A staff writer on Massively.com writes a bit about how he really got into Age of Conan, and then stopped
Author: doycet
This is awesome.
Go here, type in your name, and watch it morph into a weapon.
DnD Skill Challenges
Skill Challenges are a new wrinkle in DnD skill use that aim to make said skills use… well, more interesting.
Design Challenge: a world without spiders
The premise: A GM is starting up a new game, and wants to have a world with no spiders. Result:
DnD “DM” Reference Screen
In Flash, hosted here, and thus accessible anywhere. Because I am a nerd with a few minutes free time.
DnD errata
*WotC’s official D&D 4e errata *enworld’s unofficial D&D 4e errata
“Keys” for DnD
For a longer-term DnD game, I am seriously considering using something like the experience point system in The Shadow of
How did they know?
Waiting in my Inbox, early this morning… Not quite the 60% discount is was on preorder, but the box set
Actual Play: Keep on the Shadowfells, Session One
As I mentioned, had a chance to play the first couple events in the sort of “DnD 4th Edition Lite”
Dealing with the whiff-factor in DnD
Played some DnD last night. It was good. I will talk about that more in a bit, but for now,
OM Freakin’ G: The DnD 4.0 game with the seven-year old got even more awesome.
You haven’t been keeping up with the exploits of D and his dad Tony? Why on earth not? Go here.
Watching the 4.0 DnD release
… is a fascinating kind of car-crash voyeurism. Lots of folks into gaming have never really tried anything outside of
Learn about DnD 4.0 with some cool, funny guys.
Okay, so here’s what happened. Tycho and Gabriel from Penny Arcade, plus Scott Kurtz from PvP, got together with one
For the nerd on your Father’s Day list
Dungeons and Dragons, 4th Edition. I’m sorry, I’m just hearing too much good stuff about it. The indie roleplaying community
How Conflicts Work (PTA, Galactic, and many many more)
So in this post, I’m going to talk about some different games and how they deal with conflict resolution. Specifically,
“I kick it (old school) for 1d6+2 damage.”
So a few weeks ago, I was poking through an old chest of junk from high school and found something
In a Wicked Age
So I’ve mentioned this game a couple times on the site, but haven’t really gotten into the game that much
The Sound of Silence
The internets are pretty darned quiet today… at least the areas I listen to. This is, I think, almost entirely
Greetings from Shell Beach Eriador!
Again, look at these as snapshots from a recent vacation. The first shot is from a few weeks ago, taken
A couple screenshots from World of Warcraft
Really, what is an MMO but a mini-vacation? And what should you do on a vacation? You take pictures. I’ll
So how did that “interview” raid go?
You know, the first time I went to Karazhan with Grezzk, I was geared up appropriately, ready to go, and
Not-a-job job hunt
Hmm. I wrote a really really long post that didn’t go anywhere. Let’s start over. Playing Grezzk, I’ve been working
No, there haven’t been a lot of updates
… that’s largely because there hasn’t been a lot of gaming going on. Sometime last month, Dave ran a session
Ding: the sound of PROGRESS!
MP3 sound files of the “level-up ding” from 40 different online games. Coming soon as a ringtone to a phone
Playing Wrong… Right
So Paul Czege (author of the RPG My Life with Master) has something really interesting to say about that game
Nobilis, renewed.
(Via Story Games:) Rebecca Borgstrom has released “Unlikely Flowerings”, the first part of the long-awaited Society of Flowers supplement for
Week in Review
Not a ton to say, really. Kate might disagree, but it doesn’t feel as though a lot’s been going on
“All right, you rudimentary-lathe people have gone too far.” (Galactic: introduction and Session One)
I’m really not going to be able to do the Galactic game justice with an Actual Play report. First, we’ve
“Let’s not create a WoW-widow before we even get married, hmm?”
… or, to be fair, a Gaming-widow in general. I’ve been giving my Google-calendar a workout for the last couple
Fiddling with my global cooldown
Cooldown: n. MMO-related. A period of wait time before a spell, ability or power can be used after that same