You know that maxim that the camera adds 10 pounds?
Well apparently the internet turns you into an emaciated bookworm (at least if you let it). Curious about my logic? Read on.
So I went to AmberCon Northwest this year. This was going to be a big deal in the way of meeting people, since many of the folks involved were folks with whom I have been conversing via email, off an on, for years – literally. I believe it would have been somewhere around mid-95 when I joined the Amber mailing list (back BEFORE it was
Bolthy, Epoch, Chris, Kristen, Simone, and of course local folks like Meera and Kingsley — like most geeks, I’ve actually met people in real life whom I’ve met first on the internet, but those were all one-on-one situations — this would be the first time I was meeting a large population of My Personal Internet ™.
The concensus. I’m a lot bigger guy than… everyone… expected. Some people found this really startling. It was starting to give me a complex.
If, like Jon said, I’m a rock star, it appears I’m someone like Elvis in the later years.