Denver Playtest | Anse Schmalkalden >
Played by: Margie
- Professor 3d6
- Tinker 4d6
- Explorer 3d6
Gear: 5d4
Personality Traits
- I focus on the goal.
- I'm sometimes reckless.
- I need to prove myself.
- I'm easy-going, until I'm pushed too far.
- I'm curious.
Ship Traits
- Things aren't what they appear.
- Nimble Mynx
- Extremely comfortable.
- Old University 'Brothers'
First World
- "New Eden" Earth-norm planet
- Religious Fanatics
- Species on the cusp of Sentience
- Mysterious disease amongst the Natives
- Thriving Theatrical Arts
- Resources: Agricultural Production
- Adversity: 2d8
- Crisis: Human vs. Nature (Weary Existence - ongoing debilitating and sometimes-fatal disease)
- Factions:
- Goals
- Cure Plague 1d8
- Find Replacement Quantum Array for the U-drive 1d8
- ((discarded)) Rescue Frat Brother
Denver Playtest