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< Session Two | Home Page | Session Four >

Ezra. Desert moon. Picking up contraband to go offplanet.

Lui Kwon has enough time to visit his wife, Hera, who’s there. Chen Li Heinz sends a wave off to an old acquaintance of his, Sasha Westmoreland. Mi Tao is asked to talk with Cyrus Donnelly, a farmer and close friend of Fix, this ship's former mechanic.

The ship lands. Baz Wu flies Mi Tao in her shuttle to Cyrus. Bethany Belle stays on the ship to... fix stuff.

The captain, Chen Li, and Lui Kwon go to the bar for the meet. They discuss with The Contact on how to be subtle about getting the goods to the ship. The goods are in a barn, covered in hay. But how to get it to the ship so they can head off to Baylix... when all the crooks are looking for them...

Just then … a bongo, a guitar … and a song … about … Chen’s … friend the doctor … and how she was abandoned by her previous lover and against whom she had now sworn vengeance …

Bethany Belle deals with something at the ship. But it’s all well cleaned up by the time anyone else returns.

Lui Kwon arrives at his wife’s place – to discover that there’s a gun pointing at him -- a long-range tranq rifle. When he comes to, he’s swinging by his ankles from the rafters.

Captain and Chen Li discuss plans. So maybe put the stuff under a tarp with hay bales and big canisters of … manure!

As they exit, the Captain yells “Look out!” – Chen’s being knocked to the ground, surrounded by Sasha’s father (the local judge, it turns out) and and his crew of strapping young farmhands.

The shuttle lands – roughly – at the ranch (after failing about halfway there). While Mi Tao goes in and chats, Baz continues to work on the shuttle. He jury-rigs some stuff, regardless of what Belle will think about it. Mi Tao chats with a hand, Odie, while looking for Cyrus. Odie opines that Mr. Donnelly is indisposed at the moment.

Lui banters with his wife about some other girlfriend of his she’s learned of – by a letter that got forwarded from said girlfriend (who claims to be a wife) to him. He tries to claim that he has a valuable, very nice gift for her back on the ship. She’s convinced enough to cut him down and go to the ship with him.

Chen has been brought to the town square, for “justice” to be done. Judge Westmoreland is more interested in resolving the problem with people singing about his daughter. (The captain, meanwhile, is executing the “plan.” She calls on Lui for help, while he’s en route to the ship with his wife.) The crowd seems interested in a pillorying.

Chen tries to use “sweet reason” to ask to be confronted by his accuser. Noting that he’d actually tried to contact her on his return – hardly the mark of a scumbag – the crowd agrees, looking forward to the drama to come.

Mi Tao, meanwhile, draws on her pharmacopia to combat Cyrus’ drunkenness. He’s really out of it, so she instead she starts searching the place.

Journal by Dave Hill

HQ Firefly

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Page last modified on August 02, 2006, at 12:24 PM by DoyceTesterman

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