Some nostalgic chatting via email about playing SpaceHulk back in college led me to find this: QSpaceHulk : the total
Category: Links & Resources
Pulp Goodness
Two-Fisted Tales from Spectre Press, available as a PDF or book.
Diceless con game
Something I’ve mentioned before: someone who took Nobilis and the League of Extradinary Gentlemen comic and came up with Convention
Building castles out of my mental blocks
I almost don’t want to teach Justin how to play Dice Castles, since he’d probably do it during our ‘real’
hypocorisma: a weblog on names :: in other words, pure RPG gold. (Via Perverse Access Memory)
Dave’s Mythical Creatures
d20 Star Wars Errata has just been put up at the WotC page. (via Rey)
Blast from the past, now in the future.
Temple of Elemental Evil — the Video Game. Via Dave.
Ran Pulp Adventures at BenCon this weekend and coincidentally, Girls Are Pretty reports that Sunday was 1920’s Day: The 1920’s
Very Interesting…
Two Fisted Tales a role playing game of pulp action by Matthew Stevens inspired by the pulp fiction of the
What games would Nobles play? How about this one: the HipBone Games, with many variants. Looks like fun, and definitely
The Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Quiz was reasonably fun, but I like the commentary best: As humans, we’ve evolved so that
Two really funny bits from Thought-Records, a Nobilis-oriented blog.
The Next Generation Biotechnology May Make Superhero Fantasy a Reality Just a random link. No thought behind it.
Dicey Situations
Strong Probability: the RPGA guys ran a poll on common dice superstitions. Sorta funny. I know at least one person
Powered by Quest Maps
Hoom! Maps and Walking Directions Starting from: Bag End, Hobbiton, The Shire Arriving at: The Cracks of Doom, Mordor When
Updated the Nobilis page, most notably with pages for all four of the characters, including pix. *Update* Did a fun
Fun stuff
Tree’s Heart Dynasty: a Shared-Roleplay Experience, from the author of Nobilis: something that I, I think, a precursor of her
Pulpy link
Crimson Skies, a Pulp-era board and video game with an excellent website. (via Arref)
Geek bliss
Ever wanted to compare the relative size of an X-wing to a Babylon-5 StarFury, or a Starship Troopers Plasma Bug
Gaming Events.ORG
*sniff* ahhh the good old days
That’s Right… we’re about to go old school on you! In general, the concept and imagination involved is stunning. However,
What are your Stats
A happy little quiz that will give you Your D & D Stats! A little Warning. at least 2 annoying
Lord of the Rings characters in anime style.
“The Balrog takes 7d6 falling damage…”
Two Towers: LotR as a D&D game, and tons of other stuff. GM: Failed your climb check, huh? You slip
Interesting stuff
For me: Which Royal of Amber is your Parent? For Jacob: Which Royal of Amber is your Parent?
Interesting stuff
As of 30th November 2002, Hogshead Publishing Ltd is leaving the adventure-gaming industry. Please note that the company is not
Bob say, “moron.”
Well, this might have been easier than all that blue makeup for playing Bob. On the other hand, I’m not
“I cast magic missle. I attack the DARKNESS.”
Ahh, the paranoid religious tracts of Mr. Chick. I remember seeing Dark Dungeons in the ‘reading rack’ in the entryway
More Pigskin Geekout
Tuesday Morning Quarterback is a pretty entertaining way to keep up on the weekly pro football action. It used to