Dave’s still putting up the AP from the Pilot Episode, but I wanted to get a link up to PrimetimeAdventures
Author: doycet
There goes the rest of this week…
The Mid-Manhattan Picture Collection Table of Contents
When is a game “finished?”
Lots of talk in the last couple days about what constitutes a “finished” game. (My threads on teaching your game
Teaching Your Game: Using Adult Learning Techniques to Deliver Game Content
In an email, Jason Morningstar wrote: Hey Doyce! Your comment: “I’m a professional editor for technical publications and training delivery
Forge Con, the “quick” version
I left my journal/notebook at home today (along with a bunch of otther stuff I should have remembered), which included
Bringing Down the Finnish Pain
The Bringing Down the Pain “Group” rules from the Finnish version of TSOY, translated back into English. It’s worth noting
A little bit on Refreshing Pools in Shadow of Yesterday
Before I head off to Chicago, a quick link to a post that starts out asking [TSoY] Refresh: with who?,
Why do I like gaming?
It’s the people. The long and the short of it is that I like the people I meet through gaming.
Random Thought on Tweaking a Game System for a ‘weird’ setting
So here’s a thought, grown from an offhand comment in a podcast last week. If you’re going to run a
Funniest Machinima video I’ve seen in awhile, even if you’ve never seen WoW. Great spin on a classic Muppet bit.
Organizing my game books
Specifically, organizing each book, internally. I’ve done this a lot in the past, simply because the games I was running
Not-so WoW
WoW PvP Frustration — not coming from where you’d expect. There’s some pretty cool stuff you can get for your
Grezzk (my first/main character in World of Warcraft) dinged level fifty a few nights ago. Almost simultaneously, he achieved Exalted
My favorite phrase from the Gaming Internet, this week:
“Crazy Moon Language Forgite Babble Theories”
Real women wear armor.
This makes me happy
Capcom Entertainment, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, have been given a license to produce a digitally
We finally got to play some more of the “City of Petrana”
I’m very pleased with how it turned out
In this post, I wrote: I don’t think I have too many ‘headspace’ or ‘immersive’ characters to begin with. Of
I totally stole this from Knife Fight
But I don’t care: it’s a really interesting question. 1) Name a roleplaying game character you can think like, outside
I have very high hopes for this Forum
I would knife fight a man – Sex, God, and RPGs
Random dohickey
WoW Signature Image Generator Something in this doesn’t seem to want to work with my work internet, but I’m posting
Or rather, superscience: how to run Venture Brothers style adventures using InSpectres.
The sweet, sweet backbeat… of grenade launchers
The Ballad of Black Mesa makes me want to go buy Half-life 2.
So a couple weeks ago, Alexander the Hoax (long story) talked me into going to the Forge Midwest gaming convention.
Mortal Coil
This weekend, Kate’s in town and I wanted to have a social kind of gaming thing — while both she
“Theeeeese are the people geeks in your neighborhood…”
NearbyGamers — a gamer locator, since FindPlay doesn’t exactly… umm… work. Right now.
Minions Assemble!
Minion Cards! Minions, being the salt and bone of Spirit of the century, need heavy use and lots and lots
Awesome… (and yet, ‘wary’)
((With thanks to Andy Kitkowski for the post title.)) How… interesting. Wizards of the Coast is offering a limited supply
Captain America
Marvel’s Civil War storyline (which directly addresses things like 9/11 and the Patriot Act) makes a pretty bold move. (Huge
Another great game we’ll probably never have time to play.
AFRAID: Dogs in the Vineyard + horror + a lot more = AWESOME!