CoH: I5: Strategist

So… logged Strat in to see what there is to be seen with regard to a respec.
Here’s my respec plan:

Right now, I have his (two) active SR toggles already maxed out with 6 Def. His ranged and melee passives each have one slot. He’s got about a 32% defense vs. Melee and Ranged, and nothing against AoE’s.
In addition, he’s got four slots each in Storm Kick, Thunder Kick, and Crane Kick, three (all acc’s) in Cobra strike (to shut off enemy toggles), and two in Dragon Tail.
Stamina is six-slotted. Everything else just has the default slot.
In all honesty, this is where I’d see him being slotted at this point ANYWAY.
There’s is, frankly, nowhere I’m willing to pull slots from to six-slot my passive defensives right now, especially since that would require 10 more slots to get a net 6% defense increase. No thanks. I’ll GET the passives… I’ll slot them MUCH MUCH later.
So, just to see what’s what, I took him into a BPantheon mission and:
1. The baddies go down quite a bit faster, becuase he hits harder now.
2. ((Shhhhh.)) I’m still not really getting hit much. I’m not flooring the Minions TH with a 32% defense, but 18% chance to hit isn’t… you know.. good odds.
And sure… I was on Heroic, but I was only on Rugged before, and the increase in XP (120 to 135% of i4) means I’m getting the same XP. Maybe more.
He’s not a mini-tanker. He never. ever. will be.
Play him like a blaster, though, and he’s just fine.


  1. Yes…
    That is going to take some rethinking since Zazi was a mini tank.

  2. So…
    Any thoughts on the idea of just one sloting Agile, dodge, and Lucky (with end reduction only).
    Looks like if you are going to slot anything, to put it in FF, FS and Evasion.
    And for Zazi…Devine Avalanche.

  3. Actually, here’s what I ended up doing:
    01 : Focused Fighting defbuf(01) defbuf(7) defbuf(9) defbuf(13) defbuf(17) defbuf(19)
    01 : Thunder Kick acc(01) dam(3) dam(5) dam(11) dam(15) acc(31)
    02 : Storm Kick acc(02) dam(3) dam(5) dam(11) dam(15) acc(31)
    04 : Cobra Strike acc(04) acc(7) acc(19)
    06 : Focused Senses defbuf(06) defbuf(25) defbuf(27) defbuf(29) defbuf(33) defbuf(34)
    08 : Crane Kick acc(08 ) dam(9) acc(13) dam(17) dam(31) dam(33)
    10 : Hurdle jmp(10)
    12 : Swift runspd(12)
    14 : Focus Chi recred(14) recred(40) recred(50)
    16 : Practiced Brawler recred(16) recred(29)
    18 : Stealth endred(18 )
    20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(21) endrec(21) endrec(23) endrec(23) endrec(25)
    22 : Invisibility defbuf(22)
    24 : Quickness runspd(24)
    26 : Dragons Tail acc(26) dam(27) dam(36) dam(37) dam(39) dam(39)
    28 : Dodge defbuf(28 ) defbuf(42) defbuf(43) defbuf(45) defbuf(46) defbuf(48 )
    30 : Agile defbuf(30) defbuf(42) defbuf(43) defbuf(45) defbuf(46) defbuf(48 )
    32 : Eagles Claw acc(32) dam(33) acc(34) dam(34) dam(36) dam(37)
    35 : Evasion defbuf(35) defbuf(36) defbuf(37) defbuf(39) defbuf(40) defbuf(40)
    38 : Elude recred(38 )
    41 : Conserve Power recred(41)
    44 : Lucky defbuf(44) defbuf(45) defbuf(46)
    47 : Focused Accuracy endrdx(47) endrdx(48 ) endrdx(50) endrdx(50)
    49 : Health hel(49)
    Basically, I take the passives when I can, but I don’t slot them at all until the 40’s, when I don’t have anything else at all to spend slots on.
    Basically, I prioritize slotting for damage first, blaster-style, then active Toggles, then passives last.
    I figured this out just a LITTLE bit too late to apply to Strat, but his respec build is pretty close to this, and will become much more so in the next level or so.

  4. Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary Powers – Ranged : Katana
    Secondary Powers – Support : Super Reflexes
    01 : Focused Fighting endred(01) defbuf(3) defbuf(5) defbuf(15) defbuf(42) defbuf(45)
    01 : Gambler’s Cut acc(01) acc(3) dam(7) dam(11) dam(19) dam(21)
    02 : Flashing Steel endred(02) acc(5) dam(7) defdbf(11) acc(19) recred(21)
    04 : Agile defbuf(04)
    06 : Stealth endred(06)
    08 : Divine Avalanche endred(08) acc(9) acc(9) defbuf(13) defbuf(13) defbuf(17)
    10 : Swift runspd(10)
    12 : Combat Jumping endred(12) defbuf(15)
    14 : Super Jump jmp(14)
    16 : Focused Senses endred(16) defbuf(17) defbuf(43) defbuf(45) defbuf(37) defbuf(42)
    18 : The Lotus Drops endred(18) acc(23) acc(23) dam(25) dam(25) recred(33)
    20 : Acrobatics endred(20)
    22 : Health hel(22) hel(27) hel(27) hel(43)
    24 : Stamina endrec(24) endrec(29) endrec(29) endrec(34) endrec(36) endrec(37)
    26 : Quickness runspd(26)
    28 : Practiced Brawler endred(28) recred(31)
    30 : Dodge defbuf(30) defbuf(31) defbuf(31) defbuf(42) defbuf(43)
    32 : Soaring Dragon endred(32) acc(33) acc(33) dam(34) dam(34) defdbf(37)
    35 : Golden Dragonfly endred(35) acc(36) acc(36) dam(39) dam(39) defdbf(39)
    38 : Build Up endred(38) endred(40) recred(40) recred(40)
    41 : Lucky defbuf(41)
    44 : Evasion endred(44) defbuf(45) defbuf(46) recred(46) defbuf(46)
    47 : Caltrops endred(47) slw(48) slw(48) recred(48)
    49 : Shuriken endred(49) acc(50) acc(50) dam(50)
    01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
    01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
    02 : Rest enhancement(02)

  5. Or…this one.
    Which is more blaster like.
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary Powers – Ranged : Katana
    Secondary Powers – Support : Super Reflexes
    01 : Focused Fighting endred(01) defbuf(3) defbuf(5) defbuf(15) defbuf(42) defbuf(45)
    01 : Gambler’s Cut acc(01) acc(3) dam(7) dam(11) dam(19) dam(21)
    02 : Flashing Steel acc(02) acc(5) dam(7) dam(11) defdbf(19) recred(21)
    04 : Agile defbuf(04) defbuf(15)
    06 : Stealth endred(06)
    08 : Divine Avalanche acc(08) acc(9) defbuf(9) defbuf(13) defbuf(13) recred(17)
    10 : Swift runspd(10)
    12 : Combat Jumping endred(12)
    14 : Super Jump jmp(14)
    16 : Focused Senses endred(16) defbuf(17) defbuf(43) defbuf(45) defbuf(37) defbuf(42)
    18 : The Lotus Drops acc(18) acc(23) dam(23) dam(25) dam(25) defdbf(33)
    20 : Acrobatics endred(20)
    22 : Health hel(22) hel(27) hel(27) hel(43)
    24 : Stamina endrec(24) endrec(29) endrec(29) endrec(34) endrec(36) endrec(37)
    26 : Quickness runspd(26)
    28 : Practiced Brawler endred(28) recred(31)
    30 : Dodge defbuf(30) defbuf(31) defbuf(31) defbuf(42) defbuf(43)
    32 : Soaring Dragon acc(32) acc(33) dam(33) dam(34) dam(34) defdbf(37)
    35 : Golden Dragonfly acc(35) acc(36) dam(36) dam(39) dam(39) defdbf(39)
    38 : Build Up endred(38) endred(40) recred(40) recred(40)
    41 : Lucky defbuf(41)
    44 : Evasion endred(44) defbuf(45) defbuf(46) recred(46) defbuf(46)
    47 : Caltrops endred(47) slw(48) slw(48) recred(48)
    49 : Shuriken endred(49) acc(50) acc(50) dam(50)
    01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
    01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
    02 : Rest enhancement(02)

  6. Only thing I would change, if it were me:
    06 : Swift runspd(06)
    10 : Combat Jumping endred(10)
    12 : Practiced Brawler RECRED(12) recred(??)
    28 : Stealth endred(28)
    … or *something* to get Practiced Brawler sooner.
    Two Recharge recoveries in it makes it perma, you had an end reduction in it, which… well, I suppose it’s fine, but I’ve never noticed any kind of notable end cost on the thing — it only fires once every two minutes anyway.
    Stealth’s kind of a whatever power now anyway, so I deprioritized it in the build a bit.

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