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Woldecott is portrayed, by turns, as the god of wine, the god of grain liquor, the god of any kind of liquor, the god of various narcotics, the patron saint of the inebriated and/or insane, the inspirer of poets, lovers, intellectuals, farmers, philosophers, and (almost inexplicably) hair-dressers. The origins of the religion are unknown, but many myths and local tales depict him as having "furrin" (i.e. non-Whereever-the-Speaker-hails-from) origins.

He is also referred to in some regions as Waldecott (usually by poets and other writers and historians) and the creative frenzy he induces, a waldo or walden. He is the patron deity of agriculture (due to its contribution to alcohol and other narcotics) and the theatre (due to its contribution to consuming alcohol and other narcotics). He is also seen as a Liberator, freeing one from one's normal self by means of madness, bliss, alcohol, or drugs. His divine mission (in so much as any can be reliably attributed) is to mingle sound and music in the hearts of the listener (which explains the presence of Opeidovinoscopes in most Woldecott shrines) and to bring karmic judgment to those most deserving (this last used by the priests of Woldecott as both promise and threat).


Brother And Sisterhood And Anyone Else Who Cares To Raise A Glass For Woldecott

There are many contradictions in the myths and histories surrounding Woldecott -- some attributed to the unpredictability of the god himself, some to the (lack of) sobriety in his prophets. Many see him as an Outsider; unrelated by any of the (many) possible ties to the rest of the world's deities, but this might simply be a result of the fact that the religion itself (or at least the worship services) are so widespread and popular that one is more likely to encounter strangers at a Woldecott service than within any other deity's shrine or temple. While Woldecott had been around a long time, he retains the feel of something foreign; alien, if one likes, and a bit more involved (historically) with the day-to-day goings-on of mortals than is entirely... appropriate in a Higher Being.

The Wild Oolac?, the singing molerat, the Girasol and wine are the signs of characteristic Woldecottian celebration.

The Waldo

Introduced into Bodea-Lotnikk from the Dornialan culture, the original walden (plural of a waldo) were held in secret and attended by women only (though hosted by what was then an exclusive -- and numerous -- male priesthood). Subsequently (following the admission of female priests), admission to the rites were extended to men and celebrations events multiplied, taking place as many as five times a month. The notoriety of these festivals, where many kinds of crimes and political conspiracies have allegedly occurred, led the Grand Duke to decree in 1186 that walden were prohibited throughout all the Grand Duchy Of Kroon, except in certain special cases which would be specifically approved. The effects of this ban are entirely hypothetical in nature, as it was abolished by vote of the Kroon Shareholders1 during a special election called specifically for that purpose.2

Today, walden occur with only somewhat less frequency, though the debauchery and political scheming is, if not lessened, at least more subtle.

  1. In other words, everyone.
  2. Three to four days after the ban went into effect, and known colloquially as the Sans Hangover Referendum.

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Page last modified on October 31, 2008, at 05:33 PM by DoyceTesterman

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