As should be evident by now, there is a HELL of a lot of stuff to process just in the
Okay. I’ve finally gotten around to this post. It’s taken awhile. As I’ve mentioned before, I recently gave into the
DnD Game
Friday night’s game was fun. I’m enjoying it quite a bit more than I used to — not quite sure
Don’t know if it’s useful, but…
Nobilis auto-generator: useful as an excercise in excel tweaking, if nothing else.
Fun stuff
Tree’s Heart Dynasty: a Shared-Roleplay Experience, from the author of Nobilis: something that I, I think, a precursor of her
Pulpy link
Crimson Skies, a Pulp-era board and video game with an excellent website. (via Arref)
Pulpy Goodness
Our Next Pulp Gameday will be at Collectormania on May 31st and June 1st. We will be running all of
Random geek thought
Okay, so I just picked up Nobilis a few weeks back, someone check me on this. The Matrix is a
Something from one word that works better when posted to this page then my main one: reflect: “So then I
Just for Gwydion
The Evolution of the Kilt.
Just a little link-note for my personal edification: History of fingerprints.
Geek bliss
Ever wanted to compare the relative size of an X-wing to a Babylon-5 StarFury, or a Starship Troopers Plasma Bug
News Headlines from Around the Core Worlds
Short version of last night’s session: One player’s Senate Representative character and everyone else went to a Masquerade on a
Outlaws of The Water Margin — an RPG based in Ancient China — psuedo-free, I think.
Gaming Events.ORG
For the OA game:
Hanyu Pinyin, Zhuyin, Wade-Giles, MPS-2, Yale, and Tongyong Pinyin Cross-Reference Table. Cool.
House Rule: Called Shots
Found a good one in the Quintessential Fighter: CALLED SHOTS There are many more ways to cripple and defeat an
Really fun word.
gliriform – (adj) – Resembling a rodent. Just… makes me think. [evil grin] From the Grandiloquent Dictionary.
House Rules
We’re doing these already, but I wanted to get them down in writing so that it’s clear to everyone. Dissipate
Prince of Alderaan — 01/31/2003
The group, working seperately, all seek to stop a plot to assassinate Senator Antilles.
Prince of Alderaan — 01/09/2003
It’s 4 AM local time and we open with an image of two towers — the two tallest buildings in
Price of Honor, Session 02/28/2003 — Keep on the Borderlands
When we last left our heroes… With information in their hands the conclusively linked both Devilish activity in the area
Price of Honor, Session 01/24/2003 — All Tied Up
It’s been a long time since we’ve tuned in to the tales of the “Price of Honor” campaign, and a
*sniff* ahhh the good old days
That’s Right… we’re about to go old school on you! In general, the concept and imagination involved is stunning. However,
What are your Stats
A happy little quiz that will give you Your D & D Stats! A little Warning. at least 2 annoying
Genghis 2003
Via Rey: So, for all those wondering “where is that sexy hunk of man that goes by the name of
Forgotten New York, a study of the city-that-was. Tons of fun stuff for the right campaign. Related: Dark Passage is
Lord of the Rings characters in anime style.
“The Balrog takes 7d6 falling damage…”
Two Towers: LotR as a D&D game, and tons of other stuff. GM: Failed your climb check, huh? You slip
Interesting stuff
For me: Which Royal of Amber is your Parent? For Jacob: Which Royal of Amber is your Parent?