_3 smiles.

<04Zolo_3> "Kapoor-- your contract was fatally flawed. I advise you to abandon it

  and help put right the atrocities that transpired here.  Any such villains may 
  return to disrupt your life later, if not stopped now."

<04Vax_DM_3> Karl looks up from idly kicking at a grisly skull, and follows

  • Kapoor_3 scowls at Zolobachai
  • D`ombreux_3 finds a box of sinewy fiber and puts the contents in his bag.

<04Zolo_3> "Besides--you said you would take me to Ruki. Ruki himself appears to

  have decamped; I expect you to honor your part of the bargain, if nothing else."
  • Kapoor_3 bares his teeth and points up the bloody stairs

<04Kapoor_3> "I know no secrets, but as your guide I suggest you search that way."

  • Zolo_3 trudges off, more willing to help the ratkin than one of their own.
  • D`ombreux_3 looks around one last time for anything useful.
  • D`ombreux_3 raises his voice..

<04D`ombreux_3> "Karko! Lad, come here. <04Vax_DM_3> Karko, shuddering with terror, slinks out of the doorway, his nose

  twitching and eyes staring.

<04D`ombreux_3> "Karko, come here. I think it would be best if you used those funny

  little legs of yours to take you as quickly and quietly as possible back to your 
  mother's burrow."
  • D`ombreux_3 reaches into his belt pouch.

<04Vax_DM_3> Karko nods, and then dashes up the stairs with all the speed he can

  • D`ombreux_3 hands Karko a fistfull of coin.

<04Vax_DM_3> Too late; he's gone... <04D`ombreux_3> whatever

  • D`ombreux_3 grabs his belongings and walks back towards the shaft.
  • Kapoor_3 sniffs and follows D`ombreux

<04Vax_DM_3> You go back to the shaft. <04Vax_DM_3> It's quiet and dark. Somewhere, there's a dripping sound. <04Kapoor_3> "You mean to just lower us in?"

  • D`ombreux_3 looks around for a piece of lumber, large rock, or pole.
    • Zolo_3 is now known as Arnold_3

<04Vax_DM_3> You recall passing a ruined grate a ways back that might serve. <04D`ombreux_3> "No, we need a tie off. If you would be so kind as to lend a hand.."

  • Kapoor_3 nods
  • D`ombreux_3 goes back towards the gate.
    • Vax_DM_3 is now known as Vax_DM_2

<04Vax_DM_2> You wrestle the grate into position. <04Kapoor_3> "I am handy with rope if you need..."

  • D`ombreux_3 pulls out the cord and hands it to Kapoor.
  • D`ombreux_3 smiles.
  • D`ombreux_3 pulls out the fiber and hands it to Kapoor.

<04Kapoor_3> "Of course, this will fall under clause VI of our countract:

  extra-directional duties..."
  • D`ombreux_3 nods.
  • Kapoor_3 begins weaving the cord onto the grate, cinching it down expertly
    • Arnold_3 is now known as Arnold_2
  • Kapoor_3 hands the climbing end to D`ombreu

<04Kapoor_3> "It is ready, but it may not be long enough <04Kapoor_3> " <04D`ombreux_3> "We shall see."

  • D`ombreux_3 checks that all his gear is secured to him and begins to lower himself down.
  • D`ombreux_3 stops short.
  • D`ombreux_3 reaches down and grabs a pebble or three.
  • D`ombreux_3 then continues to descend.
  • Kapoor_3 drywashes his hands in anticipation

<04Kapoor_3> "Are you all right, sir?"

  • Kapoor_3 peers down with his ratkin eyes

<04Vax_DM_2> D'ombreux drops a pebble. T Here?'s only a short interval before he hears

  it bounce, bouncebounce, clickclackclickclack
  • D`ombreux_3 braces himself for impact.
  • D`ombreux_3 lets go of the rope.

<04Vax_DM_2> D'ombreux drops for only a moment, before an experience that feels like

  getting beaten up by thugs over the course of a single second.  Only by curling 
  up in a ball does he manage to avoid breaking something... as it is he's bruised 
  and bloodied.
  • D`ombreux_3 yells up the shaft...

<04D`ombreux_3> "Everything is.. fine. Come on down if you like. <04Kapoor_3> "Sir! Are you all right?"

  • Kapoor_3 drywashes his hands and combs his whiskers nervously

<04D`ombreux_3> "Oh, splendid."

  • D`ombreux_3 sits up.
  • D`ombreux_3 coughs.
  • Kapoor_3 grabs the rope and begins working his way down
  • D`ombreux_3 feels around in his bag for a torch and lights it.

<04Vax_DM_2> The light grows slowly. You are on the edge of a natural cavern. The

  jumbled rocks behind you look like they must have been thrown down from above, 
  because they do not match the smooth, pale rock that forms the walls of the 

<04D`ombreux_3> "By the way, it seems we would have benefitted from just small amount

  of additional rope."

<04Vax_DM_2> Kapoor can see that there's a ten foot gap at the bottom of the rope.

  With light to see by, it should be somewhat easier to make the leap.

<04Vax_DM_2> T He? cavern has water in it... still, mirror-flat water.

  • Kapoor_3 works his way down
  • D`ombreux_3 looks for a ledge or walk way around the water.

<04Vax_DM_2> D'ombreux can't see another side to the water. There is a ledge around

  the side, but the roof slopes in from the sides, and he would have to crouch, or 
  even crawl, to keep from getting wet.
  • D`ombreux_3 makes a check for other exits or entrances.

<04Vax_DM_2> Kapoor climbs to the bottom of the rope without difficulty. <04Vax_DM_2> While Dombreux examines the water, he notices that there are small white

  fish in it, about six inches long, swimming about.
  • Vax_DM_2 is now known as Vax_DM_1
  • D`ombreux_3 is now known as D
  • D is now known as D`ombreux_2

<04Vax_DM_1> Kapoor leaps the last of the distance and hops down to the shore of the

  underground lake with aplomb.

<04Vax_DM_1> The water stirs. A vortex appears about ten feet out... but it doesn't

  dip downwards, like draining water... it simply swirls.

<04D`ombreux_2> "Well then..

  • D`ombreux_2 stops midsentence.

<04Vax_DM_1> The vortex spins and spins... and starts to rise out of the water, a

  spinning mound of water.

<04Vax_DM_1> It begins to glow, with an eerie blue-white radiance that quickly rises

  to a blinding glare.
  • D`ombreux_2 shields his eyes.
  • Kapoor_3 steps back, covering his eyes with a forepaw

<04Vax_DM_1> A voice echoes from the radiance. "I am the watcher at the gate. A

  hundred upon a hundred have come this way, and none have passed.  Ten upon ten 
  have attempted to evade me, and all lie drowned at my feet."
  • Kapoor_3 swallows hard

<04D`ombreux_2> "What is required to pass?!"

  • Kapoor_3 thinks back to his books, trying to remember any mention of such a creature

<04Vax_DM_1> "I am not a riddler, mortal. I am the watcher at the gate." <04D`ombreux_2> "Will you allow me to pass?" <04Vax_DM_1> "I do not answer questions. I am the watcher at the gate. I make no

  warnings and I give no clues."
  • Kapoor_3 tries to squint through the glare at the fish that once flowed

<04Vax_DM_1> The voice is genderless. It has echoes of both male and female. <04D`ombreux_2> "Well, I don't suppose you'll mind too much is we just sit here a bit

  • D`ombreux_2 is now known as D`ombreux_1

<04Vax_DM_1> Kapoor manages to squint enough to see that the fish are clustered up in

  the center of the swirling vortex, and not elsewhere.
  • D`ombreux_1 moves back until he can sit on the rocks.

<04Vax_DM_1> The Watcher seems willing to wait.

  • Kapoor_3 moves over to D`ombreux and whispers in his ear, trying not to tickle the man with his whiskers

<04Kapoor_3> "I think it's the fish we saw. Like some sort of salamander... they're

  in the vortex and nowhere else."

<04D`ombreux_1> "Hmm."

  • D`ombreux_1 opens his bag and pulls out his herbs and medicines.
  • D`ombreux_1 shrugs.
  • D`ombreux_1 takes all of his various brews, potions, herbs, and ungents and dumps them in the water in an attempt to poison the guardian.
    • Kapoor_3 is now known as Kapoor_2
    • Arnold_2 is now known as Arnold_1

<04Vax_DM_1> "Do not try to propitiate me with foolish sacrifices, mortal, I am no

  spirit and I am..."

<04Vax_DM_1> "I am..." <04Vax_DM_1> The voice gets a little smaller. <04Vax_DM_1> "I am a little..." <04Vax_DM_1> "I'm a little teapot..." <04Vax_DM_1> "No, no, that's not right..." <04Vax_DM_1> "I'm the ... gate... wa..." <04Vax_DM_1> T He? water starts to splash and churn <04Vax_DM_1> Droplets fly off, thoroughly saturating both of you.

  • Kapoor_2 wrinkles his nose as the herb-tainted water splashes his cloak
  • D`ombreux_1 keeps his mouth shut and eyes closed till the churning stops.

<04Vax_DM_1> The water rises and falls erratically. <04Vax_DM_1> "Ex... ba... ko..." <04Vax_DM_1> The column collapses suddenly. The little white fish slowly drift

  apart, twitching, gills flapping.

<04D`ombreux_1> "Let's be on our way. And try not to get wet."

  • D`ombreux_1 moves out across the ledge.

<04Kapoor_2> "As you say..." <04Vax_DM_1> You move out along the edge... and make a long, slow circle that leads

  back to where you came.

<04D`ombreux_1> "Oh bother..

  • D`ombreux_1 is now known as D`ombreux

<04Kapoor_2> "Perhaps we ought to get wet after all..." <04D`ombreux> "It looks that way. Well, no help for it." <04Kapoor_2> "smart tongue for a creature with so little fur..."

  • D`ombreux closes his eyes, holds his breath and dives into the pool, swimming hard for the bottom where the guardian rose up.
  • Kapoor_2 waits to see if D`ombreux returns, watching the pool for bubbles
  • Kapoor_2 paws at the flopping fishes along the surface

<04Vax_DM_1> The bottom seems a long, long way down... after swimming as far as he

  can go, he finds the bottom, a metal plate, with a handle.
  • D`ombreux pulls, twists, turns and generally gives the handle hell for all he's worth.
  • Kapoor_2 tries to pull a fish out onto the ledge to inspect

<04Vax_DM_1> D'om, you're running out of air. Are you going to risk drowning to try

  to open it?
  • D`ombreux tries to get an idea of how, or even if, the panel can be moved and kicks hard for the surface before he runs out of air.
  • Kapoor_2 sees D`ombreux's bubbles on the surface of the lake, and peers into it
    • Kapoor_2 is now known as Kapoor_1
    • Kapoor_1 is now known as Kapoor
    • Arnold_1 is now known as Arnold

<04Vax_DM_1> D'ombreux manages to wrench the latch open, at which point the door

  suddenly falls open, and the water in the little pond rushes down through the 

<04Vax_DM_1> Kapoor is left holding one twitching fish in his claw.

  • Kapoor looks down into the gaping hole that was once a pond

<04Kapoor> "Sir, are you all right down there?" <04Vax_DM_1> D'ombreux is left sopping wet and gasping, next to the heavy triangular


<04D`ombreux> "Oh, just keen..

  • D`ombreux coughs
  • Kapoor inspects his fish, trying to see what was so special about it

<04Vax_DM_1> It has a small triangular mark on the top of its head, a little gold

  • D`ombreux rolls over and peers into the opening.
  • Kapoor reaches a claw beneath the scale, to pluck it from the fish's back

<04Vax_DM_1> It's well-attached, but with a little work you pull it free.

  • Kapoor inspects the scale, holding it to the torchlight

<04Vax_DM_1> Looking down, D'ombreux sees a short shaft, leading down to a grate,

  through which the pondwater presumably flowed.  Off to the side, another shaft 
  can be seen... one in which light can be seen, flickering all the colors of the 
  • Vax_DM_1 is now known as Vaxalon
  • Kapoor is now known as |0__0|
  • Vaxalon has left #indie_nar
  • D`ombreux is now known as thickenergy

End of #indie_nar buffer Mon Jun 06 22:47:22 2005

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Page last modified on August 02, 2005, at 01:25 PM by JamesNostack

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