Third game session last night, another one of the sessions I’ll refer to as “Establishing Shots”, to use a movie
OGL stuff
These guys want me to do some work with them, prompted by Hocus Pocus, Mumbo Jumbo (which I wrote for
Rock Star (like Meatloaf)
You know that maxim that the camera adds 10 pounds? Well apparently the internet turns you into an emaciated bookworm
I haven’t put an entry in here for so long that MT has removed all my other entries — too
Added a new Shapeshifter class to the d20 Amber Basic Character Classes. I really like how that guy turned out.
Updates to the Amber d20 pages. Specifically, did some work on the character classes, notably Ranger. Started the painful process
note to self: MaBarry’s (mostly) Amber Blog
This weekend is fraught with gamer peril. I’m taking part in a local con, playing Living Greyhawk on Friday night,
d20 Amber
Yeah, you read that right. I finished up the rules for running Amber using the d20 system.
Appropos of Nothing
aethereal FORGE is pretty darn cool.
I just found my free round-trip flight voucher that expires at the end of the year, and tonight is the
Blast It!
(but for how much damage?) I’m really close to a new version of Swift, but I’m hung up on how
Star Wars, Session 2
The second session was sort of spread out over an abortive attempt to get something going on 15th, and a
Star Wars, Session 1
Okay, I don’t remember when we ran the first session… would have had to have been about… let’s say 9/7.
Star Wars, Prince of Alderaan, Beginning
Lovely. Actually, this is cool. I tried to do something like this about 3 years back with TiHE, and I