Weeks and weeks and weeks in review

Been traveling for awhile, and scheduling is always hard during the holidays, so there hasn’t been much gaming going on.
Played the second session of Dogs in the Vineyard, which I need to write up a log for. Next game… maybe Sunday.
Played some CoH — mostly Pummelcite, but a smattering of other characters, including Hype.
Played and finished Prince of Persia – Sands of Time. Fun.
Played and quit Prince of Persia – Warrior Within. Not fun.
Reinstalled Warrior Within and approached it with a significantly different mindset. The first one is still more fun and more reminiscent of the original game, but I’m not hating PoP-WW this time — except that one of my fingers hurts from pressing the same button so damn much.


  1. PC World just named PoP-WW as one of the Ten Worst Computer Games Evah.

    In an effort to increase the next game’s appeal, Ubisoft opted for a tried-and-true formula and ramped up the violence, sex, and noise. The newer, edgier Prince was aggressive and obnoxious; the level of gore was increased; female characters were eroticized and wore less; and the soundtrack, originally based on Persian music, was largely replaced with hard rock. In short, Prince of Persia went “extreme.” As one friend put it, “Warrior Within took everything that Sands of Time did right and threw it out the window.”

  2. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. At this point, I just want to complete the thing for the sake of having done so.
    In short, it’d recommend Sands of Time to pretty much anyone, and Warrior Within to pretty much no one.

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