Innate Abilities
Athletics (Vigor)
Reaction (Instinct): 3
Resist(Reason): 3
Stay Up (Special) 1
Artistic Abilities
Create (I): 1
Story-tell (R): 2
Craft Abilities
Haggling (I): 2
Fighting Abilities
First Aid (R)
Scrapping (I)
Battle (R)
Illicit Abilities
Stealth (I)
Theft (I)
Deceit (R): 3
Streetwise (R)
Outdoor Abilities
Aim (V)
Climbing (V)
Woodcraft (R)
Priestly Abilities
Discern Truth: 4
Social Abilities
Sway (I): 6
Savoir-Faire (I): 3
Etiquette (R): 5
Vigor: 4
Instinct: 5
Reason : 8
Advances: 10
Secret of the Courtier (make Etiquette checks to determine one of opponent's: reason, instinct, best social skill and score, ore specific skill and score, per success level. Cost, 1 Reason.)
Key of the Hypocrite: (Get experience for professing one ideology and following another. See wiki, here.) "I am a loyal member of Phillipe's Court... except that I'm betraying him to a neighboring lord to gain power and get out of my arranged marriage."
Weapons and Armor
Other Equipment
- Advance 1: +1 to Reason
- Advance 2: +1 to Vigor
- Advance 3: +1 to Reason
- Advance 4: +1 to Instinct
- Advance 5: +1 to a "C" skill (Discern truth)
- Advance 6: +3 to "A" skills (etiquette, sway, resist)
- Advance 7: +1 to Reason
- Advance 8: +3 to "A" skills (etiquette, sway, savoir-faire)
- Advance 9: +2 to "B" skills (Deceit, Story telling)
- Advance 10: +3 to "A" skills (reaction, sway, etiquette)