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Ted is not actually a human at all. He is a pile of mismatched socks that gained sentience and now pretends to be a thirtysomething husband and father of two living in the Midwest. He works for the State Department of Education as a "Data Quality Analyst," ensuring a higher quality of life for his clients; those poor education datum that just can't seem to get a break these days.

Ted maintains a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology and a Bachelor's in both Psychology and Philosophy, so he can tell you what you are thinking and why you are thinking it. But only if you pay him.

Once upon a time, Ted had delusions of becoming a published author. The closest he ever came was self-publishing a novel on a print-on-demand website before such sites charged for initial submissions. To date, there are approximately fifteen copies of his novel in print; ten of which were purchased by himself and/or family and friends. He also has a second novel that never made it off his computer, and piles and piles of mediocre poetry.

Ted then decided to become a famous photographer. His efforts in this realm can be found on the website ( sites)). He's also a HUGE comic book geek.

But on the positive side he does usually bathe and brush his teeth daily.

You can see Teds (almost) daily ramblings here: sites)

Stories Written for Na No Wri Mo 05:

Stories Written for Na No Wri Mo 06:

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Page last modified on March 26, 2007, at 10:33 PM by DoyceTesterman

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