In the Mountains of the Setting Sun resides the Thunderbird. The Thunderbird is is over three horselengths long and has a wingspan of more than four horselengths. He leads the powerful storm clouds across the lands that bring the spring storms and chase away the ice spirits. The beating of his wings cause the rumble of thunder across the lands so that all can know of his approach. His eyes shoot lightning that crosses from the upper air to the mortal plain. He produces havic in his wake, but that havic produces new life. He is a powerful spirit that we revere because of his lifegiving properties. The water feeds the grass that horses, bison, sheep, goats, and deer live on and we live from all of those. His lightning produces the raging wild fires that revel the best grasses for these beast. We also fear him, for his children are tornados and wildfires and he brings destruction in his wake.