The second session was sort of spread out over an abortive attempt to get something going on 15th, and a ‘real’ session on the 21st of September
All in all it went well. Robert joined us, and Dave G has a revised Jedi character using the new rules I’ve adapted. (I’ll post a link to the original rules at sometime soon, but I feel that many of the prestige class design choices and requirements are deeply flawed, and as such I think it’s worth something as a starting point, and not much as a final product).
The module was… decent. Horribly arranged and badly documented, but there was a couple of interesting things in it. I rewrote the beginning and end of it to show the players that even Antilles will play them in order to get what he wants, and leave them in the dark if it suits them. His intentions may be good, but the end result is the same: the characters are pawns.
This is just the sort of message I was hoping to get across.
This was also the first session I had the scroll code set up to run. I like it a lot, and I hope to eventually meld in an MP3 of the theme music to the html… the timing on it right now is good enough to time it with the stereo.