I actually had two points for my “serious gamer” post, but the thing was getting too long, so here’s the
Author: doycet
Casual/Hardcore vs. the Serious Gamer
Okay. This is going to seem like it has a lot to do with MMO gaming, but at it’s heart
Splitting the Party
A good, though old, discussion about the histrionics and misconceptions that surround ‘splitting the party’ in gaming sessions. Are you
Gaming in review
A mix of gaming this weekend. ((Blogging bitching: it really should be possible to just hit Ctrl-B in Moveabletype to
He’s not pretty, but I like ‘im.
“What are YOU looking at?” I’ve had a couple pretty good runs with Grezzk lately, and he’s looking pretty badass:
Making a hobbit of it.
As mentioned here, Kate and I have been conducting a sort of Test Run of Fun on the MMORPG Lord
The economy in an MMO
Here is a simple fact about MMO economies: every “value” in a MMORPG boils down to time investment. In short,
Jonathan Coulton is full of Awesome
Don’t believe me? Peruse the Jonathan Coulton – Listening Suggestions. I’m going to buy, like… everything on his site. So
Pretty much applies to any game
Penny Arcade! – The Protip
Demonstrating Learning Behavior
Three MMO mistakes I’ll never make again “I do not need to level tonight.” For “level,” also insert “get the
A little note for Battleground players
If you have a nifty little macro/code/addon widget that, when you’re down to 20% or 10% health, automatically has you
Hmm. I was planning on a basic week in review post, but I realized pretty much everything I have to
Granted, I don’t actually digress about PHP…
DM of the Rings XIV:Boring Distractions D&D is a sort of simulation. A simulation of living in a fantasy world
Tiny gaming update
Not a lot of gaming in the last week. Here’s what’s been going on. MMO – WoW Grezzk Level 70
Grezzk: Ding 70
Because it is late, simply a brief screenshot summary of some of the better moments from the last 10 levels
Week in Review
Here’s what’s been going on in the last week or so: MMO – WoW Grezzk Level 69 orcish hunter. Farstriders
Monday Thought for the Day
xkcd, By Randall Munroe
Gaming in review
From the last week or so.
Warhammer Online
The Human Side of WAR — this is an easy to ready two-page interview, and I recommend it. Lots of
A very limited market of appeal
I can’t seem to find that vital crossover audience of people who appreciate the subtle genius of taking Little Einsteins
LOTRO Review
Tempted in by Avocet, and as a long-time Tolkein Fanboy (let’s not talk about how many times I’ve read the
So I can clear it out of my email/reminder folder
Theory From the Closet: Interview with Fred Hicks This is a really good, fairly long interview. Clyde does some really
(Here’s a cunning scheme from NCSoft…) Any and all Superpowered individuals are needed immediately to stave off the Rikti Invasion
Random Additional MMO Thoughts
My GOD I’ve missed having Fly on a regular toon I play. Slow, but still the best move power ever.
Week in Review
Tabletop Played a little Spirit of the Century this last weekend. It wasn’t the session I’d dreamed up for the
City of Heroes, Issue 10, Rikti Invastion
… is officially out. The more interesting details (of which there are a few) below the cut… ((Also, I totally
Fiddly Bits
One post before I hit the paving stones of the work-street… possibly with my face. Hmm. I was going to
“I specialized in the bill-pay tree.”
Chore Wars, the most productive MMO ever.
Multiple Choice
The invention system on CoH gives me: a) A way to improve my non-50 characters beyond the glacially slow leveling