Player: Chris Weeda
Strong History
- Acuity 2D6
- Body 4D6
- Heart 4D6
- Will 3D6
- People are no different than animals: 1d6
- I have a way with animals: 2d10
- Decent shot with a rifle: 1d10
- Spent too much time in the wilderness: 3d8
- I'm a servant of the King: 1d8
- Sewing is something I like: 2d6
- Women like me: 1d6
Relationships (1d4, 2d6, 2d8 unused)
- Lord. My horse.: 1d8
- My father, who wished I'd stay in the family business. 1d6
- Lord, my horse. 2d8
- The rifle my brother gave me: 2d6+1d4
- A pistol from the Compound: 1d6+1d4
- A skinning knife: 1d6
- A sewing kit: 1d4
- My Coat: "Horses coat": 2D6
- My Book of Life: 1d6
- Experience (during intiation): It's either "Women like me." or "People are no different than animals." 1d6
Character Sheets