Right now, Masks. Probably two different games, ultimately, given I'll be running it for the kids as well as the
Tag: rpgaday
RPGaDay 30: What is an RPG genre-mashup you would most like to see?
Mash-ups don't get me very far these days. See, I play with my kids a lot, and they don't know
RPGaDay 28: What film/series is the biggest source of quotes in your group?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Aliens, but… I mean, it could be a hundred different
RPGaDay 27: What are your essential ingredients for good gaming?
Flippant answers aside for once. Attention. Respect. Engagement. And a small group people with whom you could easily see sharing
RPGaDay 25: What is the best way to thank your GM?
Players creating stuff or in similar ways demonstrating their interest and enthusiasm for the game. I love that stuff. It
RPGaDay 22: Which RPGs are the easiest most enjoyable for you to run?
Switched up the question a bit, so I could answer "Probably PBTA stuff. Probably." For me it's a VERY GOOD
RPGaDay 18: Which RPG have you played the most in your life?
Dungeons and Dragons, easily. I've been flailing at it since I was ten. Full-steam ahead all through high school. Several
RPGaDay 15: Which RPG do you enjoy adapting the most?
I don't really like adapting games much. I'm not a system designer by either preference or practice – I like
RPGaDay 11: Which 'dead game' would you like to see reborn?
Haven, the Free City by Gamelords, Ltd. It was an urban setting for a DnD clone where everyone basically played
RPGaDay 9: What is a good RPG to play for about 10 sessions?
I'd say most PBTA games (and in a lot of cases most games that share that design-space in the industry).
RPGaDay 8: What is a good RPG to play for sessions of 2 hours or less?
That may not be useful to a lot of other people as a recommendation, but No Thank You, Evil! and
RPGaDay 7: What was your most impactful RPG session?
Who needs therapy if you've got "impactful" RPGs, right? Impactful is such a weird word. I've had lots of memorable
RPGaDay 6: You can game every day for a week. Describe what you'd do!
* Monday: Pirate 101 with Sean and Kaylee. (Alternately, family game of Masks.)* Tuesday: Normal Tuesday Roll20 group, playing whatever
RPGaDay 5: Which RPG cover best captures the spirit of the game?
This one's a bit easy for me: Tales from the Loop. It's entirely possible this answer is chicken-egg cheating, since
RPGaDay 2017: What RPG have you played most since August 2016?
One of the nice things about recording all our online game sessions is it makes it pretty easy to simply
RPGaDay 2 – What is an RPG you would like to see published?
+Matt Wilson??'s Galactic. Looking back, it wasn't the dice mechanic that grabbed our group, it was the wonderful idea of
RPGaDay, Day 1 – What published RPG do you wish you were playing right now?
I'm actually going to be running Dungeon World in about 90 minutes, and I'm absolutely excited about that, as we
On Fate and GMing
So I kind of gave up on about halfway through August because the questions weren't that interesting for the second
RPGaDay – August 18: What innovation could RPG groups gain the most benefit from?
This is already happening, but the tech behind online meetings and collaboration is probably the future of 'tabletop' gaming. If
RPGaDay – August 17: What fictional character would best fit in your group? Why?
Finn, from The Force Awakens. I just think he'd like playing a paladin, and he seems like a nice guy.
RPGaDay – August 16: What historical character would you like in your group? For what game?
I'm going to read "historical character" as "famous person, living or dead," and then answer Benjamin Franklin, playing Dungeon Crawl
August 15: What types or source of inspiration do you turn to most often for RPGs?
The people at the table, first and foremost. After that, podcasts run by enthusiastic people. Genre-relevant TV. Recommended books… Pretty
August 14: Who would be on your dream team of people to game with?
Ooh. That's tricky. Thing is, I'm not sure all my favorite players would be very compatible, all in a single
RPGaDay – August 12: What game is your group most likely to play next? Why?
Well, odds say Star Wars FAE, since that's (allegedly) the ongoing game I'm running, and it's scheduled for tomorrow. If
August 11: Which gamer that you have played with has most affected the way that you play?
Probably +Tim White – he makes me roleplay more and narrate less when I GM. "More actor, less writer!" he
RPGaDay – August 10: What was the largest in-game surprise you have experienced?
In my old Amber campaign, Things in Heaven and Earth, Benedict, rather than losing an arm in his duel with…
RPG A Day, August 9: What things are a part of your ideal session, other than the actual game?
More and more, I treasure a diverse group of players. A table full of white dudes is a missed opportunity
August 8: Do you prefer hardcover, softcover, or electronic books? What are the benefits of your preference?
I like ebook versions of RPG texts, which are unfortunately as rare as hen's teeth. PDF is… fine. Not great.
RPG a Day: August 3rd, 4th, and 5th
August 3 What is something you have done with your game character that you are the proudest of? I really
RPG a Day Catch Up
Missed the start of this during a crazy Monday, so here's a couple answers. August 1: Do you prefer to