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Key of Bitterness (This Key needs some work)

Your character has an old predjudice from some long-ended war. Choose a group of people (for example a species of alien, or a nation or ethnicity). The group should not be universally despised. 1 XP every time voicing your predjudice gets you in trouble. 3 XP for refusing to help a member of the group. Buyoff: Help a member of the group without the expectation of reward.

Key of Old Faithful

When you take this Key, select an item of technology that your character uses, which has some important history attached to it, and which is now somewhat antiquated. For example, this could be an old sidearm from the war, a dented up old spaceship, or a bow and arrow from your tribal homeworld. 1 XP for every scene in which you use the item. 3 XP for every time you use that item when there's a clearly superior alternative. Buyoff: Trade in the item for a newer model.

Key of Old Wounds

Your character has an old wound, physical or psycological, which impairs their actions. This could be a leg full of shrapnel, a missing arm, or jitters from shellshock. 1XP Every scene in which you're inhibited by your wound. 3 XP Every time you lose a significant opportunity because of your wound. Buyoff: Have the wound permanently treated.

Key of Wanderlust

Your character doesn't like to stay in one place for too long for whatever reason. They will seek to keep moving from place to place, perhaps not even certain what it is that they're looking for (if they know, then it may be Key of Vengeance or Key of the Mission). Gain 1 EX for expressing discomfort at being confined, or longing for the road. Gain 2EX when taking steps to ensure that the current stay will be short. Gain 5 EX every time the character moves on from something he cares about. Buyoff: Decide to make one place home indefinitely.

Other Ideas

  • Key of Love My Ship
  • Key of the Oath (like key of the Vow, but more feudal)
  • Key of the Bondsman
  • Key of TAS Membership (As opposed to the similar secret, this would imply certain obligations, I guess?)
  • Key of the Favor
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Page last modified on September 27, 2007, at 12:09 PM by MikeHolmes

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