The Penny Arcade guys are doing a story book inspired by the impressionistic, story-book-like art of the new Prince of
Author: doycet
GameSpy: Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
A really inspired little web-comic, explaining the delicate tactical balance in a PvP scenario.
Warhammer: Age of Reckoning — Evolution, not Revolution
Well, I have the game and I’ve checked it out. I haven’t had a chance to play that much (several
Opting out of the Race
Over on Waaaaagh, they’re talking about “The Race.” The Race is my pet term for the phenomena that happens at
Goals, with Deadlines looming
So, the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft is coming out November 13th – a bit
I swear, it’s not me.
Once again, while I was out of town, the WoW guild my main character was a part of disbanded. Said
Fixing Tank classes in MMO PvP
Tanking classes (if they’re build to be good tanks in NON-pvp) suck in PvP situations. They don’t do enough damage
End-Game play in an MMO
I played CoH for a couple years. I think it’s fair to say I played the game a stunningly unhealthy
d20 update (and a bit of a rant at the end)
I feel weird using ‘d20’ to refer to a game of Dungeons and Dragons 4.0, as the game is fundamentally
There’s Tiranor and Geiri, deep in the frozen lands of Forochel, about 30 seconds before we both hit level 50
Drama Llama: Level ?? Boss
I have this annoying little thing I do whenever anyone is telling me about some kind of personality conflict going
A few random thoughts
* No, no tabletop gaming thoughts at the moment. I’d have to be doing some of that to have any.
“Can you hear me now? Good… now roll your saving throw.”
Virtual Table Tops for RPGs, in which the author explores the various remote gameplay options available out on the interwebs;
game link: Corpse Craft
Build an army of reanimated corpses to destroy your foes in this puzzle-action hybrid. The mutant child of a Bejeweled,
Return to Karazhan
So I’ve been to Karazhan… umm… a bunch. A buncha bunch. However, that was: a) On Grezzk. (Ranged damage) b)
World of Workcraft
Beats slaying dragons… “Nerds!”
Testing a new RSS Template to include a comments link for all you lazy people who, like me, can’t be bothered to click through and comment.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Pimped. Out. (And, at the end, a story that made me really happy.)
I know I just did a photo spread on Syncerus, but his gear situation changed for him rather abruptly last
Syncerus dings 70
So my “second main” is now 70. Syncerus (so named because I made him look like a water buffalo in
Week in Review
Hmm. Let’s see what was going on. In general I haven’t been feeling very well. I haven’t been sleeping well
Not happy
Today finds me pondering (once again) the way that my blogging “life” is currently divided and partitioned off. Once upon
Patch 4.1 out for DnD
Okay, not a patch, but people make the DnD = MMORPG comparison so much, I figured one more tired joke
Gaming Update
Haven’t done one of these in awhile, mostly because I’d been updating WoW and LotRO play stuff using Twitter. However,
To my gamer-homies that don’t live within 10 minutes of me…
I’m seriously thinking about this camera (thirty bucks, so… less than a tank of gas), plus Skype (free), for in-home
Because I never really lose my interest in this game.
The Interactive Way To Go
The one where he figures out why he often screws up Primetime Adventures
So, there’s this thing going on with my Gaming People where PTA isn’t working for us. We’ve put Dave’s current
Oh, the Humanity (map)
Ready for your next game of surrealist dream warriors.
Hacking the DnD Action Point rules
So I looked over the various gaming threads that had come out of discussions of Action Points and how they
Fueling the game engine with your gaming group.
A thought from Story-Games on how to achieve a certain amount of “success” with running an indie rpg with your
The One Where He Totally Geeked Out Like a Mid-1980s Gamer Nerd ((Hacking DnD 4 into Lord of the Rings))
I noticed early on that LotRO’s main conceit about their “Health Bar” really really works in DnD 4th with regards