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What do you do when you run out of keys to bind? Create icons.

By the time you've reached 40th level in City of Heroes you'll have roughly 20 powers. Some of those powers will be powers you need to activate, some won't. If every single power required activation, they would take up two full trays on your power bar...

... so why are there nine trays? Why, so you can create your own icons, of course!

In City of Heroes it is possible to create your own icons on the power bar. These icons can be activated with a mouse click, or can even be bound to keys if you use the /powexec_tray slash command to identify which tray and which slot in that tray the icon is sitting. You do this by using the /macro command.

/macro is very similar to /bind -- you are, in effect, binding a command to an object. The main difference is that /bind uses objects that already exist (keys on your keyboard) as the trigger, whereas /macro creates the trigger and then associates the command to it. The trigger it creates is a new icon that sits on the first empty slot on your power bar.

The basic format for /macro is

/macro [macroname] "[command]"

It is, in most other ways, exactly the same as /bind.

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Page last modified on August 02, 2005, at 01:25 PM by DoyceTesterman

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