… with this little gem: Table 4-78: 11th-Level Office Encounters. 23-28: 1d8+2 dire secretaries 29-45: 1d2 marketers (demon)
Category: Links & Resources
Because this should just be relinked to, periodically: Random Plot Generator. Groovy.
“Your romantic relationships all tend to end in a plummet.”
Via Dave: How to Tell if You’re a Superhero. Darn funny.
Too damn funny
Via Dave: Southpark Amber trumps. It’s kinda true, as a few people have said, that there’s nothing new under the
Sweet; a place to practice
Java-based Settlers of Catan
In honor of Jacob :)
Morbid Fact Du Jour, the February 12th entry: Most authorities believe the character of Dracula in Bram Stoker?s novel was
I’m afraid I have to dedicate this one to Aaron :)
Penny Arcade! – Just When I Get Out: Yeah… just try and take some time off of CoH 🙂
Random Link
Some webcomics to check out.
Simply no way you can’t use this in your game…
… which game? Doesn’t matter. Stone Age to Sci Fi, there’s something useful here: The CIA World Factbook. ((Used it
Unforeseen Consequences
Plague Strikes WoW: Blizzard recently added the Zul’Gurub instance to the game, where Hakkar, the god of blood, uses a
Risus Mystery Men
The Risus – MYSTERY MEN Website What is Risus? Risus is a complete FREE Role Playing Game (RPG) designed to
Firefly stuff
Jamie Chambers, the creator of the Serenity RPG posts on FIREFLYFANS.NET about the upcoming launch of the highly anticipated game
Critical Mass
MMORPGS and the Dunbar number This all leads me to hypothesize that the optimal size for active group members for
Feed the Wiki!
Please be advised that the link for the RSS feed for RandomWiki is now http://random.average-bear.com/Site/AllRecentChanges?action=rss
What’s in a name?
Seventh Sanctum – Name Generators Whole pages of them. Much recommended — a few excellent superhero ones, for example, and
Might as well, since I have time
Please be advised that RandomWiki will be locked vs. editing while I upgrade to 2.0. This upgrade will allow for
Because I need *this* shit today…
RandomWiki has been vandalized. If you grok wiki at all and understand the ‘restore’ function, I’d ask your assistance in
Or: How to not create a Shoggoth Plot
Since this is (a) something that is terribly useful when roleplaying in a ‘systemless’ environment, (b) something that’s caused a
Comprehensive Guide to Rapid XP Gain/Debt Loss
City of Heroes Official Forums Just to let you all know, I have finished revising and posting version 4.0 of
CoH news
Defender Changes in Issue 4. UPDATE: ALL Changes in Issue 4.
HQ: Extended Conflicts
A great example of an HQ extended conflict: Climbing a Wall. Had our first couple extended conflicts in the HQ
Screenshots of the Arena, some of the new costume options and the new face/body sliders at GameSpot
Making a list, checking it twice…
CoH Issue Four Trailer on IGN.
The non-Glorantha version of Heroquest is coming, titled QuestWorlds QuestWorlds is a poly-genre roleplaying adventure game in which players portray
The Pseudo-Elizabethan Place Name Generator (via Randy)
Tons o’ fun
Make your own CoH character trading cards!
A term from The Shadow of Yesterday that I really liked:
Define: “Pumpkin-Fantasy”
RPGnet Forums – Adventure aboard – nautical fantasy adventures. Adventure aboard – nautical fantasy adventures
The City of Heroes “What Character Are You” Quiz Big surprise: I got got an Energy Blaster. One guess what
Your Setting in HQ
The Forge :: What is it About the HQ Rules and Bringing Out Setting? A discussion of the recurring theme