Saturday: First half of the second session of the second story-arc in Nobilis (which of course would be designated Session
Author: doycet
Weekend review 1
Friday: DnD. Talked about what we might like to do as a sequel game with a smaller group of players.
Making the lower levels not matter
While talking about something else, Bryant mentioned something called the “No Myth meme”, which sounds vaguely interesting, especially when combined
Reminder: mention to Dave
OGL, D20 compatible CROSSGEN Campaign setting? Hmm.
Hi-res, printable Monopoly money. It’s uses in various board and rp games should not require explanation.
“Release the crazed vampire bears that throw blasts of energy!”
Evil Animal Minion Generator. (via, I am given to understand, the hidden Djinn)
Lately, I’ve been pissing people off. No, I can’t point at anything specific for this statement, but I’m vaguely (disquietingly)
West Wing… of the Castle
Monday Mashup #9: West Wing Bryant’s comment: I think the most interesting thing about West Wing is watching the relatively
Beach Patrol! — Season in the Sun
Population: One: Monday Mashup #8: Beach Boys Without pushing in any particular direction, I?d say there?s potential for romantic scenarios,
Shogun Supers
Population: One: Monday Mashup #7: Shogun If I was going to boil Shogun down to a sentence of summation, I?d
“But boats don’t dock like that…”
WISH 65: That’s My Job Does what you do for a living have any impact on your gaming? Have you
Hell freezes over, film at 11
I will not be GMing any games this weekend, including Friday night. As near as I can tell from my
Dylan MacEvitt, pt. 2
Some more character background for Dylan MacEvitt, member in good standing of The Agency.
Summary of the OA campaign
When the OA rules for d20 came out, I snapped them up — I’d always wanted to run a proper
Note to self: preparing a list of likely (and point-balanced) qualities for a well-known Chancel and Imperator does not appreciably
Game summary
Friday, the DnD group continued to wander aimlessly through a deadly forest that drives people insane, rots your food, and
Steam Punk-y
The Vulcan Bros. Industrial Heritage Plusurewerks — great art, interesting flash.
The 10’x10′ room meets the next generation
Related to this post on Justin’s ongoing struggles to improve (and our ongoing struggles to help him), I felt I
Being the Grown-up Gamer
Stumbled across an old article on Pyramid’s site entitled “How to keep Gaming after Adulthood”. The author makes some excellent
Goth-er than thou
Cool cemetery photos. Should be grist for at least one or two games. 🙂
Resources || Introduction to the Cthulhu Mythos
I will be very unhappy if this delays the movie release
So White Wolf is suing Sony for copyright infringement re: Underworld and Vampire: the Masquerade. … alleging 17 counts of
Mashup, by gummint!
Population: One: Monday Mashup #6: Huck Finn Huck, the quintessential youth, and Jim, the quintessential outsider, float down a river
Blog Notes
Note to those blogrolling this page: Random Encounters now pings as
Resources are good
Underground base and tunnel links. As the link reads: tunnel boring machines, military bases, alleged alien and ufo bases, FEMA,
One of the nice things about the Blogging internet is that you can post a rant stating that gamers are
Deb’s Historical Research Page Just a really good tool to have a link to. Via Population: One.
WISH 61: Characters for Other People Come up with a character concept for one to three other gamers you know.
Morbid is useful
Just seems as though this should be useful at some point: a timeline of natural and man-made disasters throughout history.
Banana Dacquiri?
Some great notes on pulp adventure campaign that the GM has just started up. Great fun. I’ve gone into some